As I woke up again today I found that A new countdown appeared apparently it was for a new project Called Zero Hour however i was just to tired And Wallked over to my Computer again ha i thought you will never. Chase me out of this house even though i had no friends and was a Neet as those call it nowadays i still was happy to be a "useless person" i had my breakfast and continued it's now 4:30Pm at 5pm zero hour will be launched. I quickly checked on my stuff for today nothing still lonely so I decided to Netflix and chill (plz sponsor me.) At 5 my program was shut off and everything went dark however incase of emergency I have a backup generator with about 2 weeks of fuel and enough supplys to last a month who Has time to shop now a days. The TV flickered to life again and power was restored As I watched there was this something off? I quickly payed more attention! However as soon as I did a massive shootout started no reason why I mean the military now has 10 years ahead tech then the PRIVATE and civ sectors. The cam was abandoned but still what came was a scene of horror and excitement ROBOTS military ones judging by the Massive Machine guns strapped on to it! Were shooting wildly Just like those A.I Elon musk has however it seems these were previously drones that have turned rouge by the attena attached so a main control net some where it was that day a Apocalypse Begain! (The mass release starts)