397. Shinpaku Alliance vs Armed forces

"This Kugatachi Danki, who is Kaname's grandfather and her staff master.... What kind of person is he?" asked Takeda

"I am interested too" Miu said

"I did hear his name from my father once but that's all I know so I would like to hear about him as well" Saeko added.

"He is already over 90 years old. He came out of a long period of wandering when Kaname entered college" stated Yuma

"Wandering? So he was on a training quest?" asked Hibiki

"I ma not sure if the details but..... His instructions are incredibly precise, he is a master at developing a pupils strengths while hiding there weakness. If there is a teaching genius than it would be someon like him." explained Yuma.

"But there's one thing that's off..." Chisato added.

"Hmm.... what's that?" asked Renka

"Kaname was worried about it too. That's why she gave him the latest phone developed by your and Niijima's company to let her track him. Whenever he is not training his mind goes off tangent and he doesn't remembers anyone not even Kaname." explained Yuma

"Well then we have to make sure that nothing happens to them" said Kenichi his voice was extremely calm as they reached the building where Kaname and her grandfather are kept.


Everyone ready?" asked Kenichi as he tightened his gauntlets.

"Come on, what are we waiting for? Let's go kick some ass!" shouted Kisara, "I'm worried about Freya."

"For once, I'm in agreement with you," nodded Chisato as she spun her tonfa.

"I'd agree but..." muttered Ukita before looking at Takeda, who nodded in agreement with his thought process.

"Assaulting such a normal building like this feels awkward. We might get the cops called on us," finished Takeda.

"We won't need to," waved off Kenichi as he stopped Shigure from infiltrating inside the building, knowing what was coming next.

"She'll be right over... there," stated Kenichi, pointing off to the side sensing Kaname's ki and a ki of a grandmaster level fighter whom he guessed would most likely be Agaard. Just as he pointed at a specific area, Kaname, Danki, Agaard, and six guards, three more from last time.

In an instant, Agaard and Shigure launched themselves at each other, attacking and parrying each other's attacks in the air.

"A truck! They're trying to take her away!" shouted Kisara as she began to run towards the guards, only to stop when they all unsheathed their swords.

"Everyone! These guys are serious! Just run and don't worry about me!" warned Kaname as she struggled to get herself free.

The Shinpaku Alliance stopped, slightly nervous about going headfirst into people with swords when Kenichi rushed right past them, knocking out one of the guards with a punch to the face with Saeko right behind him pulling her own sword and clashing with another guard who was surprised by the quick draw of Saeko and couldn't raise his guard in time allowing Saeko to slash his hand making him cry in pain and drop his sword after which Saeko knocked him with the handle of the sword on the guards head.

"The hell!" shouted another guard as he tried to attack Kenichi, only for Kenichi to block it with his gauntlet. In the next second, Kenichi kneed the man in the stomach. The third guard tried to stab Kenichi, but Kenichi instantly shifted his weight, taking the man he kneed and hurling him into the third guard.

"Son of a-!" muttered the third guard as he tried to quickly get up, only to feel a palm on his head

"Say good night," grinned Renka as she banged his head on the ground. "Hmph bringing out weapons in front of me"

In an instant, the other members of the Shinpaku Alliance charged forward as the back of the trunk opened, revealing more guards with weapons.

"Those damn weapon users... they didn't even send a Master Class fighter for this delivery," commented Agaard as he blocked a kick from Shigure, "If it wasn't for me, Ryozanpaku's weapon master would've gotten away with the goods."

"'If it wasn't for me'... you sound pretty confident," quoted Shigure as she threw several shurikens.

""Naturally, Muay Thai is a style that was developed to fight armed opponents... You're not going to win!" declared Agaard.

"And did you forget about Kenichi?" added Shigure making Agaard remember that Ryozanpkau's disciple isn't normal.

Damn, I can see those idiots at least brought some Expert Class weapon users here, I hoped that he wouldn't be good against weapon users but I was wrong" thought Agaard to himself as he took another peek at the other fight, 'But wow. That Shirahama kid. Getting a good look now, I can see why Kokin thought he wouldn't win. If we hadn't insisted on more guards and some high-level ones at that, they most likely would've gotten away with them already.'

"Oniharite!" shouted Thor as he slammed a sumo palm thrust into another guard.

Takeda weaved through his attacker's blade strikes before punching him in the liver. Kisara fired a barrage of kicks at her opponent, forcing him to block with his blade. Siegfried spun around, dodging a spear thrust before slamming a fist into his opponent's head. Ukita roared as he ducked under a sword slash, grabbing his opponent's legs and hurling him into the ground with a judo grab. While Tsuji this time had enough mind to not take the attacks on his body and dodge them while using Koppou to smash the guard into the concrete.

Kenichi suddenly had to dodge a blade aiming for his face. Quickly jumping back, Kenichi saw his opponent wielding a unique weapon, a khopesh that originated from Egypt. The sickle sword user twirled his sword in his hand, glaring at Kenichi. At once he knew that the guy in front of him was on a different level then the rest but today he didn't want to get entangled with them so when the khopesh user swung blade Kenichi ducked and stepped forward appearing right under him with a burst of speed and ramming his fist with enough force that made khopesh user spit out a mouthful of blood and saliva that went across his white gi. Seeing that the khopesh user was still standing Kenichi brought his fist back and slammed it into his face knocking the khopesh user out in a single punch.

"You are lucky that I am in a hurry or this would have ended differently"

[A.N - Just 20 to 30 more chapters at my patre*#on and I would be done with Yami and would be able to focus on Marvel more, join my patr*#eon and read in advance the end of Yami arc.

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