463. Telling the truth

[A.N Sorry for not posting for last 2 weeks. I was busy with few family problems and had forgotten about it. Anyways I hope this makes up for it.

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"Ahem, may I have your attention please?" announced Niijima when the banquet had gone for about an hour, with everyone having eaten their fill.

Niijima looked over to Hibiki, who nodded before pressing a button that he had been standing next to. At once, the windows in the room were sealed to prevent anyone from viewing inside. The various gadgets that were placed on the wall that looked to be a tasteful designs began to vibrate to prevent people from spying on them via hearing equipment. And finally, the Zanshin Taisha-ryu members surrounded the base, preventing anyone from coming close to base.

As another safety precaution, Niijima had everyone place any electronic devices in a lead box that was swiftly placed in another room, and as an added measure, had the most annoying songs playing in the background, including the famous American song from Rick Astley.

"Now then, you all might be wondering why you're here," said Niijima, "Yes, this meeting is in regards to repelling Yami, but there is more to it."

"What's more to add?" asked Yuma curiously, "Have you found their secret hidden base?"

"Yes," replied Niijima, causing several people in the room to spit out their drinks.

"What!? How!" shouted Jennifer, slamming her hands onto the table, "The US Intelligence group still hasn't triangulated their location!"

"Yes even we are having a hard time locating them" Coulson stated

"Just because you are having a hard time doesn't mean so will we. In reality we have known about their base for quite some time now" said Kenichi as he signals Niijima to sit back.

The two had already decided that Kenichi will take the full focus of the group as they didn't want Niijima to also be entered in SHIELD's list and since Kenichi is already there it doesn't matter if he is regarded more highly by them.

"What!?" exclaimed the Agent duo, Clint and Melinda were surprised as well but they didn't show it much except for the initial surprise on their faces.

"Yeah, you can say our informant is quite good at what he does" said Kenichi

Jennifer gave Kenichi a glare before Sakaki managed to pull Jennifer back down.

"As we all know, Yami has a secret base where they will launch their attacks against the world. From what I've gathered from our intelligence team, their first target is Japan," said Kenichi

Everyone's eyes seemed to narrow at that thought.

"They plan to use a nuclear missile to strike at the heart of Japan," declared Kenichi.

That caused several uprisings and shouts of rage. Not only would innocent civilians would die, but the fact was Japan had been already been hit by two atom bombs before certainly caused outrage about the fact they might be hit a third time.

"Is it possible for them to be able to amass that much power?" asked Yamamoto.

"Certainly, since they've been working in the shadows ever since World War II," growled Jennifer, biting into her thumb Coulson sitting beside nodded his head as well with a solemn face.

SHIELD wasn't even formed when Yami became a problem and when they were there they had to deal with the remnants of Hydra by the time they found out about it Yami already became a big thing and they were mainly based in the countries where they couldn't do anything to them.

"How accurate is this information?" asked Tsutomu.

"Very," replied a voice from another room.

The others looked over to the room, wondering who was there before Furinji Saiga revealed himself without his disguise.

Saiga had been in the other room the whole time, waiting for the signal to reveal himself.

"One Shadow!" roared Shiba as he charged at Saiga, his left arm cocked back, "I've been waiting to get revenge for my leg and eye that you took!"

Saiga calmly looked at Shiba, dodging Shiba's punches but never retaliating.

"Wait, isn't he the leader of Yami!? What's he doing here?" shouted Jennifer.

That caused Shiba to stop as he realized that indeed, the 'leader' of Yami was currently at the Shinpaku Alliance, surrounded by all his 'enemies'. There was muttering of Niijima possibly having defected to Yami, but that was instantly dismissed. They all knew Niijima was an ambitious alien who would never capitulate to following others, always wanting to lead. Not only that, but his 'best' friends were a part of Ryozanpaku, the enemy of Yami.

"I'm sure you all realize the peculiarity of this situation," said Saiga calmly, "But everything can be explained today. To get this off the table, James Shiba, I was not the one who fought you. Senzui has been using my identity to commit these acts in my name, including taking your eye and leg. And yes, I was a part of the One Shadow Nine Fist, but the hidden secret is that the One Shadow title was shared between two people. Senzui and I were the One Shadow until his betrayal of my family. I was forced to hide as he had taken my identity to commit all those crimes. Using an alias, I have been working with the Japanese government to take Yami down."

"He has done terrible things but his biggest crime was to use your face to try to kill me" said Shizuha as she hugged Saiga

"He destroyed my family made me start away from them and he is going to pay for it" Saiga said

"So that's Miu's father!?" Takeda exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes" Miu said when everyone looked at her for confirmation.

"While that may be, how are you sure that you know where Yami is?" accused Jennifer.

"Oh, that's not me it was Kenichi who found out about it" replied Saiga once again moving the attention from him to back to Kenichi.

"As you know, we already have the coordinates to Yami's base. Miu's father has already informed the Japanese government, and is preparing to raid their base. The government has most likely spread the news of its plans to other nations. However, it will be difficult for a united nations response as Yami has sown its seeds across all nations. Ultimately, it will be up to us to launch the first strike. Ryozanpaku has already volunteered to lead the first strike team, which will be a distraction to lure all of Yami's masters into the field. Saiga will be leading a hidden fireteam while they are distracted, composed of his trusted soldiers, along with Niijima and me. I am not going to lie to you this is most likely the most dangerous but most important mission for any of us there is a chance that Senzui may have made a fail safe that may cause the weapon to take out the whole Island with it. There is no guarantee that this mission will be a success, and it will be risky. If you choose to back out now, there is no shame."

"You can rely on us for the upcoming raid," declared Spartacus, standing up to voice his own thoughts as well as his brothers and sisters "Though we desired to be free from war and violence, we cannot turn our eyes against such a thing, especially if it will bring war to our front door!"