Husband and Wife

Standing in front of the gates of the Ancient Devil Sect is a middle-aged man who have nothing but ragged clothes and two rings on his left hand.

His clothes were of dirt color and stains were all over its surface, however, in contrast to his dirty looking clothes his face was rather clean making his countenance visible and clear for everyone to see.

The middle-aged man was not that handsome but he was not ugly either, his looks were average no matter how one looked at him.

His hair was tied into a bun but it looked like it was intentionally altered to make it look like unkempt, this man looked an ordinary farmer through and through.

On his ring finger was a simple golden ring which looks like it had been bought from the cheapest stores and the other was on his thumb, a black colored ring that has a little skull carved on its surface.

He looked at the hundred-meter big gate of the ancient sect with his two lifeless eyes and then he started walking forward with the intention of entering the sect.

Two guards stand in attention in front of giant gates, both of them were wearing armor made from the Scales of the Golden Serpent of the Triad Chaos Realm, it was clear that they hold a high position inside the ancient sect.

Both of them were serious and have unfaltering gazes as if they were waiting for someone but that was only for show because they have already killed everyone in this realm, whether it be the other ancient sects or the mortals they have killed them all and now they are only waiting for their goals to be reached.

However, their vigilance suddenly heightened when they saw the ragged middle-aged man walking towards their direction.

At first, they thought he was a threat but after sensing nothing from him the two started becoming laxer and at ease.

"Hey did you miss anyone? We were ordered to clean out the whole realm of every living being for the 'Great Ritual' so why is someone still alive? Did you miss anyone?"

Asked one of the guards.

"Don't accuse me of such idiotic things, I checked everywhere from the Great Tundra to the Demonic Desert and made sure that no one is alive other than our sect disciples so I'm sure that everyone is dead, I even checked twenty times with my Immortal Sense."

The other guard spoke in denial.

"Then are you saying that he came here from outside the realm? The Illustrious Devil has sealed every entrance and exit so it's impossible to get in if you're not a God!!"

The other guard's anger was incense but in the end, he just said.

"Ugh, it's still half an hour before the ritual starts so kill him already and make sure the blood essence doesn't linger in the air, we can't have any mortal's blood affecting the ritual."

The first guard spoke to his companion and ordered for the middle-aged man's death.

The other guard did not say anything back and slowly he went to the middle-aged man with the intention to kill, his bloodlust was as clear as the sun above his head the guard was not hiding his intention.

With a flipped of the guard's hand, a sword appeared on his right hand, it was big and was over two meters long. He looked at the middle-aged man and spoke with glee.

"You are a truly stupid man, I don't know where you have been hiding that you happened to keep yourself alive but this is as far as you go. Hehe, any last words old man?"

The middle-aged man raised his head and saw the killing intent that's clearly written on the guards face the pressure the guard gave off was heavy enough to make any mortal lose their minds but the strangest thing was that the middle-aged man only responded to the guard with a question;

"Where are they? Where are the bastards that took my wife?"

It sounded like the pleas of an insane man.

The guard looked at the middle-aged man and shouted at his face while saliva flew everywhere.

"Haha, you don't need to know, I'll just take you to her!!"

He swung his sword down with the clear intention of cutting down, this unhesitant intent coupled by the eerie smile he had on his face can make anyone's blood go cold.



The sword was swung at the old man without any hesitation but instead of seeing blood and gore splattered everywhere something else was seen when the guard retracted his sword back to him.

"What… the hell… are you?"

The lifeless looking middle-aged man held half of a broken sword and stared at the eyes of the guard.

"Do you even know what you have just said?"


A cold intent was released and a gush of blood gushed out like a fountain from the guard's neck a clean cut could be seen but the broken blade on the middle-aged man's hands was not tainted by any speck of blood.

The middle-aged man bathed in the blood of the man he had killed and walk passed over the now lifeless body of the guard, he walked slowly not hurried nor disturb.

He gave the other guard who ordered for his death a death stare and spoke a few words;

"Open the gates and make the barrier go away if you do so I'll make sure you live this out."

His voice was steady but from the guard's eyes the only thing he could see was a death walking towards his general direction, he wanted to run away but he couldn't and within a second he decided to stay and stand his ground, however....


Another fountain of blood started gushing out… another guard was killed and without any kind of hesitation.

The Golden Scale armor didn't protect them in the slightest, the two guards were killed without having the ability to retaliate.

"Wait for me Yu'er." The middle-aged man took a deep breath and his right hand was suddenly covered by a black colored gauntlet which seemed to have the ability to bend the space.

"I, Lin Shao is coming to pick you up."

Qi gathered on Lin Shao's right hand as the black gauntlet let out a shrill cry.

"Star Collapsing Fist!!"


