CHAPTER – 5 [unexpected gift]

In midst of their conversation Leo heard a pop up sound inside his head. It was like a robotic sound which said "SYSTEM BEING ACTIVATED". After this in similar voice another voice rang inside his head,


--System Activated. Host confirmed Leo Watson--



Leo was stunned after this he hardly made his mind to calm himself because he was receiving shocks after shocks.



You said I'm teleported to this world, Okay I'll believe this.

You said in this world magic exists, Okay I'll believe this.

You said there are many species in this magical world, Okay I'll believe this.

You said I'm some kind of your "WARRIOR", Okay I'll believe this too.


But what the heck is this system thing and why this is ringing inside my head, how am I supposed to deal with that?


He was going to ask about this to old man when another *DING* sound rang in his ears "Host received this warrior system while teleporting to this world.


This warrior system will help the host to achieve greater heights and this is up to host that what the host want to do with his prowess. Host can be the savior or can be the destroyer of this world both things will affect Host's life accordingly. Host has to remain silent about the Warrior System or you will be punished".




Leo remained silent after hearing this, he was in a dilemma. His head was spinning after all this, it was not at all easy to digest all this. In last he chose to not to talk about this or else his life will be in danger.



The old man saw the reaction on Leo's face, old man let out a sigh he can understand how the young man beside him is feeling it is not common to teleport in a world full of miseries and full of responsibilities after all. Both of them sat on the ground and stared at the sky full of the twinkling stars and the two sparkling MOON.



Leo lost the track of the time and he didn't know when he slept. He woke up in the same room where woke up after he teleported to this world "GALIA".

He was confused; he began to muttering,




"What should I do? Shall I help those people? But I don't even know those people, what if the old man is lying, what if he is plotting something and I am here to be sacrificed for him?"



Leo found himself in grave danger he don't know what should he do, he don't even trust that old man ,if he himself not saw the two moon in the sky he will surely punch that bastard old man for whatever talk he said. A thought came to his mind,



"What if I run out of here?", but he soon neglected the idea because of three things;




First, he was unfamiliar with the place even if he ran from the old man where will he go? He don't have anything with him, he don't know what currency works here or how things work in this world, how will he survive?


Second, he was still wearing the uniform of his school and if locals or "TERRIANS" see him he will be captured or even killed by them.



Third, he can only talk in galians language, he still can't read anything and this will be a great disadvantage for him.




If he ran from the old man there will be less than 1 or 2 percent chances of his survival and finding his way back to his home is far talk.


He was wondering about these things when the system voice came again.






Then a virtual window appeared right in front of his eyes and there were some details.



Host name: Leo Watson.

Age: 17

Strength: 58

Agility: 50

Intelligence: 75

Aura: Host can use all types of auras, currently host has no aura.

Mana: 3 {weak}

Ability: Yet to unlock.

Items: None.

Magical beasts: None.

--There is currently 1 gift in the inventory presented by the system, do host want to open the gift--


Leo was shocked to see this "a gift, what could that be?" he thought. He was just about to open the gift when he heard the footsteps coming from downstairs and the window vanished. And there was the old man standing in front of him.


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