(This is a long boi)

About a hour later I got a replie from space station 21 However I wonder if they will let us on the station "cough cough hello astronaut Warhero or someone else I have cleared you for landing on our Experimental station. You will see when you come onboard welcome to Apature Science Space Division or A.S.S.D Dam moon rocks okay welcome on board dam bean counter telling me I cant build a station with only 1 billion I showed them hahah". (Backround sounds) do you spell station is it station or stashion umm sir its s...tation alright pack your stuff BUT WHY! Alright get out YOUR FIRED Send him out of the airlock. I.R.O AWAKING STATIS PODS BATTERIES CHARGED GOOD MORNIG DAVE "WH...AT HO...W DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?" I.R.O I LOOKED UP YOUR PRIVATE INFO DAVE THOSE SITES WHERE NAUGHTY DAVE YOUVE BEEN A BAD BOI YOU WHERE ON P... I.R.O SHUT DOWN COMMAND 24 ACKNOWLEDGED SH..UTTING DOWN! Jack instructed I.R.O so Your name is Dave "yeah" he replied So umm what's websites you where on Jack asked David said comeon dude he said with a flustered face Those where not bad sites Really now? Jack asked again Oh comeon on...A 23 year old woman with big breasts suddenly appeared although quite hideous SHUT IT YOU TWO she commanded We both silently acknowledge her command. So what's your name I asked Dave stared at me with a look this is my girl. Maria Sharapover but call me Maria also what's your name ohh its Jack and hes Dave I pointed at him behind me wheres everyone else? It seems they all died the statis pods reports zero heart beats a Minute I.R.O Replied. Sooo wheres the wifu WHAT AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH Maria shouted appearing slightly flustered Yeah I'm sorry but Nahh Too ugly Jack replied BANG he was slapped in the face and with his scrawny body flew across the ship! oach Jack shouted angrily David Just looked at Jack with his face saying you deserve that! Yeah but Not really he muttered under his breath in the small rocket with a semi destroyed consol next to him used for recreation and recording!