
"Here they come" said Niijima as he looked at 10 people walking towards them, "Shit! there are 10 of them"

"H-How are we going to fight this many" asked Matsui.

Saeko, Miu and Renka can you three work together and take on 5 of them" asked Niijima from the three girls.

The three looked at each other and nodded there head.

"Good then Takeda and the others will handle one each and will come to aid you when they are able to deal with their opponent" Niijima said.

None of them had any objection as it was the best they could do.

The 10 people reached the gate of Shinpaku Alliance 9 of them were wearing the same type of uniform or battle suit that was dark in color having shoulder pads and all giving a ninja type feel and only one girl was different.

The girl that was standing in the middle of the group wearing a tight red battle outfit with a helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads, a groin pad, and knee-pads. She also wears gloves, goggles, and boots giving her a type of skater appearance.

"Where is Kenichi Shirahama!?" asked the girl with skater outfit.

"He isn't here. Went on a trip with his master." replied Miu.

"Huh!? The strongest Disciple ran away!?" said a man beside the skater girl.

"Hmnp....His life doesn't revolve around you people. He has many important things to do." Renka snorted.

"It doesn't matter you will tell us where he is otherwise you won't be able to tell anything after we are done with you" said the girl standing on the left of the skater.

"I promised Kenichi that this Shinpaku Alliance of his won't be destroyed until I am here and I will fulfill it 'It's a man's decision after all' " said Saeko as she took out a wooden Katana not taking out her sword as her father has told her to do it until she can use the wooden sword to cut metal with it.

"We will see about that" saying so the 10 underlings of Yomi attacked the Shinpaku Alliance.

Kisara jumped towards the skater girl and Kaname also moved towards the only women beside the skater girl and she was the only other person other then the guy who called Kenichi a run away who was not wearing a mask.

Takeda took on the man who called Kenichi a run away, Siegfried faced another man wearing a mask same as Thor while the other five men were standing against Saeko, Miu and Renka circling around them but the three girls had their back around each other and didn't looked like they would be needing help.

"Yo can I get a name!? I am Takeda Ikki" asked Takeda as he put up his fists.

"You don't need to know names since you are going to die" replied the opponent as he charged in, "Just know you will die to the Zashin Taish-ryuu"

"Lalalalala! Come and Let us battle! sang Siegfried, "Let the glorious song of my master fill you! I can sense darkness in the heart of yours!"

"Hmph... What a weird one did I get!? This will end faster then I thought" thought the man fighting against Siegfried.

"So is the person I am gonna fight also without name" asked Kaname

"Only worthy Opponents get to know our name since we don't want the unworthy to even speak our name" replied the female

Hmph, so i get to fight the other female," said Kisara , "You got a name!? Or should I call you skatey since you like to skate so much"

"....Raichi Li" replied the female, "It'll be the last name you will know before you die"

"Ooh, ominous," Kisara shot back, "Nanjo Kisara. It will be the last name you remember before I knock you the fuck out."

"I am Yuma Chiaki also known as Thor and I will be the man to show you the greatness of Combat Sumo" Thor said.

"Yeah Yeah let's get this over with" said the man fighting Thor, "By the way name's Mark I should at least tell you the name of the man who beat you"

Saeko, Miu and Renka weren't even looking at the 5 people circling around the them as they were busy Talking to each other.

"OK, the one who takes out their opponent fastest will deal with the other two" Miu said.

"Yes, but it's bland why don't we add something else as well" Renka said.

"What!?" asked Saeko

"The one who beat their opponent the fastest fight and get's to fight against the other two can have a date with Kenichi for a whole day" Renka said.

"hmm.... a competition against friends can be rather helpful in the overall advancement so i am in" Saeko said.

"Umm..... you guys know that this bet means nothing as Kenichi won't have a full day off since the Masters at Ryozanpaku won't let that happen" Miu explained.

"Yeah but that's Kneichi's headache all we got to do is tell him the result of our bet and let him make time for the winner." Renka said with a smile "So What do you say!?"

"Ok I am in as well" Miu smiled.

"You bitches... How dare you look down on us" said A man who was surrounding the girls and jumped towards them along with his fellow comrades but the three girls didn't even cared about them as what they wanted to do was win the bet and only that was the thing that got them excited.

Miu jumped in the air as if she had wings and with a somersault in the air kicked the man who cursed at them with both his legs stomping on his face. Whereas Renka dodge attack of a man by spinning to the left then raised her leg and with the momentum from the spin kicked the man on his face, while Saeko just dodged the kick from the man attacking her and slashed her wooden sword towards him cutting open the man, though the cut wasn't that deep but it was enough to incapacitate him for the rest of the fight.

"""I did it""" shouted the three girls at once as they looked at each other shocking everyone who was there to stop their fight and look at their direction.

Niijima who heard the whole exchange coudn't help but sigh as he said "Oh boy.....