New Faces

Maximo moved as if he was in a dance. Twisting and twirling never stopping his flowing movement. The training field had been hijacked by him and his staff.

His purpose for attending Edenburg was not to learn. No way he wasted his time on such useless drivel. Since young Maximo has undergone a rigorous education program that his family felt best.

Only fourteen he was already fully matured. A child in an adult's body. A result of his special education. Tall, standing at six in a half feet, he had broad shoulders on a lean frame. Large muscles would just get in the way. Something his family made sure did not happen.

Maximo's upbringing could be called militaristic. From the uniform, he wore to the short crop of golden hair on his head all spoke of a well-honed soldier. Handsome clean-shaven face with steady gray eyes. Those eyes kept track of the dozen drones that whizzed around him.

Had it not been because of his family pride, going to a high school filled with kids his own age would have never happened. He was ordered so he made the trip to Edenburg. Just to show off his superiority and gain fame for his family.

"Young master, today's classes are about to be released for the day." Camen, his butler informed him.

Maximo dodged another projectile that tried to embed itself into his forehead. Training drones with their safety off were shooting thin spikes at full force at him. A dozen machines flew about coordinating their attacks on the boy. A light evening working as far as Maximo was concerned.

"Good, I'll continue to train here. They have to gather here eventually anyways." Maximo told Camen. He did not bother to stop his dodging exercise. He planned to show off his superiority to the group when they arrived. He would destroy all dozen of the drones with his magical prowess once he had a large enough crowd. First impressions were important after all.

Savannah watched Maximo from a distance. She also did not bother attending normal classes. Not that she would skip out on all that Edenburg had to offer. Some of the faculty were masters in their fields only a moron would right off such skilled teachers.

"It figures he would be trying to show off. That's why I wanted grandpa to come down with me." A young voice said from behind Savannah. The voice belonged to a girl Savannah knew well even if they had never personally met before.

"Miss Winchester, that boy is still silly. Even with his family wasting so much wealth on him, he is just so so. I hope he does not get depressed soon when he fails to impress anyone in Kaden's group." Savannah told her with a grin. Soon a new drama would unfold.

No mentioning Kaden's talents, even the chubby Tim could do better than the Sion of the Maximoff's current performance. Hinata or Ash could probably defend and defeat all the drones and boys in two moves. Savannah had already seen through the drone patterns. She could also outperform the kid if she was inclined.

"Haha, cousin you know that stinky brat hates being looked down on. He hates to lose too. It's good he is not spiteful but rather is self-blaming and a crybaby." Miss Winchester replied. She wanted to now meet this elite class.

"Well little cousin, we should keep away and watch all the fun from here," Savannah told the girl.

Savannah knew Celestia Mary Winchester was very similar to her. She likes watching as the trouble unfolded. She also likes to swoop in to fan the flames. Maximo Maxamillion Maximoff the 3rd had suffered plenty of times in both girls' hands. The Great Crybaby was a nickname they had both given him over the years.

Kaden and Hinata were the first two to arrive at their training field. A dozen black suit goons had blocked off the entrance. They looked like extras for a gangster flick.

"Did we lose our practice field?" Hinata asked. She, like Kaden, was confused. She was aware of new members joining but a dozen extras were not something the school had informed them about.

"Not from what Jessie just told me. She said security was on the way to remove those people any second. We need to just keep out of the way and wait." Kaden replied. He showed Hinata the message he had received on his PDA.

It read, 'Yup, sit tight, security will give them the boot soon.'. Hinata could see how Kaden could interpret it as such. She was coitus as to what kind of boot security would give them. The school security was famous.

The security forces deployed on the station were high-rank automatons. Humanoid in appearance. A step below Clogsworth's refined looks. As a butler Clogsworth was elegant in his design. The station security was built to arrest vagrant summons and their masters. They could take a beating and give one too. Which the machine without empathy or restraint did to those who wildly violated the station's rules.

Both Hinata and Kaden were surprised when the mafioso had moved away from the entrance. They did so the second they noticed the two students. As if they had been waiting for them to show up.

"Should we wait or go in?" Hinata asked. Unsure if they should go in to not be late. Even though she was sure that she and Kaden had been the first to arrive. They normally were since they rarely ate at the cafeteria. Opting to prep lunch and dinner packs instead of spending the money on takeout. It saves them quite the sun for the month.

That extra money could be used for their summoned creatures. Summons needed to eat and other expensive resources to grow properly. Even Clogsworth had to consume materials to keep functioning. Though his needs were relatively cheap. Summoning magic required a price after all.

Kaden used the Gardeners magic and skills would regularly give her different types of seeds, soil, fertilizer, and water. All were bought through the school store. Every need could be ordered via the school-issued PDA.

"We should wait for the others. At Least we would be safer in a larger group." Kaden said as he fiddled with his PDA. He needed to buy some more motor oil for Cogsworth. The Automaton was doing all the chores for the penthouse. Including everybody doing laundry. A service Hinata and Ash came up with. Kaden thought about hiring both girls as his business consultants. They seem full of money-making ideas.

It did not take long for the rest of the group to show up. All of them were aware of what was going on. Courtesy of Hinata texting them all. Each had agreed to wait it out till the station security acted.

"I'm surprised those tin cans have not arrived yet," Ash complained. She was squatting on the ground already bored.

"Boss lady probably did not make it an emergency. These dudes have not done anything bad yet." Bisma told her.

