Janette Shepard

Three days after the attack on th Citadel. Shepard told the crew to take a week shore leave to relax and recharge energy after all that happened in Palaven, Sur'Kesh, Tuchanka, and the Citadel itself. Logan and his family were in the apartment Gabriel bought them before. "It's good to be back here," says Logan and Abigail says, "We only have one problem." "What is it?" asks Logan and Abigail says, "We don't have enough bed for everyone." "Don't worry about that. We still have Paradise and Sora disappeared again," says Logan and wants to jump on the bed to sleep when Abigail says, "Don't you dare jump on the bed. I don't want to replace it."

"Alright, the only negative about those bones I will say. Now, what do we two do? How about going to a restaurant and eat something just the two of us," says Logan getting nearer to Abigail, who answers, "What do you have in mind." "Well if it was Thedas it would be a fancy business with a romantic atmosphere for us two to enjoy the dinner and later on the night," says Logan and begins to kiss Abigail. After the kiss, Abigail says, "Why not it's been long since we had such a dinner. But before that, we need to buy some dresses to look good so let's go and buy some."

"Fine by me," says Logan and kisses Abigail again while they leave and Abigail asks, "Where is Aaron?" "He is with Tali. They wanted to live together to get a feeling of it for the future," says Liona and Ray says, "More likely to have sex is my opinion to this." "Well, let him get his consolation prize after you won against us all," says Liona and Logan stops and says, "Ray won really. Did you use finally the Profound Energy that I taught you about?"

"Yes, he did because I told him to. If not he would have lost miserably against us," says Liona and Logan asks, "How many Gates have you opened?" "Just two of the four I can open," says Ray and Logan says, "I'm proud that you finally begin using it. I really wanted to teach you many things but if you never use Profound Energy why teach you techniques that need it now I will teach you more about them." Then Logan hears coughing and says, "After I and your mother come back from our dinner." "You could use our bedroom we will sleep in Paradise tonight," says Abigail and both leave the apartment.

They go and buy some dresses for Abigail and Logan buys some suits for himself and Abigail sees a sushi restaurant and says, "This place is interesting let's eat here." Logan looks at the restaurant and sees that it's the restaurant Shepard will go to eat when her clon tries to kill her. "Well, why not it's all on my father's expenses." They stand in line when they see Shepard passing the whole line and Logan thinks 'You have to be shitting me.'

Logan looks at Abigail and says, "Let's go somewhere else Abi I don't want my day to be ruined." "What do you mean?" asks Abigail and Logan says, "Jane just entered the restaurant and everywhere where she goes await problems for us so let's go somewhere else how about French or Italian food today." "Fine but only because it is the truth," says Abigail and they wanted to leave when Joker passes by and sees them and says, "Are you also entering if yes I can try to use Shepard's charm to get you in."

"Don't worry Joker we were just on our way to another place and Joker says, "Ah, come on. Its better with more company." Joker drags them out of the line and convinced the staff to let them in once inside they sit down with Shepard. "What a surprise you two gonna join us too," says Shepard and Joker says, "I found them in the line to get in. So I invited them to join us." "Well let's say he forced us. We were about to go to another place when Joker found us," says Logan and Abigail says, "At least I can eat something. Nice dress, by the way, Jane it suits you."

They begin to eat when suddenly a woman in Alliance uniform wants to enter the restaurant to talk Shepard. The staff let her through and she comes to their table and says, "Its an honor finally meeting you Commander Shepard. I'm Staff Analyst Maya Brooks Alliance Intelligence. There are people trying to kill you." "There are many people trying to kill me. And if it's not at least big and looks like a Squid then I think it can wait until the Reaper Crisis is over," says Shepard and Joker says, "Yes, it not every day that I get invited to such a place."

Shepard looks serious and says, "I thought you invited me here." "That must be them. They are hacking all your accounts look," says Brooks and Logan says to Justice, [Can you look into it. Also, try to find Jane's clone. Then contact Sion, Ray, and Liona.] [Doing so already,] says Justice and Logan plays Brooks game until Justice says, [I know where the other Jane is Sion is taking care of it and I stopped all her attempts to hacking into the accounts of Jane. She is pretty angry right now.] "Alright drop your act Rasa," says Logan and Brooks asks, "Who are you calling Rasa? And who are you?"

"I'm someone who doesn't exist in the Alliance system or any other. As well as my family except for Jane here and my father. Now Rasa how about you sit down. And we talk until someone arrives that you know," says Logan while activating his Sharingan and putting her in a Genjutsu and Brooks sits down and Shepard says, "Your eyes changed now I think I saw all about you." "Not really you haven't seen his ape transformation yet," says Abigail and Shepard says, "He can transform into an Ape." "Yes every Saiyan can transform into a giant Ape if he has a tail and a full moon is in the sky," says Logan and Joker says, "Like Werewolves."

