331. Meeting the ancient one again

"I love you Renka, And I will always love you. I am happy you are here with me so that I could show you that!"

Hearing Kenichi's confession Renka smiled "I-I love you too Kenichi!" she answered as she came!


The next day Kenichi helped Renka to reach her restaurant, thankfully the couple had bought clothes the previous night otherwise the wouldn't have any clothes to wear as the one the wore last night were torn by the other.

"I swear, I will never try to hog you alone ever" said Renka as she stumbled while walking with both her hands grabbing Kenichi's hand while he carried the shopping bags with his other hand.

"Well, you shouldn't have tried to entice me like that!" said Kenichi with a smile.

"Hmnp here is enough I don't want my uncle to come after you" said Renka as she took all the shopping bags with her and even Kenichi's clothes and entered the restaurant. Kenichi didn't wanted to carry them with him and told Renka to keep them with her so that she could choose the clothes he wears when they go on their next date.

"I will call you Renka" said Kenichi but Renka didn't reply as she focused on walking to her bedroom.

Kenichi smiled at seeing that and started to walk away from there.

After the night with Renka, Kenichi was refreshed hence he started to remember his fight and couldn't help but frown, "What am I not getting here? My physical strength surpassed Master Class quite some time ago and my Ki is even much stronger then Grandmasters so why am I still stuck in the master class?"

"Because you have stretched yourself too thin" came a voice from behind Kenichi making him jump forward at turn his body to get into his fighting stance but when he saw who the person standing behind him was Kenichi couldn't help but shake his head.

"What are you doing here Ancient One? I thought we had a deal you won't come to me until I enter the grandmaster class" Kenichi said as he looked at the Ancient One in her Kasaya.

"Yes, because I believed that you would be able to enter the Grandmaster class by now but you are clearly not" Ancient one stated.

"You think I am not trying enough? I have been training my ass off, sparring with my masters getting my ass kicked everyday by them but its like I can't seem to penetrate the barrier of Grandmaster Class" Kenichi stated in frustration.

"I know, that's why I said you are stretching yourself too thin" Ancient One stated with a calm smile on her face.

"And exactly what do you mean by that?" asked Kenichi

"Come to Kamar-Taj after your classes are over I will explain you what I mean" saying that Ancient One started to walk away from Kenichi and entered an alley.

"Hey wait Ancient One, how do you expect me to concentrate in any class now. What is this cliff hanger" Kenichi said but Ancient one didn't stopped seeing which Kenichi followed her into the alley only to see her open a portal and entering it before closing it behind herself.

"AAhh! Stop running dammit" cursed Kenichi as he took out the sling ring from his pocket that he always keeps with himself and opened a portal for himself but when he entered the portal instead of Kamar-Taj he was in his room in Ryozanpaku.

"What the hell happened!?" cursed Kenichi in surprise, "I am sure I opened the portal for Kamar-Taj so why the hell am I in my room?"

Since no one could really answer his question he once again opened a portal and entered it, this time as well he wasn't in Kamar-Taj but his room in his house the Shirahama Residence.

"Oh come on, Since when did the Ancient One became a person who pranks someone" Kenichi said to himself and tried to open a portal for one last time but once again he was in his room in Ryozanpaku.

"Sigh.... looks like I won't be able to meet her before my school for the day is over" Kenichi said while sighing.

*Thud* The door of Kenichi's room was slid open forcefully following which Sakaki and Kensei entered the room.

"You! When did you came back Kenichi?" asked Sakaki when he saw Kenichi standing in the room.

"Huh! What are you saying master Sakaki? I came to dojo last night" Kenichi said with an innocent expression on his face.

"What? That's not possible! I would have found out if you had returned last night" Sakaki said in surprise.

"That's true even I didn't heard you returning last night" said Kensei nodding his head.

"That's because I made sure to not make even a single noise so as to not disturb you all" said Kenichi.

"Hmm... even if that's true we would have found out about you entering Ryozanpaku because the gate makes a lot of noise when you push it open" said Akisame standing on the door of Kenichi's room.

"That's because I didn't entered through the gate, I climbed the wall to enter and before you talk about the various traps that Shigure had laid around the dojo, she had told me a single safe passage which I used to travel from there to my room" stated Kenichi which was half truth as Shigure really did tell him about the single safe passage but he really didn't used that to reach his room.

"Apapa.... what are you doing here? Miu is calling everyone to have breakfast" said Apachai appearing out of nowhere, "Apapa... Kenichi you have returned, Miu was asking for you"

"I returned last night Apachai just didn't wanted to disturb anyone" Kenichi stated to Apachai

"Apapa... but Apachai didn't hear you" Apachai said

"That's because I used what Shigure taught me" said Kenichi with a smile.

"Let's just forget about that, Miu must be waiting for us" said Akisame as he walked out of there.

Sakaki was still not able to believe what Kenichi said but even if that's not true and he came this morning Sakaki only found him after he entered the room so Kenichi may be saying the truth.

After all the masters left his room Kenichi had a wide smile on his face as he thought 'I never thought of using this ability of mine but it looks like I can have fun with it'