"T-t-the prisoners are being kep-" - one of the bandits tried to answer the question, but was immediatly stabbed in the throat by one of his peers.
[I will be the one to live!] - thought the bandit who had just killed his friend.
Just as he was about to speak, he was backstabbed by another bandit.
The other 2 bandits decided to run away as fast as they could. They were already pretty far away.
"My name is Kain. Our prisoners are being kept not too far from here. I can guide you there, if you agree to spare me." - said the last remaining bandit.
"Okay. Let me take care of those two who ran away." - said Death. He snapped his fingers.
Somewhere in the forest, 2 loud thuds could be heard. They were the 2 bandits who had ran away, falling dead to the floor. They were bleeding from their eyes, ears and mouth. Truly a frightening sight, seeing 2 men suddenly start to bleed and fall dead to the ground.
"Done. Lead the way." - said Death, looking at Kain.
[What? All he did was snap his fingers, what does he mean by "done"? No, i shouldnt be surprised, this man doesnt look like he is one to lie. Plus, he did destroy an entire mountain in seconds... thinking about that makes killing those 2 with a snap sound simple...] - he thought.
"Please, follow me sir." - Kain was talking as politely as possible. He was truly afraid of the things Death was capabale of.
"You two should come as well." - said Death, talking to Kirin and Kwarjjal. They both agreed. Nobody would dare defy his word.
After 2 hours of running, they finally arrived.
During that time, Death thought about how he was confined for billions of years, and how he wanted to rescue those who were captured as soon as possible. He did not want any human to go through what he had.
The place looked like a big warehouse. Surprisingly, it was unattended; the guards must have gone look at the mountain, to check what had happened to their base.
"You can go now" - said Death, looking at Kain.
"Thank you, kind sir" - he replied, and left as fast as he could, wanting to get away from Death as quickly as possible.
When Death and the girls entered the building, they found a big cell, containing at least 100 people. The air was humid, and the smell was disgusting. Most of the prisoners were young girls. Upon seeing this, Kirin was overwhelmed with rage and disgust.
The people inside the cage looked at them with fearful eyes, so Kirin said:
"Dont worry, we are here to free you. The bandits are gone."
The mood inside the room lightened up. Everyone stood up, excited, being overwhelmed by a sense of hope and happinness.
"Finally!", "Thank god, i thought i was going to die in here!", "Mommy they are letting us go!", were some of the things that could be heard.
They opened the gate and they started coming out.
[Well, the bandits are gone. They will easily be able to go back to their homes now. There is plenty of food stored in this warehouse, so we shouldnt worry about them, its not like theres any monster here. I specifically chose this area as my slumber place for that reason... Until that strange power surge not too long ago caused me to wake up...] - thought Kwarjjal.
"We should head back to the carriage. It is almost daytime, they will be departing to Terusia soon. We need to be there if we want to enter Thalius." - Kirin said
"Yes, you are right, Kirin." - answered Death.
"Its weird that you know my name, but i dont know yours..." - said Kirin, with an expectant tone.
"Death, you can call me that." - he answered.
[I cant tell if he is being serious or not... but he doesnt seem like the type to joke around.] - Kirin thought to herself.
[Seems like a fitting name] - thought Kwarjjal.
"E-excuse me... i heard you were going to Thalius?" - a young girl approached them. She had dark, long hair. It would be beautiful, if not by the fact that it was filthy. She looked to be around 15 years old. - "Would you mind taking me with you? I was originally headed for Terusia around a month ago, when my caravan was attacked. I was captured, and apparently they were planning to sell me to some noble."
"Sure, what business do you have in Terusia, if you dont mind me asking?" - asked Kirin to the young girl.
"Im planning on becoming a student at Thalius..." - she replied. - "My name is Sana, by the way."