
(Note: Thanks for the support guys I once again got placed on the recommendation page for original novels)

|First Pov Theodore|

~Monday morning~

It's currently six-thirty in the morning. I had already fulfilled my new work out for the day with my morning stream as per usual but when it came to me swimming 50 laps I was forced to apply a sensor on my body as too much skin will cause a ban or a suspension.

I had literally just become a partner last night so I'm probably under some sort of probation period meaning I need to be on my best behaviour before blowing up and getting away with virtually anything.

After a nice shower, I made an English breakfast for my parents who had stayed over last night.

As if on cue my parents appeared. Mom (Cara) was in a typical office with her suit jacket, white top and grey pants.

Dad (Mark) was wearing a white polo shirt, a tan leather jacket and dark blue jeans with trainers.

Dad was an investigator so he didn't have to wear uniform apart from his badge and gun being a necessary requirement he could wear anything that was appropriate.

"Morning, I made breakfast," Said, Theodore while making himself porridge.

"Aww Thanks Theo," Said Mom before seating her self down at the table.

"Ooo an English breakfast," said Dad before digging in.

"Mom, Dad I wanted your opinion on something," I ask

"Shoot, " Said Dad while pointing his fork at me

"I was thinking of going camping soon with Rose and some friends. I just wanted to know if you think it's a good idea since she's still young and can get sick very easily" I asked before sitting myself down on the table.

"Well it depends on the environment but just make sure you take some medicine and a first aid kit in case someone gets hurt. You should send a clone to check out the area beforehand and hopefully find a nice place to camp instead of aimlessly looking around" Said, Dad

"Make sure you pack some warm clothes for Rose, get one of those, really nice air mattress. Don't forget to take her blanket and another blanket to keep her warm in the night. Also, a really nice tent that keeps the bugs out and the weather out. Try and get as many photos and videos as possible" Said Mom worriedly

"Mom, don't worry I will try my very best to keep Rose warm. Now that I think about do you guys want to join? I'll just ask if Sophie's parents want to join and you can even meet their newborn daughter " I said

"It has been a while since we've seen Kyle and Amy. Yeah, why not invite them" Said, Mom

Dad nodded to the idea before saying "Kyle, still owe me some beers so yeah let's do it. So who else are you inviting"

"Just David and his family," Said Theodore

"How's about inviting that agent of yours what was she called again," Said, Mom

"It's Mary and I think she's busy," I said

"You don't know that ask her and if she's busy it's because of you so just say that it's her day off," Said Mom with a weird gleam in her eyes

I looked towards dad and saw that he hastily looked down at his phone trying to not get involved.

I then remembered that I had told David and Dad about me and Mary's little 'negotiation' although it wasn't very detailed it's still very sexual.

'What the fuck, Dad?! You said you wouldn't tell Mom. Fuck she wants to interrogate her. I'll just tell Mary not to come'

"Yeah, sure I'll call her later. I was thinking of going camping like next month" I said with my best reassuring smile.

"Okay, hey Mark I think we need to celebrate our boy getting a contract, what do you think?" Said Mom while giving Dad an evil glare

Dad was still looking at his phone as he answered "Nah I'm gonna be working pretty late"

"Argh but then again I'm sure I should be done by six argh I mean five p.m," Said Dad after getting a surprise jab to his side from Mom.

"Well let's invite your friend and Mary. Let's have a feast" Said Mom with a calm smile.

'Oh fuck no, '

"Ah that reminds me, Mary doesn't live nearby it's gonna be a real hassle to travel here. She won't have a car and lives in Queens," I said tragically

Mom being as quick as she is replied "That's fine you can pay for V.T taxi, we'll even chip in and everyone could even stay the night"

(Note: If you have forgotten V.T Aka Velocity Transport is basically an underground form of transport with the use of cars instead of trains)

'I really don't like where this going forget I'll just ask instead'

"Mom nothing happened she was just testing me as she has had an employee take advantage of her in the past. So you don't need to worry she's not trying to poach your precious child" I said seriously

Mom had a confused look on her face as she said "Huh? I'm not worried I just want to see if you two are compatible"

Now I was confused as I gave startled "What?!"

"Well I've been watching your stream and I think it's about time you start looking for some potential wives," Said Mom

"Wait, wives as in more than one isn't that illegal," I said rightfully so

"This why I said for you to watch the news" Said Mom

'But like the news is just an even worse reality drama show'

"It was like a few months ago where it was discovered that polygamy was secretly made legal back in 2014 so that some wealthy companies can do some confidential investments into the country," Said Mom

My brain went blank after hearing this news. Being the simple man I am, I began to think back to all my fantasy reading harem manga's and novels. A disturbing smirk appeared on my face.

"Theo, get you head out of the clouds and listen. Since its discovery, three additional bylaws were created declaring that if any party is forced into the relationship or if the current partner does not consent to the additional member and if the relationship is not based on love then the marriage of an additional partner will not be considered legally binding and would face receiving a fine and investigation. There's even a separate department that is based on reviewing the relationships for polygamy" Said Mom

"Wait, for a law to be made shouldn't it have gone through like a review stage then a public briefing, a voting stage and then the president signs. How did they keep it a secret," I said clearly still confused

"It did indeed go through the official processes. The public briefing is something decided by the committee it can still go through without public knowledge. It's was reported that everyone involved was paid hush money and slowly stepped down from their position over the years after. It's seen as one of 21st century's greatest political scandal" Said Mom

'Holy Shit this worlds governments are just as corrupt if not more corrupted then my original world'

"Okay but why should I jump on the polygamy ship," I said

"Huh? No, I'm only saying that I support the idea of you having multiple wives though I do expect it to be a mutual thing and not something you forced. If you decide to just go for one then it's fine as well. I just want you to move on and be happy" Said Mom sincerely

I gave a sigh of relief and said "Thanks mom but as it stands I'm still not ready for a relationship. I'm very happy right now mom"

"Okay well still invite Mary I still want to meet the woman who is going to be helping you make a lot of money," Said Mom

"You want to meet her no matter what huh? Fine, I'll invite her over and pay for a V.T taxi" I said before texting Mary if she's free today and sending an invite.

I asked if she needed transport and she replied simply with a no and that she'll be here at 4 P.M.

I then showed Mom the text and said "There she's gonna be here. Now go you guys still have to get to work. Bye Bye"

After they left I gave myself a facepalm while asking "How the hell did I not hear about that. It doesn't matter I need to go wake Rose up"



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