Docking and.....

So lets get on board this station Jack said however as they docked Dave thought something was off why was power out however Maria just said what do you expect with a budget that small and a dick that big. How would they spend power especially since you know the GLADOS incident they dont get much supplies but why is there no one. A message plays welcome to station what is this station again jimmy umm station 13 NOO ITS STASHION 21 Not station ughh i need to delate this. Maria just went and Questioned the sainty and safety of everyone here the group heads to the airlock (this is apart of the docking area/bay instead of hangers) And request permission from the Station A.I Access Granted A soft and mechanical voice played! as they went further in they found a body not dead just sleeping it says Agent 043 status processing Jack immediately is suspicious of this place! Hmm there seemes to be a chip recently impalanted on him a status bio-chip used in dictatorships like north Korea or something more sinister? I suggested to Dave to get the I.R.O A.I core with us more importantly the cortex chip! as they further investgated the ship we felt something was off again thats when the floor underneath Maria opened We heard her screaming as she fell!

Jack and Dave began to get closer together so that if something happened again they wont be alone however Jack begain haveing Cold sweat and was more paranoid. They moved forward again A lock door However dont forget Jack is a hacker. A 4 digit code was needed it was 1978 It opened up a room it was spherical in design and housted a large Statue depicting a atom as they went further in there was a Large Mechanical factory producing Turrets and CLONES! The Human clones were all uniformed a large inhuman head with a skinny body and it had a cover on its eyes. A large warehouse was called Test Subject Storage or TSS and it had tubes spreading across the station. The tubes were as large as 4 Metres(in width not in lenght) and as small as 1 metre however in those small ones chips could be seened going through them! Dave and Jack flowed the Tube and reached a Med bay with surgery equipment when they reached it they both gasped with relief as they saw Maria she called out saying hey guys can you free me Dave immediately went and helped but saw a chip newly implanted on her neck...