"The fact they are freely walking around here shows they have permission. Station access is highly controlled." Bruce added.

"Yeah, no way just anybody could show up here. This place is literally in the middle of nowhere." Tommy added

"You guys already forgot about the penthouse. We are not the only school here and there are plenty of powerful people who can come and go as they please." Kaden dashed their naive thinking. "Bee is an excellent example of someone who openly violated the rules of this place. Besides what the school first and only saying?." Kaden asked

"Haha, if you have enough money you can do anything?" Ash barked out the question. Well, it was kind of a question she was a hundred percent sure she was right.

"Hehe, all things are possible for the right price." Hinata gave out the correct answer. Ash was right too but the first page of the freshman handbook started with Hinata's answer.

"Look, Look the toasters are finally here." Ask said with some excitement. Hopefully, she sees something interesting happen now.

A dozen gun metal humanoid robots descended from the sky. They might have passed as humans if not for the bulky servos on their joints. Else the rest of them look like body armor a sci-fi future soldier might wear.

"Halt and identify yourself." Each of the dozen robots told a dozen men. The men for their part were not surprised at all. To Ash's disappointment, each man in black flashed a badge to their respective security bot.

The bots all chimed at the same time before flying off. A message alert beeped from Kaden's PDA. The men moved to the side and one among them step forward.

"Mr. Flanagan, I am called Dillion, we are simply guards for our young master who waits for your group inside. We will not harm nor interfere with any student here." Dillion told Kaden.

Kaden was not surprised as he just got a text message from Jessica who said Bee had recalled the security team after they did their id check. She still wanted to give those guards the boot but got overruled. She also told him who was behind the guards.

Kaden gave Dillion a nod. Then signal the rest of his team to follow him in. Sighing as he step forward he knew today would be another long one.

Maximo almost ran out of patience waiting for his new team to enter the training grounds. He even sent his men out to wait for them. Just to make sure everyone entered at the same time. He did not want to repeat his showoff attempt. One and done was his motto. Had he known that his diction caused the delay, who knows what kind of fit he might have had?

"Young master they have arrived," Camen told his charge. He did not bother to report the security check issue. Sometimes withholding information was just as important as reporting it. Upsetting him was not worth the price of knowing.

"Great, We still have plenty of time. Once they enter the field we will begin." Maximo told him. He quickly punched some commands into the bangle strapped to his wrist. A personal computer he used to control the drones besides multiple other functions. A gadget that was recently developed in his nation.

Maximo then took out a gold coin and flipped it high into the sky. He whispered a silent prayer before a golden light appeared. His grimoire material was in his hand and automatically opened to a page. A bright yellow laser shoots out of his book engulfing the coin in mid-air. The yellow beam kept moving sporadically around him.

The droids this time were much more than before. Double the amount in fact. Maximo used his summons. So of course the main event had to be grander than the earlier warmup.

The second the doors opened Maximo started his dance of destruction. The droids we're also moving about in a frenzy. Shooting out darts and moving about to best target the boy. Maximo this time did not worry about the darts and just focused on destroying the drones. His partner was handling the darts. Even the stray darts that might harm onlookers would be caught by it.

"Little Max is still a training-holic," Ash said.

"Max?" Kaden asked.

"Hahaha, he trains more than Jessica. So of course he has aged faster physically too. Though it seems his brain is stuck at ten." Ash replied.

"Another acquaintance?" Tommy asked.

"Kind of, but I don't blame Kaden for forgetting. We were all really little at the time. Max mostly crawled around back then." Jessica answered for them as she entered last. She had just arrived.

"That Maximo? He looks nothing like that chubby little baby boy." Kaden blurted out as he pointed to the kid. His outburst was heard by everyone in the field.

Maximo was super disappointed with everyone's reactions. He tripped over his own feet when he heard Kaden's reaction. It was so unlike the Kaden he remembered. The faceplant to the ground that Maximo expected to feel as he closed his eyes never came.

Tree roots held Maximo, all the drones, and his Summons in place. Reacting with amazing speed Kaden had cast ensnare on the field. The fact the place was regularly used with his plants helped speed up the reaction.

Mentally envisioning the roots as extensions of his arms, Kaden crushed all the remaining drones in one go. He eased his once one-time childhood friend back to his feet. Then retracted the tree roots back into the ground. They vanished like they never were there, to begin with.

"Maximo, that was foolish. Don't put yourself in danger just to show off. What if you hurt yourself? Nobody here can heal you." Kaden walked up and started berating the boy.

It was a funny sight. Kaden has yet to fully grow. Still looked like a middle schooler was lecturing a grown man. That grown man was two years younger than him but that did not matter. Out of the group, Kaden was the youngest looking one. For whatever reason, he was aging slower than the rest.

Bisma, Tommy, Jason, and Bruce were all almost a foot taller and had to shave every day to not sport full beards. Hinata was several inches taller and more mature, the same for Ash. Jessica was already tapped out and luckily she was not growing anymore in any direction. Though Kaden likes to tease her on days she seems to be snacking more than normal.

What happened after the lecture was totally outside everyone but the two girls' predictions. The man who looked to be around twenty-five started to cry. He started balling like a two-year-old who just lost their favorite sucker.

"Wah, wah, wah, why are you yelling at me, wah, it's all wrong, wah, why." Maximo the great crybaby said.