Easy Cooking

An hour passed quickly with the Clones 2 and 3 slowly unravelling the world of Sole Piece to Chat.

Sole Piece narrative had reached the ending of chapter 40 in which Ussop declared the end of Ussop pirates to his crew of three small children with tears and snot flowing.



[CommonMan]: 🤧😭

[Love2Hate]: I'm not crying, nope F U 😭

[xXQuickScope22Xx]: You bastard I'm a grown man crying at my work desk 🤧

[QuiteNoise]: Dude stop it's too early in the morning to cry 😭

[RicherThanYou]: It's so sad and happy 🤧😭

[WeebMaster696]: God damn onion ninja struck again


[QuiteNoise: Donated $150: Thank you sensei]

"Thank you so much for all the donations. You don't have to call me sensei I only drew and told you a story that's made you want more," Said Clone 2 with a playful smile and a shrug.

Clone 3 then left to help clone 1 gather stuff to put in cardboard boxes.

Theodore was playing chase with Rose and Icy, the game was fairly simple.

Theodore was for most of it playing as the chaser as he slowly trod after Rose and Icy while growling and saying "I'm gonna catch you and eat you up"

Once he catches Rose he would then tickle and kiss her without mercy while still growling. Of course Icy got the same treatment with belly rubs to match.

Icy is without a doubt part of the Hunt family something that can only be said to be true because of how much he loves Rose and Rose loves him.

Theodore also loves the little white pup but cleaning after him is a task that no pet owner loves.

Theodore then stopped to take a call "Hello, Hunt residents"

"Hey Theo, its David," Said David from the phone

"I was gonna call you, so like what's happening when are the moving guys coming," Said Theodore while looking at the pile of boxes that sat near the front door.

"We'll be there in 30 minutes I was just waiting on the movers to be ready and their trucks can't travel at the max speed of V.T." Said, David in a hurried tone

"30 minutes? Okay got it. Thanks, mate. Is there anything else" Asked Theodore as he can clearly hear the panic in his voice.

"Umm yeah If it's not too much to ask can I get a copy of the Sole Piece drawings Sam's watching and has become quite the fan" Said, David with a worried tone.

(Author Note: Sam is short for Samantha in case you forgot that's his wife)

"Sure, why not? In fact, I'll have a clone personally draw out another one for her" Said Theodore

"Thanks, man Sam was going to kill me if I didn't come back with it. Well see you in a bit" Said David

"Alright bye," Said Theodore before hanging up.

Clone 2 had just speed drew the front cover of Sole Piece.

The drawing was the image of Luffy with his pure and goofy smile with six figure's behind him three of them being Zorro, Nami and Ussop while the other three were vague shadows.



[NoSocial]: What!? come on don't tease us like that 😫

[SugerBaby??]: Babe just show us the other three, please 🙏

[SmallMuffin]: Dad is such a bad guy😤

[Love2Hate]: Hmm using math I can identify a pair of fat Knockers, size is about G or H maybe more if we use anime/manga logic🧐

[OtakuFPS]: You can't hide "plot" in the shadows 🤤

[Raccoon-8In-Butt]: 😩


Clone two then put the sketchbook down and left to help the other clones with getting the house together.

Theodore took over the stream once again and said "Sup it's me the OG Dad"

Chat replied with laughing emojis and the word cringe which was spammed.

"Haha well for starters let's just explain what's happening. Well I'm moving to L.A today. Don't worry I'm still gonna be streaming it's just gonna be a new location. will be my full-time job as I can be with Rose 24/7. For now, how's about I show you how to make an easy lunch that dosn't take much effort" Said Theodore as he looked at Rose whose eye widen in excitement at the word lunch.

"Want to help me make lunch," Asked Theodore to Rose.

"Yes," Said Rose with an excited nod.

They walked to there now empty Kitchen with the BoxCam following.

Thankfully he planned ahead and left some ingredients and kitchen utensils.

He put on on a white apron then put a light purple apron on Rose who looked at it with a happy grin.

Rose was stood on a high step so that the counter was just at her waist.

"Welcome everyone to mine and Rose's easy cooking class," Said Theodore chickpeas in water, drained

"The ingredients needed for this is sausages, and cheese, 2 carrots, cucumber, hummus, 2 fat garlic cloves, yoghurt, tahini paste, extra-virgin olive oil, 2 lemons, coriander. Before we start cooking we first have to wash our hands first," Said, Theodore as he and Rose washed their hands in the sink

He then picked up 10 sausages that had just defrosted and put them on a plate.

"First preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius). Layer the baking pan with aluminium foil or parchment paper. Rose here put the paper on the tray" Said Theodore

Rose held the paper and put it on the tray before rewarded with a head pat "HeHehe~"

"Good, now onto opening the sausages. Do like daddy does " Said Theodore as he passed Rose a sausage.

"What you want to do is just lightly rip down the middle with your thumbs you can use a knife but If you want the little ones to help for safety sake just go with ripping" Said Theodore while gently ripping a rough line down the middle of the sausage.

Rose tried ripping but it just led to he splitting it open and crushing it in her hand.

"Not good" Said Rose with a sad pout while looking at her handy work.

Theodore pattered her on the head and said "It's okay, this time do it really really slowly"

Rose tried again at a slow and steady pace with her little thumb prying it open.

After a few seconds, all the sausages had been ripped down the middle.

"Now for the cheese. Nothing fancy it's grated cheddar cheese you can just use cheese slices. All we do now is just put the cheese in the middle. Now we put them on a baking tray evenly spaced out. Leave them to bake for 20 to 25 minutes" Said Theodore while closing the oven before plugging the food processor in.

"What we're left with now is carrots, cucumbers and the hummus ingredients. First, cut the veg into stripes and put them to the side. Now for the rest, you can use a food processor and put everything but the coriander into a food processor, then whizz to a fairly smooth mix. Scrape down the sides of the processor. Rose do you wanna press the button" Said Theodore as he moved the food processor closer to Rose.

"Yes," said Rose as she looked at the button that sat below the oval container that had all the hummus ingredients.

She then pressed the button and heard the blades inside roar back at her with a violent shake to match.

To which Rose replied with a frightened shriek "Eeek!"

She turned away into her dad's thigh while griping his pants she said "Button scary, daddy!"

"It's okay it won't hurt you see. It's helped us look" Said Theodore while pointing at the food processor.

He opened the food processor and seasoned the hummus generously, then added the coriander that was then roughly chopped.

Drizzled some olive oil on top and said "This is lemon & coriander hummus with vegetable sticks here try some Rose"

He picked up a carrot stick and dipped it in the hummus before putting it near Rose lips who then greedy chopped into, and said "Hm tasty"



[BangMan]: Boss is a star 😆

[GamerBod]: What a funny kid

[ThiCCC-Rear]: I can't wait to be her mother😘

[BluesMan]: It official me n my girl are gonna try and have a kid

[LadyLuck]: So much cuteness 🥰

[SteamyTurd37]: @BluesMan I call Bullshit you don't have a Gf


The sausages still had 10 minutes to go before it was ready. Since they had time to kill Theodore pulled out a brand new sketchbook and quickly drew up a story to entertain Rose and the chat.



[NoSocial]: He's drawing 🥳🥳

[SugerBaby??]: 💞💞

[SmallMuffin]: 🔥

[Raccoon-8In-Butt]: Sole Piece 💯💯

[CommonMan]: I've never been more excited to see someone draw

[LadyLuck]: stories with hubby part 3 💋
