
The explosion rocked the whole station. It was early morning. Well early relative to the time schedule the station operates on. All the souls aboard the station felt it. Most rudely awoken to its tremors.

That's how Kaden and company found themselves standing in formation. Outside the school main training field. Along with the rest of the students and faculty body.

"The station authorities are currently investigating. We will know what happened soon. All sections in the habitat areas are still operating at 100 percent efficiency and your safety is absolute. In case you failed to read the emergency handbook or have since forgotten about it. Know that if any major system falls below 80 percent the automatic teleport spell will send the station segment back to its original world." Beelzebub told everyone.

The five sections of the space station were actually summoned from five different locations across the universe. Safeguards would return them if the station critical systems failed. The cost the council paid to create the station was a testament to the importance the new generation of defenders was.

At ground zero of the explosion a tall man with a stern face along with four other men, Camen, Celestia's grandfather, and Kaden's Grandmother stood in the void of space as repair vehicles got busy repairing the damage.

"This section is used for cold storage. Common materials and some frozen foods. It holds nothing vital." The man with the sten face said. He looks to be a military officer of high rank.

"Commander Stallone, we know this place is not important. What we don't know is why such an unimportant place exploded?" One of the men said.

"Franklin, don't interrupt him and stop being condescending. The good Commander is just doing his job." Mr Toones told his colleague. "Please continue." He then told the Commander.

"James, I'll take my leave to prepare. Make sure everyone is prepared for the jump. This location is compromised now." May spoke to the commander. His full name was James Copper Stallone. Only a select few would call him by his first name and the Ice Banshee of the East was one of them.

"We don't have much time if Mrs Lee is going to take action." Mr Winchester commented before he departed.

"We will make sure both ships are properly anchored before the jump occurs." Camen added and also departed.

"They're not a friend bunch are they?" One of the four said as he watched the three visitors go one by one.

"Haha, Hank, don't worry about those people they each are way above our pay grade. Only the commander might have some pull with that lot." The last man said.

"Haha, Alen, my salary is just a bit under yours. How can I afford to mingle with those heavyweights?" Commander Stallone replied.

"The patch should hold til after the jump. I'm locking down all bulkheads. From the school prominades altheway to the recycling plants. We have too many unregistered bodies running around in sections that should be sealed. I know each school has their own secret and what not but it's annoying being responsible for a station when half the place is redacted on the reports and each school is free to bring in personnel at their discretion." He in a rare moment complained. The men standing by his side could each be called a friend. James had few of them. As a commander of a multi galactic space station he had little free time to make such connections.

Jacobs was bleeding from a wound on his side. Some of his face and most of his left arm was burned from the explosion.

"Haha, that bastard dares." He laughed out loud angrily. "I'm just glad I evacuated everybody last month." He said in a more controlled and caring tone. He really was glad none of his staff had to face that monster.

"You really should save your energy Jacobs. Even if your wound has already begun to heal." Sabrina told him. She was Miss Larson, one of Kaden's teachers and May Lee personal disciples.

"You're really a big idiot for accepting that house's offer. Master never blamed you, she still even thinks of you." Sabrina told him.

"Enough, we don't need to talk about our teacher. She has her own matters to deal with. Just finish healing me and I'll return where I belong." Jacobs told her.

"Hmph, always ungrateful. Your stubborn pride is just like hers. Can't you just let go and move on?... I don't even know why I bother asking." Sabrina complained. "Fine I'll drop it, but you have to tell me why you got caught in that explosion." She then demanded.

"Fine, not that it matters anymore. I'm sure your network of spies will hear about it soon enough. First I was assigned to verify a student's identity. Kid's luck is unbelievably great or he is a walking hex. I guess I was not the only one checking him out. That other party was who I had a nasty encounter with.

"This other party were dimensional interlopers? Else your magic would not cause such a huge explosion." Sabrina guessed.

"Haha, my Senior Sister is wise as always." Jacobs replied not really answering her. They both knew the answer already.

"So who were you investigating?" Sabrina then asked.

"Sorry sister, you already got your one question answered. Besides that insider information you will have to wait on." Jacobs told her with his best grin. Sabrina really wanted to punch him right then.

"The heir to the 72 pillars. No need to reply, we are already aware of the boy." A voice from the room's entrance stated. It was May Lee.

"I was stuck babysitting that brat because of you and all the other groups fishing for clues. It's been really annoying. I should bill you for inconveniencing me." Beelzebub told James.

"Bee shouldn't you be at that boy's command then?" James asked.

