Chapter 6 - The Hyuuga Affair

At the end of the 3. great Shinobi war, peace talks began in Konoha. The involved Nation/Villages were Konoha and Kumo.

As the Kumo-nin's came to discuss the peace treaty's and relations after the great war.

-- Among the Kumo-nin's--

"If we can get the Byakugan Raikage-Sama will definitely be pleased by our contribution to the Village" Kumo Nin 1

"It's too risky" Kumo Nin 2

"If they find out there will be war" Kumo Nin Mission Leader

"But, Sir" Komu Nin 3

"No, but's, it will only cost war such actions" Kumo Nin Leader

-- At the Konoha meeting hall--

"Thank you for coming Here Kumogakure Shinobi" Hiruzen

Long talks about peace and what else there should be of problems

--Later that day--

-- At the Hyuuga Compound--

A Kumo Nin was sneaking into the Hyuuga clan to gain the Byakugan

"There she is" Kumo Nin

Kumo Nin uses body-flicker to grab the girl and knocks her out

"let's get out of here" Kumo Nin

uses body-flicker out of the Hyuuga Clan

"Where Hinata?" Hyuuga Clan Head

"I don't know sir, she should be in her room" Koo

"Find her, I need to have a talk with her" Clan Head

"Hai" Koo

"She isn't there Sir" Koo

"What!?" Clan Head

Just outside of the Hyuuga Clan

*You know the classic with MC is just on time to save the day, the same here*

Naruto Saw a body-flicker out from the Hyuuga Compound

He knew that this was a part of the Hyuuga affair where Neji's dad would sacrifice himself to save the village and family.

Naruto used his body-flicker to jump at the tree and flickering to the Kumo Nin, when he saw that he was discovered by the enemy he threw 3 Kunai which Naruto blocked and kick the Kumo Nin back into the Hyuuga Compound, when the Clan heard the big crash that happen within their compound the rushed to see a Kumo Nin, with the Heir, and a Yellow haired kid.

"You can't escape Kumo Nin" Naruto

"What do you mean?" Kumo Nin

"We're in the Hyuuga Compound, and a big sound was just heard within their compound, so naturally the will investigate it, when they see that the heir is kidnapped the will certainly strike you down with the gentle fist" Naruto

*Kumo Nin tries to escape but can't move because his instincs tell him that the kid can kill whenever he wants to, and his killing intent is to much for him to handle as he crumbles under the pressue*

*multipule Hyuuga clan members arrive to see this scene*

Kumo Nin get's captured, and sent to the Hokage where the peace talks still are ongoing

"Hokage-Sama, may i enter" Hyuuga Clan head

"Yes, Hiashi you may enter" Hiruzen

"What brings you here?" Hiruzen

"I'll go straight to the point, A Kumo Nin tried to kidnap my eldest daughter, the heir of the clan" Hiashi

"What!!" Hiruzen

"Do you have the man who did this" Kumo Nin leader

"Yes, here he is" Hiashi

*Naruto comes with the Kumo Nin*

"Shut up, there is no one who will help you" Naruto * with a lot of killing intent making all shiver their spines*

"What do you want" Kumo Leader

"Simple, You give all your Uzumaki members to us" Naruto

"that's a decision for Raikage-Sama" Kumo Leader

"You sure are calm, but im not a patient man" Naruto *stares at Kumo leader with the killing intent growing*

"Calm down Naruto" Hiruzen

"Well if you won't hand them over im just gonna take em, Ja Ne" Naruto


"A Shadow clone" Everybody

"That's a scary kid you got Konoha" Kumo Leader

"well the Hyuuga incident didn't go to out of hand, but we still want a compersasion for it" Hiruzen

"I believe Raikage-Sama will naturally agree" Kumo Leader

-- At the same time --

A young boy is on is way to Kusagakure