
(Note: Changed master level DJ to Producer)

|First Pov Theodor|

Six days had passed since I started doing the Inhuman Beast exercise and took on some new tasks.

For starters, I made a few incredible discoveries.

The skill Parallel Thinking not only allowed me to fully control my clone but also improved my learning ability substantially and enhanced my capacity to retain memories.

I discovered this in my first attempt at learning Sign Language, It took only 30 minutes to entirely memories the alphabet. It took me 14 hours of studying spread over three days to master Sign Language before I acquired Master Level Language Comprehension.

Using the new skill I learnt 7 new languages, these being, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese and Korean. The easiest to learn was Spanish as I learn some of the language rules in school. It took me about ten hours for each language.

My method of learning studying the rules while listening to popular radios and watching popular shows from said countries. It helps that I had my clones learning with me. By far the most confusing was French and it took a lot more brain power to understand. Writing wise I can fluently write in all language even knowing how to use slang that are relevant to modern times.

I'm still studying other languages but these are ones that I'm particularly fond of.

Another discovery of mine was the sleeper mode which I developed on a complete whim.

The sleeper mode is where I transfer all my conscience into my clones so that my original body can get some sleep while still being productive.

Though there is a setback and that's the mental fatigue.

I had kept up Sleeper Mode for 3 days before feeling nausea and head pains.

After that, I promised myself to not use the sleeper mode unless completely necessary or until I get a skill that can increase my mental stamina.

On the bright side, I successfully taught Rose to count to 10 and gained the Master Level Narrator skill.

With the upgraded Narrator skill, I'm able to construct images in the minds of the readers and even leave a lasting effect depending on whether I want it to happen. It's a simple skill but the possibilities are scary.

I've also already mastered the piano which in return completed the task for the Master Level Song Writing.

I replaced the crappy keyboard that I bought at the beginning for a modest light brown piano that sat in the living room.

The 5-day soup kitchen job was completed rewarding me with Master Level Guitar. I now own two guitars one being electric and the other being an acoustic.

The task to get 600,000 followers on Humming was completed with surprising ease.

All I did was upload an image of when Luffy walks off with Nami in the background down on her knees and the famed straw hat on her head with tears streaming down her face.

Luffy's face was upfront with his anger portrayed through every line.

After that, It blew up In the east for the narrative being told within those simple lines. Though I also got bashed for how simplistic the art style is.

I quickly uploaded the video of me telling the story while captioning it with "Simple lines is all I need to tell a good story"

I now have over 700,000 followers on Humming and Master Level Colouring.

With it, I bought some high tear felt tip pens and coloured in Rose's Tale's which is the thick sketchbook filled with children stories.

I've added three stories since reading Jack And The Beanstalk, these being, "The Ugly Duckling", "Goldilocks And The Three Bears" and the "The Three Little Pigs"

I took on another task which was to swim 10 laps lengthwise in the pool. The pool by the way is 164.0 ft (50meters) lengthwise and 82.0ft (25 meters) width-wise which is the same measurement as the pools used for professional swimming competitions.

I managed to accomplish the task and gain the skill Master Level Writing.

Master Level Writing has drastically improved my handwriting and expanded my creative writing ability, with description having more depth and a poetic taste to it.

Now there are two tasks at which I find somewhat difficult to achieve.

[Task A: Master Parkour Basics: Time Limit: 2 weeks]

{Reward: Master Level Producer}

{Failure: unpredictable groin pains}

[Task: Write a story that is completely original which gains 10,000 readers]

[Note: Task will be accomplished without host directly advertising it and will take on a new alias to further add difficulty]

{Reward: Music Memories: Recollect all memories of Music host had listened to in past-life}

My body was not at all nimble enough to do parkour but I could at least train in doing jumps, absorbing impact and grip training.

For the second task, I went with being a web writer as there is less of a hassle and the accumulation fans are faster.