His fist met with an invisible barrier that appeared out of nowhere and halted his fist to go any further however, the barrier could not stop his force altogether resulting for it to shake and tremble.

Lin Shao saw this happen and jumped up the air as his other hand begun to be covered by a black colored gauntlet just like his right hand not only that but pass his hands and all the way to his shoulders, both of his arms now have shoulder guards.

He jumped up but kept afloat as if he was flying in the air, no one seems to have noticed him just yet but they will soon.

Moving in the middle of the barrier Lin Shao retracted his right fist once more and with a shout, the Qi of the world and his own started synching with one another.

"Star Collapsing Fist!"

Once again he used the Star Collapsing Fist but this time he used it right at the center of the barrier.

The disciples who had been very busy preparing for the ritual saw the sky tremble as a black dot descended from above. They thought that something was amiss but before they could put together their thoughts a very deep sound resonated in their ears.


"T—the barrier is starting to break, call the four great elders something is coming…"


Before that man could finish his words, the barrier which surrounded the whole sect was shattered to millions of pieces and what followed the sudden crash of the barrier was the black dot's descend from high heaven.


Lin Shao stood in the middle of the sect with his pair of gauntlets and ragged clothes, his eyes looked around as he spoke;

"Where is my wife? Where is Yu'er?"

He asked the baffled disciples and Elders who were all looking at his ragged and unkempt self. All were stunned at the sight of an intruder asking something like that.

Seeing them like that Lin Shao started cracking his neck as he spoke once again;

"If you don't know then you don't have to answer, I'll look for her myself. But, all of you must die for the unforgivable seen that you have made!"

His voice was loud for everyone to hear and hearing these arrogant words of his a disciple step up and rebuked;

"Shut your mouth who the hell…"


Lin Shao moved like he bypassed space itself and appeared right in front of that disciple, he drew back both of his hands and at the same time he hit him right on the head and the scene next was something that only a few could stomach.

Pieces of his brains flew all over the place as a rain of blood occurred one that disciple's eyes even flew towards someone else hitting him on the head.

"I'll start with the loudest one."

That single punch was the gong of everything. Seeing one of theirs die in front of them because of their slow uptake in the situation everyone who is present at that place started rushing Lin Shao like an aggravated beehive.

Balls of the flames, towering sword Qi's, earth-shattering blows, these kinds of attacks started flying to Lin Shao any normal person would cower at the sight of Saint Kings and Saint Emperors, however, Lin Shao was not a normal person.

The Qi of the world gathered at Lin Shao's feet and from his thighs to his foot, grieves appeared which gave him speed that enabled him to move at unimaginable speed.


The wind was torn as he moved passed the void, his every step were coordinated not leaving any kind of opening.

"Star Map Steps."

From his opponent's eyes Lin Shao was moving pass through every move they throw at him.

Lin Shao moved passed the attacks and within a single breath he moved closer to another disciple and without mercy, he grabbed that disciple on the face and started dragging him as he moved.


A spear appeared from inside his thumb ring. A ring that's imbued by the power of space, that's the thumb ring he had with and everything that's inside that ring were nothing but weapons which Lin Shao had mastered.

"Let me whittle your number a little bit."

The spear is used for stabbing and making complicated maneuvers that is meant to distract and confused your opponent but Lin Shao liked using for another thing and that is.

"Descending Star."


It took a full second before the sound came out but when it did the spear became a sieging weapon that destroyed the line of disciples and elders on his path, but, there was hundreds of spear inside his thumb ring and he's not hesitating to use them all.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

He was up in the air throwing and killing them with ease, he was a monster that even a Saint Emperor could not touch.

"Who dares make a mess of my sect knowing that I, the Heavenly Devil is still alive?"

Lin Shao was about to throw another spear when a sudden burst of Qi appeared from afar, he looked above him and saw a translucent yellow tiger coming for him and at that instant, Lin Shao finally felt danger coming for him.

He knew that he was not going to make and that he won't be able to dodge it and so with one swift motion Lin Shao made a cross with both of his arms and his who body was covered with black and white armor which protected him from head to toe.


He looked at the Tiger and with one simple move Lin Shao met with Tiger with his own fist that's covered by the gauntlet.


The earth shook and the heavens rumbled with great intensity but it was clear who won that exchange as black lights covered the entire grounds.

Covered with armor from head to toe Lin Shao looked at the far away mountain what he saw was an old man who seemed to have been on his sixties. He wore no armor only Daoist robes.

"Are you the one who dares to go against my Ancient Devil Sect?"

The Heavenly Devil questioned Lin Shao as if they were only a few meters away. However, strangely enough, the old man's voice seems to have traveled space as it was clearly heard by Lin Shao, but this kind of event did not make Lin Shao's eyes falter or even move.

"I am."

