Styn-113 Colony Part I

Past five lightyears and on the border of what is unknown and unseen lies a 5 planet system called the Styn-113 Colony. The planets were connected by satellites that served as home to some inhabitants as well as a public transport system between the planets.

On the smallest planet, Higvel, lived all the children who were orphaned by wars and those who were left by parents who didn't want their half breed children. Anyone who was left there, remained there.

A desolate world that the Styn knew nothing about. Their children, abandoned and forgotten, were said to be left there to dwell as the lower beings they were, they did not know that what was left there, flourished into something none of them would ever begin to understand.

Several of the children were grown and did their best to take care of any newer children that was sent over. Their lives were simple but they knew what it meant for them to be where they were. They did not sugarcoat the world for these children because they needed to know what they were and to move past it. They were considered disappointments, things to be pitied but the other members of the colony were wrong.

The first and second generation of children came to the planet a little under a decade before the latest generation of children because of that, they were better equipped to dealing with each other's powers. It was a difficult time to grow up as those generations but they survived. Not everyone was there but everyone knew how that experience strengthened them. They knew that the people they lost were people who sacrificed themselves for the betterment of the generations to come.

The original number of children was 37 but only 22 were there when the second generation arrived, 29 when they arrived but only 20 survived. Their ages varied per generation but were between 8 to 12 year old. This meant that that most of them were old enough to remember their families, to remember who they lost and to remember who they would begin to scorn. They were left by themselves but every week supplies were sent over from other planets.

People who were charitable, some who pitied the poor orphans on the smallest planet, others because of their sense of obligation to the children of the people they knew and the rest were of the people who felt the guilt and shame. Those last people gave the most, they knew what they had done. They were the people who had given up their children because they were half breeds, because they did not match the ideals of the Central Mind, because they were weak bodied unlike their purebred counterparts that had robust bodies, the bodies of full Styns.

Several of the children were born between a Styn parent and a parent of unknown heritage that was killed, whether because of the war or the prejudice the Styn had against other races, they would never know. Their little planet was small and the farthest away from the colony, even the transports only came the once in a month to deliver the food.

It showed how little they cared of their half breed children compared to their purebred pride. Those transports never even touched the planet, they would enter the atmosphere and just enough that the gravity field would work and then they would drop the containment units that were filled with supplies. Eventually, it would take up the entirety of the planet but for now, these huge empty units could house about 10 children comfortably. It was no way to live but it was the way they lived anyway.

Sometimes, on the rare occasion that it did happen, instead of the huge containment units, smaller units would slowly drift from the transport. Those were the special units, the ones that held a new generation of children. There wasn't a set day for this special event but it was something everyone in the planet celebrated.

The smaller units would house the children in individual containment units where they were laid to hibernate until they reach the planet's surface. Everyone would come by and try to get the children out. To help them adjust to their new lives. The younger ones would assist in making the new arrivals feel welcome and to have someone to guide them through the small village of children.

Each year that passed from the first time, the children got younger and younger, their numbers never more than 12 children. It seemed the Styn were trying their best to cull any intermingling between species outside of the colony. It was disgusting, it was even worse because with every shipment to the planet, they sent newsletters reporting about how the Styn-113 Colony was prospering.

Lies fed by the Central Mind, they who were cast out knew the truth. They were given the knowledge to understand languages of the Styn and even those beyond the colony as well as the basic understanding of how most of the colony and the galaxy worked. Several times there were different educational materials strewn around on small boxes as a way to "help the poor half breeds". Several of the learning materials were outdated and seemed like they were before Styn-113 was even a colony.

Still, they tried to learn from what they could from those outdated books because their disconnect from anything outside the planet was something the older ones knew would inhibit their move towards progress.

The oldest was only 19, the youngest an infant only a few months old, their numbers were now almost a hundred but they were all too young to do more than venture around their planet. If they left, the laws of age would be invoked on them and they would be sent straight back to Higvel.