Chapter 16 - Bell test

Because the swift release is so fast both Karin and Sasuke didn't know what happen, Sasuke saw them one moment, the other they were gone, with this he was frustrated, and Karin saw the same thing, just that they where back home.

As the day of the bell test came, Naruto was thinking about how to make Sasuke fit into their teamwork, because of what the anime/manga told him, he had some serious problems with his Uchiha pride, and that was a greater problem here now that it was still at a great stat, with his big brother soon being married to Izumi Uchiha, as Naruto was the Uzumaki Clan head, and friend he prepared some gifts for Itachi

-- Sasuke's family house--

"You are having your Genin test right Sasuke?" Itachi

"That's right Nii-Chan" Sasuke

"Good luck, who is your sensei?"

"Kakashi, he was really late yesterday, do you now him Nii-Chan?" Sasuke

"Kakashi, yea i know him, you better get used to him coming late" Itachi

"What do you mean?" Sasuke

"You'll see" Itachi

*Itachi does the finger push to Sasuke's forehead*

"I'm going now" Itachi

"Nii-Chan" Sasuke

-- Uzumaki compound--

"Good morning" Naruto

"Good morning" Karin and Kanarina

"You guys are having your Genin test, good luck" Kanarina

"Thanks mom" Karin

"Thanks" Naruto

As the trio meet at the training grounds they where assigned to, their sensei was nowhere to be found.

"He's late again, he is wasting our time" Sasuke

*Naruto looks at Sasuke*

"What are you looking at idiot" Sasuke

"Don't call my brother a idiot" Karin

"Or what?" Sasuke

"Or what, I'll tell you what" Karin

"Just stop it Karin-Chan, there is no need to fight a teammate" Naruto

"But he talking shit about you, Nii-Chan" Karin

"and so what, if he want's to do that, he want's to do that, nothing to be pissed of and waste our energy" Naruto

"And why should i listen to an idiot" Sasuke

"I'm not saying you should listen to me, it's just a good idea" Naruto

"Yoo, sorry for being late, a old lady came by and i had to help her" Kakashi

"Finally you came Sensei" Sasuke and Karin

"You came Sempai" Naruto

*Naruto started to speak were Sasuke and Karin said "you", so they talked all three at the same time*

Sempai, so that's Kyuu, look's like they don't know of his ANBU carrier, that's probably for the best, as he has a nasty score

"Why did you call him Sempai?" Sasuke and Karin

"A sorry, just a slip of the tongue" Naruto

"See you are an Idiot" Sasuke

"Just let it Karin-Chan" Naruto

"But, But" Karin

"there is no need to waste energy is there?" Naruto

"Okay then, but next ramen is on you then" Karin

"Sure" Naruto

"Let's get going then" Kakashi

"You are to catch the two bells on my hip, the one who doesn't get a bell will be sent back to the academy" Kakashi

"Okay then, start" Kakashi

Sasuke jumps to hide within the tree cover, but Karin and Naruto stays

"You are not going to hide?" Kakashi

"No need, Karin could you get some chains for me?" Naruto

"On it" Karin

Karin lowers her knees to be able to move if Kakashi were to attack her, as the chains came(3 chains, Karin came summon 5 chains, but it drains her chakra to much, Naruto can summon 100, because of his sealing mastery)

As the chains came Naruto dashed forward with a sidekick towards the leg of Kakashi

"Substitution Jutsu" Kakashi

As Kakashi used his Substitution Jutsu Naruto had throwed a kunai towards Kakashi's place the moment he detected it

"Fuck" Kakashi

"Sharingan" Kakashi

*After Sasuke had jumped to hide, Naruto had used his Swift Release to throw a kunai with a piece of paper saying," Me and Karin will make Kakashi-Sensei focus on us, thus giving you free rain to attack him with his guard down towards you, so you better make your move good, me and Karin can continue fighting for more than 30 min" as Sasuke read threw the paper, he saw how Naruto and Karin pushed Kakashi to a corner, he saw Naruto's plan*

Kakashi took his kunai to block the oncoming kunai and deflected it, just to see that Naruto came with his on kunai at him, as Kakashi saw a hole in Naruto's defence, he aimed with a double kick centered at his torso, and jumping into the air with chains following him

"Fire Release: Fire Ball Jutsu" Kakashi

"Fire Release: Fire Ball Jutsu" Sasuke launched his attack, while Kakashi had directed his fireball towards the chains to slow them

"Substitution Jutsu" Kakashi

"They are really giving me a run for the money" Kakashi

"10 o'clock" Naruto

"Hai" Karin

as the chains were coming for Kakashi Sasuke jumped forward fighting with Kakashi in taijutsu, with the Uchiha fighting style

"good" Naruto

As Naruto said those words he started sending 10 chains threw the earth to were Kakashi and Sasuke were fighting, Karin had come close to Naruto because the chains were soon out of reach. Kakashi found a hole in Sasuke's stance and attacked, thus giving Naruto the perfect chance, unknown to both of them, the chains completely sealing his movements

"look's like i lost" Kakashi

"Look's like it" Naruto

"Such a beautiful colour your chains have Nii-Chan" Karin

"Thanks" Naruto

"What are those chains?" Sasuke

"The chains of Sealing, the Uzumaki special" Naruto

"Tch" Sasuke

"Well, all of you completed the test, you are official Genin now" Kakashi with a thoubs up

"Ar Naruto can i talk with you for a moment under 4 eyes?" Kakashi

"sure" Naruto

*As they used the body flicker to dash away*

"What do you want to talk about sensei?" Naruto

"You are Kyuu right?" Kakashi

"That's me Inu-sempai" Naruto

"to think that you would become a Genin" Kakashi

"you could have become a special Jonin" Kakashi

"And, i think it's more fun this way" Naruto

"why" Kakashi

"None of your business" Naruto

"see you tomorrow sensei" Naruto

And so the day ended with team 7 becoming a Genin team