Chapter 22 the battle of the snow hill

A long chapter to compensate for the last week, sorry

"We must take action immediately, before that they can mount any defence" the S. Daimyo emphasised upon this, as once the train stopped at the station, they would be harder to track, and would be able to fortify themselves, and take defensiv positions.

as fortified are bound to more casualties, and thus must attacked before sufficient positions are taken.

As plans must be drawn according the situation

"Get the staff to draw plans for ambushes as they probably have shinobis guarding them we will require assistance from your subordinate " S. Daimyo

"They only had one with chains that can stop moving objects, there no need for my Shinobis to participate in something the mob can handle" S. Kage

"Are you saying that your Shinobis are incapable that ordinary people can beat them S. kage?" S. Daimyo

"tch, you can get 3 Chunin, and a single Jonin from your backing" S. Kage

-- Some background on the land of Snow--

After the death of the former Daimyo, the current Daimyo had curried favor with the elite of the country, and putting his supporters in important positions in government/army, while sowing the seed's for a coup d'état, with the exile of the Former Daimyo's daughter fleeing the country, the S. kage was highly against it, but only stod with the 3/5 of the shinobi village, as the rest pledged their support of the new Daimyo, as the years progressed, some wanted the former princess back, in hope she'll rule like her father, as the current one, made pushed for indoctrination of the young, to solidify his power, many saw this as a threat, as a cult of personality was beginning to form, as the years went by, more and more of the former defectors came towards the S. kage, as she was known to be Against the current Daimyo, but couldn't be killed, without external forces because of popularity, and thus, more and more defected towards her, seizing the opportunity of overthrowing the current one, and installing the princess.

the reason the S. Daimyo doesn't know of the Uzumaki chains, are that they never fought the Snow, and almost annihilated in 20 years ago, the S. Kage saw them fighting within their own city, and saw the power of the chains.

back to the train

"What was that, Naruto?" Sasuke asked as he saw the things unfold before him, what he tought was a lazy idiot, outperformed him in every possible way, was something he couldn't comprihend.

"That are the Chains of the Uzumaki clan, probably a secret art of it" Itachi answered his brother before Naruto could

"Nice work" Kakashi said, short and simple, just like the ANBU times, while continueing his reading

"Thanks" Naruto answered back, as here they where still, teacher and student, and not comrades in arms.

"Well, they are probably going to strike again" Kakashi looked up from his book

"Yea, well, the only info we have leaked, is one Uzumaki on our side, depending on their estimation of our power's, can be very different form what we can muster" Itachi said

"But first, we have to talk to the director, because of complications" Kakashi

"Erh, Naruto Nii-chan, what happened" Karin asked confused, as she couldn't understand what happened.

"Basicly, because we were attacked, by explosions, that were targeted for all of us, we are going to ask why that happened, because something like that would normally only be optainable by nobles" Sasuke asked while retaining some of his Uchiha dignity, while Itachi giggle at him.

as they set foot upon the new shotting place, upon a hill where some 20 men, had to charged down, towards Koyuki and some 5 horsemen, as they channel their so called "Rainbow Chakra" and blew the charging force back behind the hill, or the conveniently "died" while charging.

As that happened, some 400 men stormed down the hill, Yelling "Tennōheika Banzai(footnote 1) no Yuki Daimyo"

"Enemy attack" none important guy b

"Retreat" none important guy a

"the Enemy is retreating, it's now or never" None important guy that gets killed

"Team 7, get into battle positions" Kakashi ordered his team

"Why are you helping us, this isn't in the contact" the Director looked confused

"the young ones will have to see the horrors of the battlefield" Kakashi replied coldly

as they all body flickered closer, their allies started to reform defensiv positions, to protect their retreating princess.

"Itachi, take out the right, Sasuke take the center, both with fire balls" Kakashi instructed.

Fire style: Great Fire Ball - Kakashi, Itachi and Sasuke

3 Fire balls flew towards the charging

Water Style: Wall of Ice - Sunofureku, Yukidaruma and Fuyu

3 walls of ice sprung up and the Ice melted with the contact with Fire

"Continue the charge men" Daimyo comander

"Karin stay back, protect the rear and heal the wound, if any, Naruto you know what to do" Kakashi yelled the order to the Uzumakis

"Got it" both of Karin and Naruto said

"Sasuke, Kakashi, it's our job to keep the enemy shinobi busy, so Naruto can finish the footmen" Itachi said to his companions

"em" Both said while nikking, as Sasuke was both trembeling with fear and exitment.

As Naruto body flickered into enemy lines, penetrating their front line, width enemys falling left and right by his blade and staff

BOOM a huge smokescreen exploded.

Wind style: great Breaktruogh - Kotta Kaze

as the wind started to clear the smoke away, a 50 dead lay on the ground, coloring the snow red, just like the cherry blosom dies early, so thus these soldiers, laying their lifes for something, the can't change.

As a blade swung towards Naruto, he used the Bo staff the flicker himself, just above the blade, while striking himself within the same movement, Some may call it a dance, something that was staged, because he read every enemy like a open book

"Are the Cameras rolling?" the director asked his crew and the nodded, "good" he sat nervously hoping for a victory

"It's better to retreat now, their is no victory in this slaughter" Kotta Kaze

"i think so too, will you cover it?" Daimyo comander

"i will" Kotta Kaze

"retreat" the order was given to the daimyo army, as they retreated they were covered by suicide charges some 40 more held Naruto and the 20 men from the earlier charge, and ice techniqeus against Kakashi, Itachi and Sasuke.

Footnote 1:

Tennōheika Banzai was often used with the Banzai charge of Imperial Japan in the 2nd Sino-Japanese war as well in the Pacific war of WW2, it's means something like long live, although in this contexed, it's probably like something "long live the emperor his majesty "

Yukidaruma means snowbear

Sunofureku means snowflake

Fuyu means winter

Kotta Kaze means frozen wind