He answered with a calm voice but the Heavenly Devil's brows raise.

"Then who are you?"

Lin Shao did not answer his question, instead, he was the one who asked the question.

"Where is my wife? Where is Yu'er?"

The Heavenly Devil's brows were raised even higher as he laughed with happiness and anger mix together.

"You dare ignore my words? Haha, even the other Saint God realm practitioners of the Heavenly Realms speak to me with respect, but you dare to…"


A spear pass him in an instant and blood started dripping from his cheeks, he was grazed by a spear that traveled through space.

"I don't want to hear who you are or what kind of cultivation you have, I only want to know where you put my Yu'er, if you give her to me now your beloved sect will not end today with my hands."

Lin Shao looked at the Heavenly Devil's eyes who was in another mountain in the eye and spoke with arrogance. He could annihilate everyone here and take back his wife, he didn't want to make another accident like the last time after all.

"Just give her to me now, if you think a Saint God is strong then you better move I don't want to kill an ignorant bastard such as yourself."

What were these words to the Heavenly Devil? They were insults, a true slap on the face, he was the revered ruler of the Seventh Heavenly Realms, the one who annihilated every ancient and immortal sect in his realm.

Only a few people could stand shoulder to shoulder with him but at this very moment, he was being taken as an ignorant bastard who knows nothing.

"You brat, I don't know who you are but I will kill you with every ounce of my being, I have never wanted to kill anyone more than yourself, even the Demon Paragon that I hate have yet to take this much hatred from the Heav…"

While he was talking Lin Shao's image suddenly blurred and in a split second his knee was already in front of the Heavenly Devil's face. He didn't stop and with a flash of his Qi his own body became a weapon.


His knee hit the Heavenly Devil right on the face, the barrier that every Celestial saint have was broken through without trouble and the from the sudden impact the Heavenly Devil was sent crashing to the nearest of mountains.


The mountain was broken as it started collapsing the Heavenly Devil looked at Lin Shao who was looking down upon him and in a fit of rage the Heavenly Devil greeted his teeth and a black colored dot appeared between his palms.

"Heavenly Void Extermination! Haha be turn to dust and die for me you arrogant bastard."


The black dot expanded and became something of an independent space that could destroy anything and everything within it.

The Heavenly Devil's Qi was running inside himself with the greatest speed and without stopping his Qi he didn't stop attacking Lin Shao.

Black Tiger's Descent, True Devil's Blade, Heaven's Blazing Devil, Three Diagram Devil, every secret technique was used against Lin Shao.

"Hahaha, die."

However, while he was beginning to celebrate Lin Shao had done what he had been wanting to do, he looked up the heaven and started roaring from the top of his lungs.


Twelve pure white feathered wings appeared right behind. His armor made way for the wings and nothing was broken and at this instant, a light that's purer than any energy started descending to Lin Shao.

The Heavenly Devil watch in fright as this scene unfolded in front of him, even with his vast knowledge that has surpassed the great library of the desert was not enough to comprehend what kind of being was in front of him.

"I gave you a chance to give me Yu'er back, but you of the younger generations just love to make it harder for yourselves…" He spoke as he flapped his wings right behind himself he then took out a spear from inside his thumb ring and took out a spear.

Fwoosh!! Bam!

"Argh, it hurts!"

A spear was impaled to the Heavenly Devil's stomach. Seeing this Lin Shao once again took out another spear from inside his thumb ring and…

Bam! And then another. Bam! And another. Bam!

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

The Heavenly Devil was impaled starting from his foot to his shoulders, he was pinned on the ground and could not move his own body.

"I gave you enough chances but instead you chose to fight… but worry not, I won't destroy your sect, nor will I destroy this realm. That is not for me to decide."

The Heavenly Devil looked at Lin Shao with a hateful gaze as he spoke.

"You bastard, do you even dare? You're the wife of that woman right? We have him in our hands do you think we will not kill her or to…"

He was once again interrupted but this time he was not interrupted by a spear or any kind of attack, he was stopped by mere heaven shaking laughter.

However, it wasn't Lin Shao who was laughing because this voice did not come from a man but from a woman and when the Heavenly Devil heard of this laughter his blood grew cold as he looked north where the Great Heavenly Devil hall stood.


Just as he was looking at the explosion that shook the earth and made three mountains fall appeared. Looking at the general direction the Heavenly Devil stared in fright at the sight of an Empire toppling beauty rose up the air.

The woman was truly beautiful, she had a gentle gaze and a petite body her skin was white and smooth it looked like snow from afar but in respect to this awe-inspiring beauty, her clothing was rather simplistic that could be compared to a village girl.

But the most notable thing on her was the golden ring on her left hand's ring finger and the white thumb ring on her right hand.

Lin Shao saw this lady and with much haste, he flapped his wings and moved closer to her.

