
First Pov Theodore

I had just put Rose down for her first nap of the day.

And was now staring at my bank statement feeling delighted to see the results of my labour "E-elven thousand dollars!!"

The number was something I never thought I would make in only 2 hours. After seeing my ex-wife run with her money I was fully expecting to suffer but it would appear that the gods were merciful.

'Thinking about it now maybe if I had completed the trial period earlier we would still be together' I thought before shaking my head clenching my fist angrily

"No, it wouldn't have changed anything the truth is that was her true colours I just never thought they would be so dark and cold," I said with a voice filled pain.

"That doesn't matter anymore I have a somewhat stable income and plenty of internet people who love me. . . Man, that was the saddest thing I've ever said in my life. I really need some friends" I said with a stupid grin on my face

I look back at my bank statement and said "Well, let's see 3k for Roses savings and 7k saved for a new house. Which leaves me with 1k. I need to get some formal and casual suits, a drawing tablet, upgrade my shitty PC. . . . hmm what else ah I should get some more skill and try out the other feature of the system"

"Search, the perfect workout routine suited for me," I said while staring at the floating search bar.

[Personalised workout. . . . 🔎]

1• Lose 40 pounds after the 3 months

2• 6 pack idol after the 2 month

3• Inhumane beast

Looking at my options I couldn't help but reminisce my days as a soldier.

At the time I was given quite the fierce nickname despite my personality being quite friendly.

My drill Sargent gave me the name Beast, it wasn't because I was some sort of vicious and immoral degenerate.

For starters even though my cloning ability was considered a military asset, I was physically not.

I was underweight and even asked if I was anorexic or sick. I was a walking stick standing at a height of 5.11 my BMI was way too low.

The military does a very extensive background check on super-power holder so they knew I was by nature lazy teen that didn't have many dreams.

Every day I struggled to keep up with my squadron but somehow during my effort, I managed to summon some unprecedented will from the depths of my soul.

I puked and destroyed my body but still pushed through every exercise they tasked my squadron, admittedly I was last to complete them but I did it losing a bit of myself every time.

My first two months were either exercising or lying in the medical ward. After fixing my healthy my talent in the military began to show.

I picked up mix martial arts quickly and manage to defeat my instructor after 3 weeks of learning.

My gun handling was one of the best amongst the new recruits especially seeing as I had no history of playing with guns.

Due to my talent to pick up martial arts quickly they brought in a Kali Eskrima expect which is a weapon-based martial art, which includes the use of sticks, knives, and improvised weapons.

It took me some time to pick up wilderness survival and some other book smart skills but with some effort, I managed one way or another.

And that's how I earned the nickname Beast.

I then pick the Inhuman Beast exercise and look at the levels.

≈Inhuman Beast≈

[Task C: Fix leaky tap: Time Limit: 24hrs]

{Reward: Beginner Level Inhuman Beast}

"I should really fix that fuck it, I'm moving anyway," I said with a shrug

[Task B: volunteer at the soup kitchen: Time Limit 5 days]

{Reward: Intermediate Level Inhuman Beast}

[Task A: Save Father and Daughter from kidnapping: Time Limit: 1hr 30min]


{Reward: Master Level Inhuman Beast}

"What the actual fuck, I was gonna go for task A no matter the task but, Wait! What!? Why is the time limit moving damn it accept task A" I said angrily

[The task is to stop the kidnapping of a Father and daughter. The assailants are well-coordinated and heavily armed. To assist the host you will be given a mini-map that has a large red dot signifying the father and daughter location with improved recoil control and aim assist. Once the timer hits zero they would be gone. Best of luck host, don't die]

It took a few second for me processes what was happening before I gave a light sigh. With light footsteps, I make my way to my room.

I walk up to the painting of a flower that was on the wall and remove it.

Behind the painting was a black iron safe that had a blue fingerprint scanner and on the right with a retina scanner level with my eyes.

Placing my thumb on the fingerprint scanner and stepping forward to get my eyes scanned.

After a second of waiting, I hear the sound of mechanical parts move from the safe.

The safe then opens on its own. Inside it is my credentials and Rose's birth certificate. Below that is a finely polished mahogany box.

I take the box and place it on my bed. I then lift the lid and see my black nylon-based polymer friend with it's papers.

A Glock 19 that had a slide stop lever, extended magazine release Lever, magazine well Insert. My choice of attachment is just for saving time.

Four years have passed since I've shot a gun but there was that a sense of familiarity that overcome me. I was a talented soldier but It's been four years so some skills from that time have dwindled.

Thankfully the task provides assistance so that covers my main worries. Another thing I hadn't realised was just how unbelievably nimble my fingers are.

It only took me 4 seconds to disassemble my Glock 17 then I cleaned it and reassembled it in under 6 seconds.

I had had 15 bullets in the mag plus 1 in the chamber. I didn't have any spare mags or bullets so I have to make every shot count.

"I'm gonna have to rely on the element of surprise. Well, it's a good thing that I'm a master magician" I said with a ridiculous smile.

I look at the counter at the top right of my vision and grip the gun vigorously. I quickly hid the gun on the inside of my pants with the handle sticking out at the top.

I then look at the mini-map and see that the target whom I am supposed to protect was currently in the city center.

Leaving a clone behind to watch over Rose I quickly call myself a taxi.

• • • • • • • •

Queens City Center

The taxi ride was only a 10-minute drive before I reached my destination, the gun store.

The target on the mini-map was a block away and I still had 68 minutes.

I quickly greet the clerk and purchased another mag with more bullets. I could buy some big guns but then it would lead to some sceptics asking why I was carrying something like that in broad daylight.

I want this to be seen as just a simple man walking by that saves the day. With that idea, it would be best to pack light.

After saying my goodbyes I find that the target was on the move.

I have yet to figure out who I'm saving as the red dot is quite large but I continue to mingle and hide within the busy crowds that littered the sidewalk.

From the information, I was given I knew that the kidnappers were coordinated and heavily armed this meant that they knew the routines of the target and we're hoping to catch them at a more viable spot.

That was my original speculation but something was off I couldn't make out where they could possibly think would be the best place to kidnap them.

I have been following the red dot for a while and have even sent out a clone to walk past but I didn't see any bodyguard that would make it necessary for the kidnappers to be heavily armed.

As I keep following the timer gets closer and closer to zero until the target comes to a stop and enters a building.

Looking up at the building everything began to fall into place.

"The Citibank, fuck sake," I said with a troubled face I look at the time and saw that I still had 45 minutes.

I made a clone and had him get a coffee across the street this way I had eyes on the outside that could deal with the getaway vehicle.

The smart thing to do would be to send the clone in but places like the bank have an ID check. This is not your regular ID its actually a dot-sized QR code that's been tattooed on the wrist this is given after having your powers are checked. When the QR code is scanned by a government licensed ID scanner it provides the establishments like these with info on your powers and picture to match. This is so guards can focus on those who have certain powers that could be used to rob the place.

Once I get my ID checked they will prick my finger to see if my body will dissipate into light particles and if it does I would immediately be investigated as to why and even be banned from the place.

Tapping the gun at my side I said "Let's get this over with old friend"

I walk through the doors and begin my grand adventure to save a bunch of strangers.