"Yeah, just that some Werewolves do transform on full moon others don't need the full moon. The Saiyans are the same. I don't need a full moon to transform," says Logan and Joker asks, "How do you know that?" "I met some in Abigail's world. They were under a curse and couldn't transform back to human or elves until the curse was lifted. Be sure they are safe now," says Logan and Shepard says, "Who are we waiting for and why does this woman look like she is brain dead." "She is under an illusion she won't escape without the help of someone that has chakra in his or her body. So don't worry about her waking up soon," says Logan and finally Sion appears with Shepard's clone and says, "Well, I was surprised at first but after talking with her I know she wasn't Jane."

"What do you mean?" asks Shepard and Sion shows the clone's face and Shepard says, "What the actual fuck is going on." "How about we pay and leave here," says Logan and Abigail says, "Well at least we got to buy some nice outfits and eat something nice. Who is going to pay?" "Dad," says Logan and Shepard says, "Damn, right. I thought Joker was inviting me to eat." "Really do you think with my payroll I could afford to eat here," says Joker and Logan pays and they leave the Sushi Bar and they arrive at Logan's apartment and Logan asks Justice, "Where are the other two now?"

"They are fighting against the mercenaries that follow the clone," says Justice and Abigail says, "Let them have fun." "Now what is she?" asks Shepard and Logan says, "She is you or better said your clone." "Clone when and how?" says Shepard and Logan says, "Cerberus. The clone was plan B if bringing you back would have failed. It must have escaped with Rasa or Miss Brooks don't know how you want to call her." "Let's stay with Brooks. Now how did you know that?" asks Shepard and Logan says, "I wasn't only destroying everything in Cerberus but have you forgotten what I told you once."

"Right the game," says Shepard realizing it and says, "Why didn't you do something earlier than." "I didn't know where they would be. Also, it's easier to catch a prey if the walk directly to you," says Logan and Sion puts both on a chair and tie them up. Then Sion awakens them and Logan says, "Welcome to my apartment. Brooks and I will call you Janette since Jane is already here." "Don't give it a name it wanted to steal everything," says Shepard and Logan says, "How do you think she feels. She is a copy of you that was thrown away by Cerberus once they knew you were alive."

"Well, like shit since they threw her away but she wanted to most likely kill me and steal my identity," says Shepard and Logan says, "Now I have a solution. Did you ever wanted a twin sister?" "What the actual hell are you implying," says Shepard and Sion asks, "Are you going to do the same as you did to Sasuke?" "Who is Sasuke?" asks Shepard and Abigail says, "One of our adopted sons. Logan brainwashed him and made him our son. He got his memories back after a Sage bestowed him some power."

"So you literally brainwashed one of your own sons," says Shepard and Logan says, "It was better than letting him roam around the world with so much hate inside him looking for revenge. I'm thinking of brainwashing her too and kill Brooks afterward. What do you say?" "Are you serious? You want to brainwash her and make her my sister. You are completely crazy. If you think I would allow you to do that," says Shepard and Logan says, "I could brainwash you too. Then you will see her as your sister."

"Never we will send her to prison. That's what we are going to do," says Shepard and Logan says, "Fine." Logan then kills Brook and begins to brainwash Shepard's clone and says, "She won't remember anything. She is now an orphan like you used to be with fake memories making her harmless to you. Her name is now Janette Jackson. We only need to make everything else and send her to find her own life." "That's better than being my sister," says Shepard and Logan says, "You sure with her face and voice sooner or later she will be coming for you thinking you might be her sister. And will try to it will be more complicated then."

"*sighs* There you might be right but what do we tell the old man if I make her my twin sister," says Shepard and Logan says, "Don't worry about him he always wanted girls he just stopped having kids because he didn't want to risk getting another boy. And I already brainwashed her to become your sister you two were separated when young and put on different orphanages. Both didn't know about each other until people began talking about you and most confused her with you. Since then she looked for you and today you found each other."

"You already planned it didn't you?" asks Shepard and Logan says, "Yes, I was even ready to brainwash you and Joker." "Wait me too?" asks Joker and Logan says, "Yes, you were the only leak if I didn't do it." "Planned to the last step I see," says Shepard and Logan says, "Well she is useful after all. Think about it two of you fighting against the Reaper. Just one thing. It is a secret between everyone in this room. If it ever leaves the room I will brainwash you so you will never know what happened today."

"So a new aunt from tomorrow on," says Sion and Logan says, "Not like it's something new. Now let her sleepover here tomorrow we can talk about what to do with her." "Well goodnight to you all then see you tomorrow," says Shepard and leaves with Joker while Sion frees Janette and lies her down on the couch after Abigail and Ino changed her into something more comfortable. And Logan says, "Call us when she awakens. I just hope the other two return soon." And both enter Paradise to sleep.