
He tryed to access the little Nanos machines however due to the electromagnetic interference he had no ideal what to do with it so he did the next best thing he took one out with a pair of twesers that a little microscopic camera on it he found one extracted it and started to work on the 489 Bit Encryption still a bit hard but nothing compared to his capabilities! He breached the nano machine control frame and found out that it had a grey gool scenario Abilty in witch it replicates and harvesters all the materials and turn it into nano bots! Capable of wiping out a planet or some other plantery body it would then drift into space come to another planet and rince and repeat and evolve he overrides the code and disables it (not destroying it capable of being reactivated) and puts it into a container to store it! A.I Core at 70% self restore activated he repaired it even more the A.I or I.R.O had a self replicateing Amour planting that uses nano bots however it gets disabled when the core reaches 50% or less to stop a grey gool scenario!