365. Accepting Natasha

"She must be in the kitchen, as she was going to make some snacks for us," Honoka said

"Thanks, Honoka, I will go meet her. Here are your baskets but don't eat everything at once" Kenichi said as he turned his head to look towards Apachai who was finishing his last chocolate. "Can't have your teeth getting cavity cause of it and you won't have anything left to eat after you finish it."

""Don't worry we won't"" said the two girls at once as they gave their best smile to Kenichi.

Kenichi nodded his head then waved his hands towards Shigure and Apachai after which he started to walk towards the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen Kenichi saw Shizuha making snacks for the kids.

"Welcome back Kenichi how was your trip?" asked Shizuha as she turned her head to look towards Kenichi while placing the snacks on a plate.

"Eh it was interesting then I thought it would be," Kenichi said after thinking for a second.

"That's great!" Shizuka said nodding her head. "So is there something you wanted to ask from me?"

"Yes, there is something I wanna ask," Kenichi said while nodding his head.

"Oh! What is it?" asked Shizuha with little interest in her voice. After she remained her Advance Grandmaster level strength through her training and the help of Akisame, Kensei, and Kenichi she doesn't like to sit around though she trains her daughter from time to time since her style is like hers but Miu's foundation was created by Elder Hayato so there nothing she could teach her that her father-in-law Hayato Furiniji haven't. Only the techniques of the Kuremisago Clan are something she could teach Miu but then that would create a target on her back and how could she do that to her daughter. At least unless she enters the Master Class, Shizuha had decided to hold back in teaching Miu the techniques of the Kuremisago clan.

"Well are you by chance free enough to teach someone?" asked Kenichi

"Huh? You want to learn from me, Kenichi?" asked Shizuha in surprise.

"No not me it's a girl that I met in Russia. Life has dealt a bard card to her so I thought maybe with your help she would be able to get things right," stated Kenichi

"Hmm... Why don't we sit somewhere and you tell me about this girl before I decide anything?" asks Shizuha

"Sure," Kenichi said and started to tell everything he knows about Natasha, how she was trained as an assassin since she was a child, and how after Alexander Gaider destroyed her organization she was used by her S.O. as a means to earn money and how she has become a traitor to her country because of it.

"So this S.O. is Commander Petroski that does while you were in Russia?" asked Shizuha as slowly as possible but the overpowering killing intent that she was releasing told Kenichi that she wasn't as calm as she was appearing to be.

"Yes, he sent Natasha to kill Spartacus and his family because they were Fortuna's adopted children who inherited his fortune. Apparently, not many people like him and by extension his children even if they are adopted. Anyway, after meeting Natasha I used my contact to find out more about her and got to know about his S.O. The two of us confronted him together for the answers to our questions after I got my answers I left to not get in Natasha's way, I think it was also because I myself didn't want to stop her and if I was there I may have stopped her." explained Kenichi

"Ok, is there anything else you know about her?" asked Shizuha.

"There is, but this is something personal so I think it would be best if Natasha told you this herself. I found out about it when I was reading the file that Ms. Irina gave me so I don't think it's something I should have known." Kenichi said while shaking his head.

"But since you know, I should know it as well after all of I am going to be her master it should be for best that I know everything about her at least everything that you know," Shizuha said looking at Kenichi with eyes that won't take no for an answer.

Kenichi sighed and said "There is a graduation ceremony for the girls in Red Room. The "Graduation Ceremony", which takes place after the agents have successfully passed a series of physical and mental tests, involves the young women being forcefully sterilized. Removing their ability to bear children supposedly makes the Red Room graduates better killers; they never have to experience such weakness as worrying more about a family than their mission."

"WHAT!?" shouted Shizuha in anger, never in her life she expected that there is a cruel organization that would take a women's ability to give childbirth, "Are you sure that this organization was destroyed, Kenichi?"

"Alexander attacked their home base after which the thing exploded, forcing the government to shut it down. I don't know if the leaders were killed or not because even though Alexander Gaider killed all the people who were training the girls in the main base, the chances of the leaders of Red Room being there is low." Kenichi said

"Ok, let's go," Shizuha said as she started walking towards the door.

"Where?" asked Kenichi

"What do you mean where? I am going to see how good this disciple of mine is," said Shizuha opening the door seeing Apachai, Shigure Honoka, and Kaede standing not far from the room most likely listening to their conversation.

"I don't know what you heard but keep it to yourselves until I say so otherwise no more hamburgers, no walking on the ceiling, and no more snacks," said Shizuha looking towards Apachai, Shigure, and then Honoka and Kaede.

The four of them hurriedly nodded their heads in succession without speaking anything.

"Good, the snacks are on the table you can help yourself," said Shizuha then turned her head towards Kenichi and said "Come on Kenichi let's not wait anymore"

"Yes yes let's go," Kenichi said running after Shizuha while mumbling "I am sorry Natasha looks like you won't be getting any rest"

Kenichi's House

Natasha has just taken a shower and was sitting on the sofa when she suddenly shivered "What was that? I had a premonition that something bad is going to happen?"

[Thank you

Branden Eugley


Joanny Hernandez

Chad Roberts

Gävert Tim

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