The 9 Lion Beasts looked at Death and prepared to slaughter him. The first one to come was the biggest of the pack. Death focused on his power to release the least amount possible, and materialized a dark hand from the shadows of the trees. All this was done in less than a fraction of a second. He made a sweep attack, however, he miscalculated the amount of power he needed, and ended up obliterating everything in front of him for about 15 miles, including the other 8 Lion Beasts.
[I can control my physical power quite well, but my magic power is just too unreliable. I used less tan a millionth of my power on that attack and still managed to destroy so much...] - thought Death.
Kirin who had followed Death, looked with her mouth opened. She followed Death because she wanted to challenge him to a duel after seeing him defeat Jeaime so easily, but after seeing that, she clearly understood she had no chance of even touching him.
"You can come out now, you suck at hiding your presence." - yelled Death.
"I think its your senses that are too good. My presence concealing is considered incredible in my family. And i come from a family of assassins..." - said Kirin with a puzzled voice.
"Just, who are y---" - Kirins voice was interrupted by a roar.
The roar came from at least 300 miles away, but could still be heard. It was incredibly intimidating for anyone who heard it. But of course, for Death, it was only something he wanted to investigate.
"What was that?" - asked Death, his face showing clear curiosity.
"I`ve only heard something like that once before in my life... it sounded like a dragon." - Kirin was staring blankly at the sky. She looked terrified and lost in thought.
"Ill go take a look." - said Death nonchalantly
"WHAT!?!?" - hearing something so stupid, Kirin snapped out of her thoughts. "You cant go alone. You will die. Dragons are some of the most powerful beings in the world. It would take several rank S adventurers just to challenge one." - explained Kirin, trying to knock some sense into him.
"I dont care" -replied Death. "If i cant go alone, then you are coming with me" - he said.
"Dont be stupid, even if we go, it will take days to get th-" - just as Kirin was talking, Death had finished opening a Portal.
"Go in." - he said.
"No way" - she replied.
"Okay then, goodbye" - said Death as he entered the portal.
[Did this guy just use interdimensional magic without any chants? That should be impossible. I cant let him go alone, i need to get him out of there. I cant let such an interesting person die after having just met him. No, no, no wait, we are talking about A DRAGON....... I will just get in completely concealed and try to get him out. He wont event know im there. The dragon should not be able to notice me either.] - Kirin was lost deep in thought.
In the end, she walked through the portal just as it was about to close.
When she came onto the other side, using her most complex camouflage ability, she saw Death walking straight to a huge figure.
"Hey, i thought you werent coming." - said Death, slightly turning
[Yup, this was a mistake...] - thought Kirin, thinking back to the happy moments of in her life. [This is it mom] - she thought.
Death walked straight towards the incredibly huge Dragon.