
"Shut up! Don't lose focus Niijima, we are going to the beach camp I am pretty sure they will act there" Kenichi said making the others tensed, 'Though don't worry, until and unless they don't bring their masters as well we would be alright"

"That's for sure" Saeko added hearing which the rest smiled as well


"You serious?" hissed Sho into his phone, "Why are they asking about Ryozanpaku's disciple? What do they want?"

"Sho-sama, please calm down" replied Hayami "We are a part of the same organization."

"Who hates each other's guts" shot back Sho, "I don't care if we are the 'same' side. The unarmed division and the armed division have never gotten along in the past. So why are they interested in us now?"

"Hold on.... Seto's pulling up something.... Ah, here we go. Recently, there have been a string of weapon thefts from Yami's weapon division. Some of these weapons had the 'secret of steel' in them. All of them have one thing in common though. They all sent a photo of their weapon to someone to lure them into a trap, only to be defeated and their weapon either taken away or broken into pieces," read Hayami out loud.

"Ha! Serves those idiots right. Once they lose their weapon, they are powerless" laughed Sho.

"Continuing on, one of these weapons was taken from a rather high ranking member in the Yami's armed division just a few days ago.... Hayami, are the ones who lost their weapons alive? And their injuries, do they seem to be from a weapon?" asked Sho.

"Yes to both, though why do you ask?" asked Hayami.

"Then it's Katsujinken member. Maybe even Ryozanpaku's master. I remember that there is a weapons master by the name of...Shigure something. It's a probably her. Shirahama was gone for few days ago. The time matches... he's probably also her disciple too. Kensei did note that Shirahama knew both unarmed and armed combat. It wouldn't be too far out t bring her disciple to gain experience" theorized Sho.

"As expected, nothing gets past you, Sho-sama" praised Hayame, "We-"

"Yea yea, skip past that" interrupted Sho, "So what are they planning to do?"

"Not too sure yet, they are only asking around right now" shrugged Seto, pulling the phone off of Hayami, "We will keep you updated more about this when we get more information." Sho nodded as he hung up the phone and began to walk towards the gardening room. He felt like taking a nap, and nothing was more peaceful than a nap there for some reason.


Soon all Koryo High 2nd years were on the beach for the beach camp. Each of them was enjoying themselves, relaxing and/or swimming, all wearing their school issued swimsuit . Well, most of them were. Rachel was using this event to garner more attention by wearing a white bikini that emphasized her chest as well as her slim waist and long legs. The bikini top itself seemed to strain just holding back Rachel's breasts. She soaked up the envy, the admiration, those drooling looks as posed in the sun. Of course, when asked why she wasn't wearing the school-issued one-piece swimsuit, she replied truthfully that it was too small for her chest, Renka, Miu and Saeko had the same problem in their first year and had to get their swimsuit custom made for their size.

But even with the two piece swimsuit Rachel couldn't compete with Rukia who was wearing a white color backless one piece swimsuit that had a gap around her stomach showing her slim figure and her gigantic breasts.

As she was one of the supervising teacher along with Principle Fukujiro Yasunaga, Kyoko Ono and few other teachers, she couldn't wear two piece but her choice in one piece made even more head turns so Rukia wasn't unhappy.

A splash in the ocean, followed by a wave of awed voices, took away the limited attention Rachel had been basking in as everyone gazed at Miu swimming in the ocean like a dolphin. Not only were they impressed by her body, but the style, beauty, and grace she demonstrated as she swam, flipping in the air when she launched herself out of the water.

"Tch, she preventing me from showing off" growled Rachel's she clucked her tongue.

Another crowd of awe could be heard, prompting Rachel to turn to the source of it.

"Renka what are you wearing!?" asked Saeko standing beside Renka in her one piece swimsuit that tried but couldn't hide her beautiful body.

"My swimsuit" replied Renka without hesitation.

"Where's your school-issued one?" Saeko asked.

"Oh, the shoulder strap snapped off, so I had to order a new one. However, it didn't get finished before this trip" responded Renka, "So I went with this."

Renka was wearing a pink two-piece swimsuit just as skimpy as Rachel's though designed slightly differently.

"That's why I told you to preorder few just like me and Miu, both of us are on our third swimsuits you know" Saeko said.

"I will do it after this camp ok" Renka said to which Saeko could only shake her head.

"Kyaa, look at their bodies!" screamed a girl, pointing to the other member's of Yomi. Etan's build was more akin to a bodybuilder like Boris while Sho and Tirawit's body was leaner. Overall, though, each one of them was more muscular than the average high school student. Adding to their looks, it made them one of the most attractive male students in Koryo High.

Kenichi was also muscular like them, even leaner than Sho and Tirawit due to Akisame specialized muscle training, and even more handsome than them. But he wasn't on the lost as he was dating three of their High schools Idols at once along with few who are older than himself.

Soon enough, the males of the second year class were at the starting line, getting ready to compete in the long-distance swimming. Natsu sat out of the competition, stating that his body couldn't handle sunshine. He himself was wearing jeans and a sweater covering his whole body and face.

Shortly after everyone got in line, Fukujiro raised the started pistol up in the air.

"Are you ready? Go"