650. Meeting Coulson's team again

"I don't know what I want right now, but I don't think I will be able to control myself if I saw him" Tony said then flew off from there back to his house to be in Pepper's arms. Kenichi called to make sure that she would be there as Tony needed her right now.

After she heard what happened from Kenichi, Pepper took a leave and went straight to Tony's house and wait for him.

"Was it necessary!" Fury asked while staring at Kenichi

"Yes, it's not something that we will be able to hide forever. If we had decided to keep it a secret and Tony had found out about it later on than it would have broken up the Avengers no ifs and buts about it." Kenichi said then looked at Thor and asked "What do you think Thor?"

"We have fought together side by side in life and death, I trust you with my life so I hope you would do the same" Thor stated clearly telling them that he was with Kenichi on that matter. Kenichi smiles of and they disperse from there.


Few days later you could see many former SHIELD Agents joining new organisation, Even Agent 13 practicing shooting at a shooting range wearing a CIA t-shirt could be seen, Maria Hill could be seen at Stark Industries about to undergo a lie detector test; then Senator Stern getting arrested and then a badly burnt Rumlow being treated by doctors at the hospital; Natasha is then being sworn in at a committee hearing.

"Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" Bailiff asked

" I do." Natasha Romanoff said

"Why haven't we yet heard from Captain Rogers?" Committee General asked

"I don't know what there is left left for him to say. I think the wreck in the middle of the Potomac made his point fairly eloquently." Natasha Romanoff stated

" Well, he could explain how this country's expected to maintain its national security now that he and you have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus." Committee General said

" HYDRA was selling you lies, not intelligence." Natasha Romanoff said

"Many of which you seem to have had a personal hand in telling." Committee General stated

"What about Kenichi Shirahama? Why isn't he here?" Scudder asked

"I ma pretty sure you asked him to come and he gave you the reply so there is nothing I can say about him" Natasha said

Ofcourse the committee tried to get Kenichi Shirahama but his reply was shove it up your ass, since they don't have any way to force him to come, just like Thor and Tony stark.

"Agent, you should know that there are some on this committee who feel, given your service record, both for this country and against it, that you belong in a penitentiary, not mouthing off on Capitol Hill." Scudder said

"You're not gonna put me in a prison. You're not gonna put any of us in a prison. You know why?" Natasha Romanoff asked

"Do enlighten us." Scudder said

" Because you need us. Yes, the world is a vulnerable place, and yes, we helped make it that way. But we're also the ones best qualified to defend it. So if you want to arrest me, arrest me. You'll know where to find me." Natasha Romanoff said and she gets up and walks away, meanwhile Fury gets rid of any trace of his existence, including his passports and eyepatch, burning them and his hiding place.


While his Avenger friends were taking care of themselves, Kenichi decided to help Skye and her team. More specifically with her teammate Grant Ward, when the Hydra Agents attacked the SHIELD Hub, Skye being a Master herself helped taking them down and captured John Garret herself.

Although Coulson didn't trust agent Victoria Hand but since Agent Simmons voiched for her and she didn't shoot them first, he decided to believe in her.

Just as they were wrapping up and getting ready to ship John Garret to their special prison they heard a voice.

"Wow you guys did a good job"

The agents jumped pulling out their gun, Agent Trip and Agent Ward being the first as neither Skye not May was carrying one.

But no one dared to shoot when they saw that it was Kenichi.

"Kenichi Shirahama! How are you here?" Victoria Hand asked

"Well your door was open so I just walked in" Kenichi said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Why are you here Kenichi?" Melinda May asked

"Well after helping Steve by taking care of Pierce and his HYDRA forces, it wasn't like all the other Hydra Agents hiding in SHIELD would back down so Fury asked me to hel-! Ah! No! Agent Hill asked me to help"

Kenichi tried to correct himself but the cat was already out of the bag.

"Director Fury is alive!?" Victoria Hand asked in surprise

"I knew he wouldn't die like that" Coulson said with a satisfied smile.

"Umm.. how about I start again. I was worried that Coulson would die again after I saved him just last year so I decided to come and help." Kenichi said

But none of the Agents believed him seeing which he couldn't help but sigh and said, "Okay Fury did ask for help but it was from all of the Avengers but no one could really involve without getting scrutinized by the government especially after what we did with the Hellicarriers so I thought it would be good time to take some interesting Agents of yours as they don't have any job anymore."

"What do you mean take some interesting Agents?" Coulson asked

"Well for one Dr. Jemma Simmons" Kenichi stated suprising everyone.

"Me!" Jemma exclaimed

"Yes, you Dr. Simmons I have to say you impressed me a lot the last time we met and I have been keeping my eye on you, so believe me when I say that I need you in my company." Kenichi explained while staring intensely at her causing Jemma Simmons to blush from his gaze.

"Excuse me but Jemma is part of my team and am not handing her to you" Coulson said

"Wake up Coulson! SHIELD is dead we made sure of that so there is no need for you to think like SHIELD anymore even if you want to rebuild it there is no way you are getting any kind of support from any government for it after the debacle it went through." Kenichi stated then looked at Ward and smile causing Ward to to feel a chill down his spine

"Agent Grant Ward, you know I told my friend about you and he became very interested in you. According to him you are much more interesting than even the Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes that I handed over to him."