He embraced her with his arms as his dark armor disappeared to dust and the moment that it did Lin Shao looked at the lady's eyes and spoke.

"I have come to pick you up my dear, sigh, can you at least cover your energy? This is why you are always abducted when you come down to the lower realms, I don't have any problems with you going down here but at least stop acting meek and weak ."

Yu'er heard her husband and started pouting as she listened to him preached her about her wrongdoings. They had been married since they became True Universal Gods and seeing Lin Shao's concern made Yu'er's heart flutter.

Yu'er smiled and spoke.

"Sorry about that."

Lin Shao sighed at the sight of his wife acting all meek and so he started caressing her hair and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"That's enough, let's go home next time we will go together so tell me when you want to go out."

"Yes, come on I'll be the one to open the Universal gate so out your wings away."

Yu'er spoke with happiness as she was promised to be taken to date next time the two of them leave. It was rare for this kind of events to happen so she was happy to hear it.

The Heavenly Devil looked at this scene with his mouth agape.

'What kind of blasphemy are they talking about in the middle of a battle?'

The moment he saw Yu'er appear knew that his plan to raise his cultivation was over, it didn't even last three days and what's more, is that he was being played a fool by this husband and wife and so with his anger incense he shouted at them.

"You fuckers you dare make a fool out of the Heavenly Devil? Especially you, you bastards dare mock me? I don't care if you and you're wife are some kind of new Saints I will do everything in my strength to kill both of you."

He shouted fiercely at Lin Shao who had beaten him to submission earlier, he knew that he can't beat them but at least he wanted to rain curses at them it won't worsen his situation after all, but that was only wishful thinking.

The Heavenly Devil struggled to get up from being pinned down on the ground but when his eyes catch the sight of the sky above him the Heavenly Devil who was called the most brutal Celestial Saint in all realms made a fool of himself as his pants started getting wet from piss.

He was scared, the Heavenly Devil looked above and saw the gentle looking Yu'er change form from a human to a true Devil.

He head have three horns growing out of it and a twelve pair of wings appeared behind her back, but unlike from Lin Shao's beautiful feathered wings, Yu'er's was more of a skin or leather.

Yu'er looked at the Heavenly Devil as white armor appeared to cover her body, black and red light descended from the heaven's as the earth crumbled from her powers her pupils turn red and her irises turned black… the image of a true devil was shown to the world.

"You dare? You dare curse at my husband in that manner? I will kill you and l burn your soul for all eternity."

Yu'er became enraged and towering flames of different colors appeared, Lin Shao who was right beside Yu'er only watch the whole thing unfold, he had seen such scenes at least a three times and every time he tried to stop her from turning a lower realm from becoming a hellish land thing only worsen.

'I'll just come back here to make these flames disappear after a few hundred years, wait, with the realm locked from the inside that means I don't need to put it out.'

"Eternal Torture!"

The Heavenly Devil was entrapped in a tower of black flames and his mortal body was burned but his soul remained. The spears which had struck him was still strangely pinning his soul on the ground, it was clear that a weapon that could pin a soul down was not normal at all.

With that last howl of rage, the wholeness of the Seventh Heavenly Realm was turned into a sea of fire and became a living hell for the Heavenly Devil.

"Please stop it, it burns it hurts…. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!"

Yu'er saw the Heavenly Devil get burned and become a soul, she had scanned this world for any life but she came out with nothing and upon realizing this Yu'er didn't hesitate to also burn the whole Ancient Devil Sect and its disciples.

With the Eternal Torture in place, the only thing for Yu'er and Lin Shao to do was leave and so Yu'er swung her hand downwards and a gate appeared from out of nowhere.

Releasing a sigh Lin Shao took Yu'er by the hand and entered the gate.

It took a while but Yu'er calmed down after a couple of seconds and seeing Lin Shao wearing such ragged clothes Yu'er could help it and ask.

"Why are you wearing such clothes?"

Lin Shao heard Yu'er and spoke and answered her.

"Well, I thought of blending through the crowds to find you but turns out there was no need because the whole realm was wiped out, well if you don't like it I can always change clothes."

Yu'er heard Lin Shao spoke and laughed.

"No need, how come I never thought of that? I have an idea, hehe, how about for our next walk to the lower realms we stay for a couple of hundred years? We can even take little Yan with us and let him travel other realms, being cooped up in the castle is not good for him."

"Why not? It will be like a family vacation."

Lin Shao answered right away the moment the two of them appeared in front of the Northern Star Empire and just as the two of them stepped out of the gate they were greeted by an entourage of the Imperial Army.

"We greet the Emperor and the Empress!"

The end


I don't know if you guys like it but please leave your thoughts in the comments below, it's fine if you don't like it but please tell me the reason because I want to improve myself further.