The new world: "GALIA"

Leo: Author why don't you upload new chapters, if things will go like this no one will read your novels.



(Author: Sorry, sorry Leo.... I Was super busy these days. But don't worry now I am back I will sure update chapters.)


Leo: You are decreasing my reputation like this. You don't have any reputation but I do author.




Author, hello where did you go? Author..




Leo: Author what is this???


(This is a surprise for you and our readers, you soon will find)


Leo: wow you are great, now lest get back to our stupid story.


( OK OK)




It was very confusing for Leo, he didn't understand what is happening, how can all this be real, but there are really two moon in the sky, he really was really somewhere else but not on the earth.


He gulped his own saliva, he asked old man.

Leo: What is happening? Can you please tell me in brief.


Lo shu looked at Leo, his face was full of confusion.

"Let's get inside, then I will tell you everything", said Lo shu.


Leo don't have other option so he followed old man inside the house.

The house was a three story ancient looking building, which has total of 6 house (2 house per story) and a dining room, a prayer room, a meeting room, a library and a large basement.


# Inside the house #

"Can I have a glass of water", Leo asked.

Old man waved his hand in the air and a glass with water suddenly appeared in front of Leo, he was shocked to see this, because on his planet magic doesn't exist.

So magic do exist in this world, Leo thought.

Lo shu: You look worried, young boy. Are you OK?

Leo: it's just that I didn't knew that magic exist in this world. So I am just a little nervous as well exited to see this.

Lo shu: What do you mean? Don't tell me you never have seen magic before?

"No I didn't", said Leo.

How will I see magic, I'm not a wizard or something, or am I? Thoughts were running in his mind.

"Oh boy, this is quite a problem, I thought you know how to use magic, I summoned a magical expert but you didn't even seen magic befire". Lo shu said.

Leo: I think you must have made a mistake old man. So can I go home now?

Lo shu: No, this can't be a mistake I am the biggest warlock in this world and my magic can't be failed, there must be something interesting about you.

Leo was stunned, the old man is biggest whatever he said of this world so why did he need me to protect his world, is he gone mad?

How and why did I get here? Asked Leo. I just remember that I was being pulled inside a white portal and after that I lost my consciousness and woke up in your house, can you please explain?

-Leo was already confused, he didn't want to be more confuse every second now so he changed the topic -

Lo shu: Oh yes, As you know this our world is called "GALIA", we(people of galia) were happily enjoying our lives, we were happy we had magic we know about some planets who don't have any magic so we didn't communicate with them. But we knew that there are many planets out there where magic exist, and we did find total 5080 planets within a year 200 years ago we all can transport or can use bridges to enter in another world. We made many friends. The biggest Emperor of South of GALIA, was a powerful warlock he attacked some worlds and conquer them. But a race of wizards which are called "Terrians" from planet no. 206 (DEXI) attacked our emperor and killed them now they are becoming a threat to all planets specially "GALIA" they attacked our planet a 100 years ago I fought them but there number was in millions I failed to hold them back. From that day they took our world. Now situation is getting worse they are attacking civilians taking them as prisoners making slaves. I attacked them again a few months ago but there leader "Dixon" cast a very powerful spell on me now I just have a few days left. There are a legend in "GALIA" that there will come a day when bad will took our world then a powerful magical warrior will come to save humanity. I researched it I found a spell I did rituals and I summoned the magical warrior and then you came.