"Tsh, I was freed from that book long ago. You know that man. Else how could I be dean of such a high class school?" Beelzebub answered.

"Enough, The boy's fate is his own. Tell your bosses that. Tell them I'm personally taking action in the matter." May Lee told Jacobs before disappearing.

"I see she has missed me. Haha, else she would not bother with the warning. It does not matter. My Lady needs to know." Jacob said mostly to himself before focusing on his meditation. He needed to heal up fast and pass on his teacher's message. He did not care about his assignment, just the safety of his current master.

Sabrina could only silently pity her fellow student. The man was too stubborn and prideful to admit he had done nothing wrong back then. She had tried to tell him so many times but the hard head would never listen.

Back at the main training field the student body waited patiently to be released. They no longer had to stand in formation. The students quickly cluster in their own groups. Mostly sticking to eather the class they belonged to or friends they had made.

Kaden's group was of course his elite team.

"Wonder what this is all about." Bisma pondered out loud.

"Mate, it was a large explosion. It caused the station to shift its position. That is not something the faculty will talk to us students about." Maximo told him. Max had decided to join the gathering just so he could share what he knew. Showing off was his thing after all. "From the deck of my ship I could see the hole the explosion created. Drones are fast at work to patch it up. Clamen said we will be shifting the station location soon."

"What do you mean by shifting locations?" Kaden asked. At first he thought he heard the boy wrong.

"Every 24 hour cycle they change the station location. It's constantly being moved." Ash answered.

"Yes, normally we remain in the same quadrant. This time we will jump a lot further away." Jessica added to Ash's answer. "I know what you're going to ask next. The answer is simple, Mr Flanagan. So our enemies don't find us." She told Kaden

"Enemies?" Kaden asked. He was at a loss.

"Dude, you're smart but have you never researched who we keep having to have fights with? Like the whole school system designed to train soldiers." Jason asked.

"Kaden, like me, he is still new to everything. My sponsor was very thorough in explaining those creatures to me. I don't think Kaden family did the same." Bruce spoke up for his friend.

"Wait a minute. The planner war or what not is not supposed to happen for like forever from now. Why do we have to worry about being from a different dimension?" Kaden asked even though he had already figured out the answer.

"Who wants to explain it?" Ash asked

"I will," Hinata spoke up. "Kaden, the planner war is a ranking competition. A brutal one but still a competition. That does not stop those from lesser planes from entering our own. Many of those forces would love to know our current location. They want to destroy this station along with everyone onboard. It would weaken our forces greatly and definitely have a negative impact on our universe's chances of winning the next war."

Kaden took a second to process all the new information. He was still very much hoping his highschool life would be a normal one. Not one where aliens from a different dimension were hell bent on killing him.

Bisma patted Kaden on the shoulder. "It's not all that bad. In the academy's long history the grounds have only been attacked a dozen or so times. Everytime none of the student body came to harm. You have a greater chance of hurting yourself in training than being attacked by space aliens." Bisma told him.

"Bisma, you're not helping matters." Kaden retorted. Which caused Ash to start laughing. The girl could find humor in anything. He then said, "I better understand now. Thank you Hinata."

"So bro, what are your thoughts now?" Maximo asked.

"Haha, train train train. Is that not your favorite thing to do?" Kaden answered.

"Haha, that is the one thing this great crybaby is excellent at." Savannah added making the rest of the group laugh. Well everyone except Maximo who looked like he was about to burst into tears any second.

The space jump was as unpleasant as always. It was a good thing that nobody had eaten yet. Else they might have lost their breakfast.

Because of the late hour everyone had to gather. Because of the unscheduled long distance jump. All four schools gave the students the day off. Kaden's first destination was to the school library to research the potential enemies that he might be forced to face.

The idea of taking a life violated his modern mentality. This did not mean he would hold back. The foreign beings who invaded the primary universe could be described with one word. Monsters. Kaden was fascinated with the book titled Creatures from Legend and Their True Origins. Dragons, vampires, werewolves, Greek monsters and other such creatures could all be traces to different planes of reality.

"Very similar to the creature we bond with contracts. The key difference is those monsters have a nasty appetite for our kind. But they all can be bonded by our contacts. Only angels and devils are immune to the bond. Very interesting." Kaden mused out loud to himself.

He was back at home in the study he called his room. A stack of book new additions to his collection sat on his desk. The school library was more a bookstore than a public place to read. Kaden had just blown his entire saving on that stack of books. Each had been recommended to him by the school librarian. Kaden was such a frequent visitor that the lady gave him an extra ten percent discount on all his