Showing YOMI Their Place

"I don't know about that Kisara, though it would be a lie if I said that I am not interested in her. The rest we will see in the future" stated Kenichi as he looked towards the stage where the members of YOMI were standing.

Rachel's popularity was inversely proportional to the female population. Though most of the female population was instead gazing at the male transfer students, admiring mostly Tirawit for his mysterious air that he projected and Sho for his exotic looks.

Principal Fukujiro was too busy crying tears of joy that his precious school had the chance to experience different cultures.


School continued for the day while Kenichi, Saeko, Miu, and Renka didn't meet any of the YOMI members as one of them was in their class.

The new student easily gained popularity due to their looks or attitude. Rachel easily socialized with the other students, as did Ethan, Boris, and Sho to a degree. Tirawit coldly strode past others, yet attracting girls with his attitude, until he was next to Kenichi. Seeing the two standing together the girls had stars in their eyes after all Kenichi was Koryo High's heartthrob and the girls were imagining many things after seeing them two standing so close to each other. The only reason he isn't followed by these girls is that they know that he already has many girlfriends some of whom are not to be trifled with such as Saeko, Renka, and Kisara.

The two stood in silence for a bit, with Tirawit bristling with Ki. Kenichi had a smirk on his face as he shrugged it off before replying back in spades, causing Tirawit to let out cold sweat before regaining calm. Even though standing at the same height of 6 feet Tirawit knew that the difference of power between them is big and he won't be able to deal with him currently.

"What do you want?" spat out Renka with a hiss, ready to fight if needed.

"So this is your school?" said Tirawit whimsically "Looks smaller than I expected. Roughly 800 people inside. We would need about one hour... no, since half of the population are female, we would only need half an hour to annihilate everyone in this school."

"Bastard!" growled Mizunuma from behind Kenichi. He had still not forgiven Tirawit's cruel beating to his master that sent him into hospital for such a long time. Even now he would need a few more months to be discharged from there.

Tirawit ignored him, deeming him not even a threat nor worth his time to deal with. Mizunuma could only gnash his teeth as he himself knew that he was no match against Tirawit, much less anyone from YOMI.

"True the population is only 800 but... you on the other hand only have 206 bones for me to break it would take me wait some are soft bones 3 minutes at most" Kenichi replied with a cold tone making Tirawit and the other YOMI members greet their teeth in anger while Mizunuma and the others had a satisfied smile on their faces.

"This is a school, so we are only here to study. In addition... we are here to teach you that we, the Satsujinken from YAMI, are the strongest!"

"Indeed, this is school, not a place where you can fight to your heart's content," came a female voice from behind Tirawit surprising him.

Tirawit immediately whirled around, his elbow aiming for whoever decided to sneak up behind him. The female easily caught the offending elbow halting its path without any recoil and gripped it firmly. Tirawit finally saw who was the one who caught his hand. It was the orange hair, big busty women, Rukia Busujima.

Rukia gave Tirawit a glare, "Since Kenichi is a Master Class fighter he had to respect his class and not fight you and in normal circumstances, I wouldn't touch you as well but since I am a teacher here it's my duty to make sure that none of my students are miss behaving so I would prefer if you and your YAMI friends to not try and kill people here. This is a peaceful school that has no real connections o the underground of the martial arts world. Do you understand? I want no fights here from either side."

"We got it," said Sho suddenly inserting himself into the conversation, "Won't happen again. Tirawit was just introducing himself and messing around.... right?"

The last word was spoken with a special emphasis as Sho looked at Tirawit with a small glare. Tirawit slowly nodded in reply, allowing Rukia to release his hold on his elbow.

"I do hope we all get along here at this school despite our differences, alright?" Rukia said with a smile, "Now if you will I have my class to attend there are many first years this time who wants to learn kendo you know"

After saying her piece Rukia walked away from there while earning a glare from Rachel who silently mumbled "She has much bigger breasts than mine that's why she is more popular but I won't lose"

The others all decided to also head back home. Chikage, who had entered into school via entrance exams as the first year, joined the rest of YOMI to go home.

"Well, we already knew that she was a teacher here and we still came knowing that because our masters wanted us to. They didn't even need to come up with a countermeasure for us until she is here," said Boris.

"We will figure something out" shrugged Sho, "For now we will live a normal life. Feel free to do as you do."


Kenichi was sparring with Master Sakaki in Karate and was getting beaten more than he usually does.

"What's happening Kenichi? Why is your speed so slow today?" asked Sakaki

The reason for the current speed of Kenichi was because of the Kada's he was wearing on both his hands and legs. Kada is an Indian bracelet type jewelry that is mostly made of stainless steel and things like that but the ones Kenichi was wearing were totally different. Why? Because they were enchanted.

'Damn.... it hard!

(A.N - I am need of your support to buy new laptop. Support me and read 70 advance chapters at my patre on.