315. Boris Changes Side

"Urk.... where am I?" coughed Kyoko suddenly getting up while grabbing into the rock.

Everyone except Kenichi paused in surprise. Kenichi already knew this would happen but he still believed that this teacher of his has the power of luck otherwise no normal human would have survived that fall.

"Oh, Kenichi and Boris the two of you are here! Are you two getting along with everyone? And who are these people?" asked Kyoko, unable to read the situation.

"Of course not this is a different course! In fact, what are you doing here?" asked Boris.

"Eh~~! I was running when I accidentally tripped and fell off the high cliff. It was terrible I got all wet and now I am here" explained Kyoko making Boris more bewildered. "Ah, are those the Russians from before? Did you come to see if I was alright? How Nice?"

"Lieutenant!?" asked a soldier.

"Just... just kill her?" sighed Gergins not understanding how this women's mind worked.

Kenichi crouched down ready to charge at anyone coming close to Kyoko while Boris flinched before looking at his watch and noticing just what time it was.

"Wait we are supposed to call HQ if we are past the operation time" Boris barked as he pushed a button on his earpiece.

"There's no need for that" huffed Gergins

"Master this is Boris, I repeat this is Boris" started Boris ignoring Gergins.



The communicator remained unanswered as Akisame and Alexander continued their fight, somehow creating countless statues from the rubble of both eastern and western figures in their epic battle.


Back To Japan

"I can't contact base" shouted Boris, "This is an emergency situation! Cease all operations and inform all units! I am taking full command of this operation as a platoon leader at this point."

"You brat, you think I am going to listen to some pet that has platoon leaders position just because of colonels influence!" exclaimed Gergins

"I don't fucking care! Orders are absolute" Boris shouted.

"Enough I am taking the command of this operation now. I am relieving you of your duty as you are clearly too young and inexperienced to do what should be done" Gergins roared, "Kill her"

One of the soldiers nodded and moved towards Kyoko but before he could grab her wrist, Kenichi appeared right before him with his arms crossed in front of his chest as he asked, "Oye bastard where do you think you are going? I am right here"

The soldier was so shocked that he jumped backward in surprise, he took few seconds to calm himself down before he stood up once again and said "Nothing against you but orders are absolute" saying so he charged towards Kenichi with a knife only to take a knee to his chin that no one even saw even after the soldier git hit.

*Crack* The knee broke the soldier's jaw as his body was thrown backward but one more soldier was coming for Kyoko from behind, Kenichi had already sensed his Ki but didn't move as he saw someone else make the move for him.

Before the soldier's blade could move further, he was knocked out by Boris via a punch to his face.

"Enough of this did you lose your mind Boris Ivanov!?" roared Gergins.

"Shut up! You are the one who has lost your mind! Ignoring orders will be severely punished!" baked Boris as he stood behind Kyoko, who had already fainted.

"Damn, brat I don't care if you are colonels favorite pet you are going to die," said Gergins

"Lieutenant watch out!"

Gergins quickly turned his attention to his side just to notice that all the soldiers between him and Kenichi have been knocked out and Kenichi was already very close to him. Gergins threw both his knives at Kenichi which he dodged easily and decreased the distance between them.

'Got him' thought Gergins when he saw Kenichi just a few steps away from him and took out two more knives hidden in his boots but before he could throw Kenichi appeared right in front of him in the second he took out his knives from his boots.

Strongest Combo 7 Mixed Combat.

A Renewal kick at the back of his knee. A Karate punch at the cheek. A Muay Thai Kick to the ribs. A Strong Fist to the liver. A grab on the arms before throwing Gergins down into the ground. Finally a stomp kick to the chest.

*Crack* *Crunch* *Puchi*

This is Kenichi's one of the most brutal Combo as it uses all of his styles except Gentle Fist making it deadlier than any other combo.

Gergins ribs, knee, jaw were broken while his liver was punctured he was in no position to fight anymore and if he wasn't treated fast then his life may not be in danger but he won't be able to stay a soldier in the future. But Kenichi had no problem with that hence he left him alone.

"Impossible he lost!" gasped a soldier causing him to lose focus, which Boris took advantage of.

Tundra's Big Tree

Boris grabbed his opponent by the armpit with their head down and slammed him into another enemy. He quickly grabbed the conscious one's head ready to snap his neck when he heard Kenichi's voice.

"He is a soldier of your Country Boris under your master, you sure you wanna do this!?" asked Kenichi.

Boris paused for a second before looking towards Kyoko, who somehow managed to sleep through everything, before deciding to kick his enemy unconscious. Seeing everybody else was now unconscious, Boris decided to inform all the units to suspend the operation until communication with the HQ was restored. However, the answered he received wasn't confirmation from his team but rather Hibiki singing into the mic. This confused him greatly until the mic was passed to Niijima who said "This is Niijima Haruo the Co-Commander of Shinpaku Alliance your soldiers have been taken care of by our Shinpaku Alliance and none of the students or teachers were harmed in the process"

"I see" sighed Boris as he took off his communicator turning towards Kenichi. His eyes were enough to tell Kenichi that he wanted to continue the fight.

"You sure you want to do this!?"

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