My story is fairly simple the protagonist is one that suffered at the hands of the world construct. He was bullied, humiliated and broken. When all things were against him he finds a ring that traps him in a desolate world of greenery and monster with no signs of life.

He spends 1000 year's fighting before he was released back into the modern world but not as a broken man but a man with skill and passion for human interaction.

This was just the synopsis as I spent most of my free time that isn't with Rose to do the time-limited tasks.

After days of slow planning, I wrote two chapters and posted them. The first chapter was the protagonist's background while the second chapter is the acquisition of the space ring with the cliffhanger being him sucked into the ring.

I for one am impressed by my somewhat original idea and can even see it being a hit. At the moment I have 2,000 readers.

During this time my stream had taken a turn for the better, so much so that some media's have begun to continuously report on me

I had also earned the title Golden Dad. The name sprout's from my somewhat simple yet inspiring deeds.

As it turns out someone had taken a picture of me volunteering at the soup kitchen and it helps that I stuck around to perform Silhouettes and other tricks to lighten the heavy mood.

Let's not forget my achievement in saving the day at the Citibank and the finding of Sippy the cat was also uncovered.

Of course, some media made stories portrayed as just another 'influencer' who records charitable events to manipulate fans.

I don't try to entertain these people by replying so ignore everything they say and imply.

Though it did somewhat hurt knowing that I was being bashed for no reason.

Inhuman Beast has proven itself to be exactly as it promised. The refresh ability that it comes with has a side effect that I have begun to take note of.

The red tint that swims in my eyes for a brief second is definitely dangerous as I can feel something growing inside me.

I believe this to be my testosterone as it is through the roof, my body is developing muscle at an unforeseen speed and hair growth has me having to shave twice a day.

What I fear is that it's only the first part, this might be me over speculating but the title of the exercise might be the end goal which is to be a beast.

This led me to look for a method to tackle the possible obstacle using the search engine.

[Task: Finish The Inhuman Beast exercise]

{Reward: Breath Of Tranquility}

{Failure: The Beast Is Born}

Now let's get to the thing I'm proudest about and that's my transformation.

I originally stood at 5.11ft and now I'm 6ft. My dad body is starting to disappear with my bulging stomach looking less round. My arms and legs are well toned with a slight bevel of the muscle being visible.

My round face has lost its roundness with an angular chin and jawline beginning to show it's self through the last layer of excessive fat.

My short hair has grown out a bit from the original Crew cut style and now I'm rocking the classic combed back style.

I'd like to think I have the body of the average man but I have the potential of a star.

Today was the seventh day of doing the exercise. Its was currently 05:45 am.

I was not streaming as I had decided to make Sundays my rest from streaming.

I was in my backyard with the corner of it having an overhanging bar and two parallel waist hight bars.

After doing the exercise's I got the usual refresh after the cold bath, which meant that I had come to the end of the first week of the exercise.


«Inhuman Beast»

Four weeks of intense training. Passive skill Technique Pro Master Level. The skill will constantly fix and adjust exercise techniques to be perfect and flawless.

{Week Two}

Rest 10 seconds in between each exercise and repeat all 3 times.

1Jog 300 meter

2• 6 Dumbbell Bench Press

3• 20 Pull-ups

4• 10 jumping burpees

5• 10 Incline Bench Press

6• 30 seconds jumping rope

7• 5 Snatch-grip deadlift

8• 5 Back squats

9• 100 meter dash

10• 5 Overhead press


I groan seeing the new line up and say "Urgh more weights. Let's see where do mom and dad live now"

I look through FaceNote and find that my parents had moved into L.A "Huh? where did they get the money to move"

I look at my unread messages and see mom send the address which is not that far.

They surprisingly live close by meaning I don't have to do any long travels or leave early in the morning.

"Sigh, mom will probably want us to stay over, mind as well pack some clothes in case. I should also get a gift or two" I said before getting myself changed and making some clones clean the house up.