325. Kenichi vs Kei Retsumi

"I will just kill all of them all, much more efficient" stated Kei.

"We are not involved in this" pointed out Tirawit

"Yeah we are only here to watch" Rachel added

"Doesn't matter" answered Kei

"Doesn't matter, doesn't matter PII" chirped Pisuke, echoing Kei

"Well, that sucks! Is that really what Master Sogetsu was aiming for " sighed Sho, "Honshiken.... isn't that a Chinese martial art that's based on fast thrusts? said to be intense as rain, faster than a whip?"

"Clearly, an exaggeration when compared to Sogetsu" Natsu muttered.

"Ha, It's nothing compared to Lucha libre" Rachel said though her voice was clearly loud enough for everyone to hear.

"This man, Kei Retsumi has always been THE assassin of the Black Tiger White Dragon Alliance. When one of his targets hid in a village..... instead of investigating or asking around his target's hideout was, he killed all the people within the village without mercy. That's why we call him the human calamity! He had killed more people than any plague!" shouted Kaku

"That's a huge exaggeration," said Natsu with his eyes twitching at that.

"No, it's just these people being dumb that's all," Kenichi said while shaking his head.

"Hahaha.... killed more people than any plague hahaha.... oh my God my stomach will start hurting if I laugh too much," said Rachel as she clutched her stomach

Ethan and Chikage didn't say anything but their expressionless face told everyone that even they don't believe it.

"You are telling that man has supposedly wiped out at the very least, 30% of the human population? He has killed 100 million people? I find that hard to believe. The black plague was one of the most devastating plagues and he is claiming to have killed more than that?" accused Sho

"Well... I mean.." Kaku faltered

"So he kills everything in sight, that's not much bragging rights" retorted Tirawit, "Who even started calling him that? Did he call himself that and asked other people to do so?"

"Why are you even comparing him to a plague even Dengue and Malaria had taken a lot of lives until a cure was made for them but even now there are people who die cause of it, I am pretty sure this guy here hasn't killed more than them let alone the plagues" Kenichi stated, "Hell if it was really true than one of the masters of Ryozanpaku would have already taken him out to make sure he didn't able to kill ever again"

Kei's forehead started to slowly crease as more tick marks appeared on his forehead, while sweat drops appeared on Kaku, Yin lin, and Yo.

"Ah, I remember my master told me about Kei before. He said that he was brutish, inefficient, and devoid of any style!" said Sho

"Well I can understand his reason to do so after all being a dog of Blach Tiger White Dragon Alliance the only way he can satisfy his vanity is by killing ordinary people only then will he feel strong that's all there is nothing much," Kenichi said as he shook his head.

"I was planning to deal with you with one arm" started Kei slowly as he put the birdcage on top of his head, "But now I am going to kill all of you with both arms! Then I will kill your pathetic Masters!"

Before he could initiate, he felt monstrous ki appear, causing him to pause. Kei slowly looked towards the source to see Kenichi with his arms still in his pocket but his eyes were glowing with Ki no Shouka. Seeing that Kei was looking towards him now, Kenichi slowly took out his arms from his pocket and started using Ryusui Seikuken.

'Impossible? A master at his age?' thought Kei 'I thought it would be easy to kill them all but seeing that there is a master class here, I can't hold back if I want to kill them all. But first, I should prob him if he has just entered the Master Class then I may be able to deal with him fast'

"Now's our chance!" pointing over Natsu and the others, "We can regroup-"

"No don't" shouted Renka "Don't move!"

Kaku and the others obeyed at hearing Renka's panicked voice just in time to see several fists impact the ground in front of them. Renka began explaining the attack trail patterns "When Masters are fighting they cannot predict where their opponents' next attack goes so they form a trail of all possible attacks! In their mind, they try to read the opponent's next ongoing trail and divert it. If any of you goes into a trail Kenichi can't protect you, you will be crushed instantly"

"You mean Shirahama is protecting us?" asked Sho with an annoyed tone. He felt like due to his recent increase in strength he may be able to catch up to Kenichi but now that he is seeing him fight another master class in person the difference between him and Kenichi is right now.

"Yes, and we will only get in his way right now if we tried to interfere with him so let's take few steps back and simply watch the fight. It's not like we get to see fights like this a lot of times" Renka suggested as she took a few steps back followed by Kaku and his two friends.

The Yomi members looked at each other then looked at Sho who became the first one to take few steps back and said "Master Sogetsu sent us here to clearly see the difference between us and Shirahama Kenichi since I am here I will see for myself how far am I from him"

Natsu nodded his head and took few steps back as well, seeing these two take steps back the rest of the Yomi members decided to do so as well, moreover, they would be able to collect more data after seeing this fight from him.

Kenichi on the other hand was smiling as he could clearly see the attack patterns and was easily able to divert them. Before entering the restaurant he had already decreased the Gravity around him to be normal so Kenichi was feeling extremely light right now.

'Hmm.... that bird on his head is his limiter and it's not like he would care about it if he wants to go all out, maybe I should take him out fast if I wanna save the bird' thinking up till here Kenichi started.

"Hmm... there is a birdcage on his head if Shirahama attacks him in the head he won't be able to dodge it right?"


Carl Cedric Cuerdo

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