Please Keep your hands and feet inside the rocket!

I Turn the activation key for my rocket sending a signal to the other rockets to lunch when 10 or more are inside or if theres less then 4 minutes left The ships AI or Intelligent Rocket Operator Called I.R.O Acknowledged the command and preped for lunch of the ships "warning T-minus 48 Hours to Fusion explosion" the voice sounded! "Please be ready for the lunch and keep all supplies and body parts inside at all times" I.R.O Sounded 10 seconds to launch 9..8..7..6..5..4..4..33..22222....on....Lunch failed reason not enough power please enter statis to save power WAIT WHAT A PERSON ASKED I DID NOT GO HERE FOR THIS EVERYONE WAS GRABED AND FORCED TO PODS BY MECHANIC ARMS! all humans have enter statis in 5..4..3..2..1..Zero Humains not in statis launching ship have a good sleep!