Sunny's day

~The Realm~

"Ok Sunny take watch it's time I get buzzy." Cab buzzed cheerily as he forcefully connected his will to the 'Game'.

What had originally been an empty sky not hours ago a swirling mass of energy pulsated. The energy gave the dark empty realm an ambient light causing the three Gods to lose their ChemLight™ in the night like glow.

Seeing as Cab rushed to get to work Sunny let his will relax and stopped coursing his divinity into the the air. After taking a step back Sunny turned his attention to the mortal realm in a 'first person point of view' a term he learned due to the copy of memories Hotten extracted from Tom.

Sunny watched through Tom's eyes as he and his friends walk up to a strange black tower then proceed to strap themselves to it. "Hmm.. humans never cease with their construction." Sunny mused to himself feeling nostalgic about watching the ancient egyptians build their cities from nothing more than sand and stone.

Slowly his vision raised as Tom was lifted to the top of the tower. Sunny was given a view of the park in it's entirety while Tom swept it with his eyes, the many moving seats and carts that spun through the air at high speeds. He could hear the few odd screams of fear and thrill sound in the distance.

"Is this a Training ca.." Click! As Sunny begins to form a question for Cab he heard a strange noise then.... The world shifted as Tom stared at the ground making it's rapid advance. Sunny instantly cut his connection to the mortal realm and could hear Cab laughing hysterically.

Realizing Cab played a trick on him Sunny promised himself revenge the moment an opportunity arises. "That was just childish Cab.." Sunny complained while reconnecting to the mortal plane this time opting for an over the shoulder view so he could take in his surroundings easier and avoid anymore.. surprises.

As Sunny watched Tom and his friends get on each ride and go to the different booths for prizes and games he realized that this was no training camp it was more of a festival.

Tom and his friends had ridden most of the machinations in the park before making their way to the go-kart track. As they waited in line Sunny listened in on their conversation. "You guys have any plans for the afternoon?" Larry asked no one in particular. "Me and Mike are going to the movies.." Chelsea started to say before Vic cut in.

"Oooh let's do a double date!" Mike and Larry glanced each other's way before Larry answered. "I don't think we should crash their first date Vic.." "Besides I kinda have something special planned for dinner." Mike echoed leading to Mari asking "What special intentions do you have for our Chelsea? she's a good girl and I want her to stay that way."

"Shouldn't you and Tom be more worried about what y'all are doing tonight?" Mike replied curtly as ever. .... "You wanna borrow a knife?" Vic leaned over and 'whispered' to Mari just loud enough for everyone to hear. "I fear no knife! I have the Lord at my side." Mike said as he eased his way behind Tom...

"Bud if you don't get from behind me I'll cut you myself." Tom said as he took a large step away. Larry started laughing at the look of betrayal on Mike's face.

"Hmm does the mean looking one worship Tom? Interesting.." Sunny Mused to himself and continued to watch as they boarded the strange carts without horses.. "So fast! this looks like fun.. Maybe we should build a 'Go Kart' track when we finish with the game.." Sunny was surprised to find he was enjoying himself watching Tom and his friends explore the park "Maybe I was lonely.." The 'God' whispered to himself. After Tom and his friends spent another hour in the park they made their way to the cars but just before they got inside.. "Hey you F∆¢ker$! Thought it was over‽" Man one and two had appeared.. and both of them had a bat..

"Tom get the girls in the car.." Larry said as he popped the trunk to the jeep and pulled out an old 'Tire checker' Tom kept for Just in case situations.. like this one. Mike rolled his neck and popped his knuckles. "You must really wanna go to the dentist.. I gave you an out last time, it won't happen again." Mike said while mean mugging the S.O.B he dropped in the arcade. "Listen here boy you ain't $h!t imma F∆¢k you up so bad yo blue haired b!t¢h won't even be able to look at you!" Man two said as he pointed the bat directly at Mike.. "Threatening me is only going to make the beating worse.." Mike grunted out a reply. Click! "Mike catch!"

Tom threw Mike a metal floorjack lever before he stepped out of the car with a hand full of 'Marbles' Larry saw what was in Tom's hand and started sweating.. "Dude you trying to kill someone?! put those away!" "Nah man those are the guys who harassed Mari earlier.. I might not be as big as y'all but I'm sure a little fire will even things up.." After Tom finished speaking he threw a 'Marble' at the ground between the two men. Fwoosh! The thermite pellet burned white hot for a second then disappeared leaving the asphalt it struck on fire.. "The F∆¢k is that $h!t!!" Man one jumped back as he screamed and man two fell over trying to get away but his low sagging pants tripped him... "So you guys like weapons right?" Tom said with a smile before cocking his arm back with another marble in his hand. Man 1 ditched his friend and man 2 P!$$ed himself before getting up and running after him "Wait up I got the keys!!". Mike and Larry turned to look at Tom.. "What? you guys thought you were gonna act like heros and leave me in the car?" Thwack! "Stupid!" Thwack! "Stupid!" Thwack! "Stupid!" Mari was beating Tom while crying and Victoria was glaring daggers at Larry.. Chelsea didn't seem like she was too upset though.

"Owww! why‽ I kept the fight from going down!" Tom rubbed his head while looking at Mari questioningly.. "We could have just run them over! Now we better leave before the cops show!" .... """Oh..""" the three boys replied and Tom, Mari, Victoria, and Larry hopped in the jeep as Mike and Chelsea jumped in her car.

"Tom is a sorcerer!!" Sunny exclaimed as he pulled himself away before he ran back to Cab and Hotten to tell them what he saw. "Humans have been striking rocks together to make fire for centuries.. that doesn't make him a sorcerer." Hotten replied while keeping her focus on the project at hand. "Seriously sunny how long have you been away from humans to forget that?" Cab added in concern painting his voice.. "Listen to me!! he threw a perfectly smooth rock and the moment it struck the ground it burned with a white flame! it was so powerful it lit the stone beneath it on fire!" The two turned to look at Sunny quizzically..

"Was he playing another game?" Cab asked "No he was defending his friends.. He used magic! I saw it." Sunny replied tiredly. "Then maybe we should have him tell us what he can do so he can use his own powers when 'this' is finished.." Hotten said while looking at the small world that they have been forming.