328. Date with Renka

"Moreover, those Zanshin Taisha Ryuu members had taken a day of for today due to some tradition of there's otherwise this wouldn't have happened" stated Ryo

Hope began to rise among the trio until Ryo convinced (read threatened) them to stay to pay for the damages done in the restaurant due to sheltering them. Of course the reality was most of the damage was done by Apachai followed by Kenichi, but Ryo pushed that fact aside. He was also explaining that with this, it also allowed them to get an education while staying safe, allowing them to expand on their future/

"Apapa, we should get going," said Apachai as he started to walk away before noticing Tirawit.

Apachai changed direction, walking towards Tirawit, who warily stepped back once before standing still, looking up at Apachai. He never realized that Apachai seemed to match Agaard's height.

As Tirawit looked at Apachai with wary caution, Apachai's nect action stunned him.

"Apapa, Agaard was always good at teaching" grinned Apachai as he bent down to look at him, face to face while patting his head, "You look pretty strong for your age."

"Clearly not as strong as your disciple" muttered Tirawit.

"Apapa, that's a special case he was already strong before he came to Ryozanpaku to train-" started Apachai, only for Kenichi to quickly cover his mouth.

"Apachai, that's not something you are supposed to tell my enemy's" whispered Kenichi into Apachai's ear, "If you say another word, then I will tell Miu not to make hamburger steak for a month!"

"Apapa, sorry" apologize Apachai, "Please don't tell Miu!"

As Kenichi managed to to kick Apachai away, Tirawit couldn't help but remember another description that Agaard had described Apachai. That he was a man child, a gentle giant, a walking contradiction.

"Let's get back to base" said Sho remembering the fight just now, "I think its important we report this to our masters."

Natsu sighed as he followed Sho deciding to talk to his master to up his training, the fight between Kenichi and Kei Retsumi was eye opening.

As the rest of the Yomi followed them leaving Kenichi and Renka there alone.

"Let's get out of here Kenichi, the others will do the cleaning" said Renka as she started to pull him out f the restaurant.

"Fine, I haven't really seen the china town as all the time I come here there is always a fight going on. This time you can show me around here like a date" said Kenichi with a smile.

"Yes" Renka said in an excited voice as she started pulling him towards the market.

Kenichi had really not seen much of china town, the shopping stalls were open al night so Renka could shop anything she liked, she didn't even had to hold back as she knew her boyfriend could afford all of this.

There were even some gaming stalls which the couple played one of them was goldfish scooping. They had to scoop a gold fish from a small tub filled with water with a scoop made of tissue paper. The two of the scooped all the goldfishes within two tries making the stall owner cry his tears out. Of course they returned all the goldfishes as none of the two had the time to take care of it but it was still fun for them.

"Kenichi let me show you some of the food stalls of china town, even though I live in my uncles restaurant, I will have to stay that these guys know what they are doing" said Renka as she showed Kenichi the food stalls.

The couple bought some of the meat buns and fishcake from these stalls so that they could eat while roaming around.

"Umm... these are good" said Kenichi as he took a bite from the meat bun which Renka was holding in front of his mouth, he couldn't eat by himself as his hands were full with the shopping bags of Renka.

"I know right, but even so they aren't as good as the ones made in our restaurant, I would have brought food from there but since it was thrashed at the moment I couldn't do that" said Renka taking a bite from the meat bun herself.

"Yeah, sorry about that I should have thought about the surroundings while I was fighting" Kenichi stated with wry smile on his face.

"Nonsense, there was no way you could have controlled yourself from damaging the property of the restaurant when you were fighting against a master class fighter. Moreover you really did control yourself when fighting against that Kei Retsumi after all you only caused two holes on the floor, the furniture was broken by Retsumi himself but the most damage was still done by Apachai" said Renka

"Yeah, even though I am sure he would have been down after a few more kicks but Apachai didn't hold back even then pity the guy, he should have stayed down when I kicked him" Kenichi said once again taking a bite from the meat bun Renka was holding in front of him.

"Yeah, I am sure he would have stayed down if he had known what was going to happen to him in the next 30 seconds" said Renka with a smirk on her face.

"That's true" Kenichi said nodding his head, "So where are we going next?"

"Just follow me and you will find out" Renka said

"Ok" said Kenichi as he started following Renka

Within Five minutes they were standing in front of a chinese style hotel.

"This is the best hotel in china town, come I will show you" said Renka as she started pulling Kenichi inside.

How could Kenichi not know what she was thinking of but he didn't said anything and simply followed her inside.

Renka booked a room for them for a night, and the bill of course was paid by Kenichi's credit card but he didn't care at all as he was just smiling while looking at Renka.

As they entered the room, Kenichi dropped the shopping bag and couldn't help but say "I didn't knew that you were this excited to be with me Renka"

Renka blushed and tried to say something in her defense but he interrupted her with a kiss and soon she was reciprocating once she got over her initial surprise.

"You missed this right?"



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