Who Are They!?

|Third Pov|

Theodore and Mary had arrived at their destination without any complication. They parked up and looked up at the stadium as a crowd gathered around at the main entrance.

Although they didn't have the greatest view they came to the conclusion that it's probably the celebrities taking pictures.

Seeing the main entrance somewhat blocked he decided to call Mr Thompson.

"Hello, Mr Thompson Its Theodore, the Magician for tonight," Said Theodore

"Ah Yes, Theodore, I have to tell you that my granddaughter can't wait to see you. So are you here yet or are you lost" Said Mr Thompson excitedly

"I'm outside but I don't really know how to enter. I can see the entrance but I assume It's for the celebs, so should I enter through the back" Said Theodore

"No of course not where are you?" Asked Mr Thompson

"We're in the car park," Said Theodore

"Which car?" Asked Mr Thompson

"Umm the light blue Volkswagen Beetle that looks run down and has the paint peeling off," Said Theodore

"Okay I'm coming," said Mr Thompson

"Please don't trouble yourself. Just tell us where the back entrance is" Said Theodore anxiously

"Don't be ridiculous. I invited you personally so I will be the one to welcome you" Said, Mr Thompson.

"Sigh Thank you, Mr Thompson," Said Theodore feeling unnecessarily important for someone who is just a magician.

The crowd at the main entrance parted as an old man with two bodyguards and a peculiar little girl walked through.

The little girls looked to be a toddler maybe a few years older than Rose. She was holding a light brown woven basket and wearing a frilly baby blue dress with a red hood.

She looked to be wearing Cinderella's ballroom dress with Red Riding Hoods, red hood and basket.

The old man was holding the little girl by the hand as he smiled warmly and looked around ignoring the celebs and paparazzi.

The little girl looked around excitedly as her head whipped side to side quickly trying to search for something.

Mary and Theodore saw them and recognised the old man as George Kennedy Thompson.

Mary smiled seeing the little girl and commented "Looks like you get to meet your first fan"

"I guess I do. Come on let's go" Said Theodore as he pulled the door handle and gave it a shake before it opened up.

After getting out of the car Mary fixed his tie and straightened his top hat. Theodore did the same for Mary, making sure her hair wasn't out of place and checking the back of her dress before they linked arms walked towards Mr Thompson.

They are immediately spotted and greeted by the excited wave of the little girl.

Paparazzi and celebrities watch as the host of one of the most influential Charities in America personally come out to greet two model-like people.

Theodore and Mary were without a doubt a sight to behold if it wasn't the fact they were both extremely attractive then it was because of their clothes.

Questions began to stir within the crowd as they watch them make

"Why would Mr Thompson come out for them?"

"Are they even celebrities?"

"Are they rich?"

"The guy looks familiar"

"Dude is looking fucking dapper"

"Look at those curves"

The questions asked the more curious they became. The paparazzi were even more inclined to know after seeing them bing personal greeted and welcomed by Mr Thompson.

Not wanting to waste Mr Thompsons time they quickly walked across the car park.

Theodore felt nervous seeing that they had somehow become the main event even though he's just the magician.

"Theo, when we talk to Mr Thompson try to keep a smile on at all costs. This will be your first experience with the paparazzi. You need to understand that none of them have your best interest in mind they are looking for the dirt not polished gold. If they don't find it they'll just assume it with a vague title. No matter what you hear just smile and wave. " Said Mary while smiling

Theodore gave a determined nod and smiled like the happy fella he is.

"Hello, Mr Thompson, thanks again for inviting me to be apart of this event," Said Theodore while putting his hand out for a handshake

The crowd is once again taken back as they simultaneously gasp at how casual this young man was with someone that's so highly respected.

Mr Thompson gave Theodore a firm handshake and said "Haha then you should thank my granddaughter. This is Bella she been nagging me to invite you ever since she saw your stream. After watching some of your stuff and reading your Rose's Fairy Tales Series I'm glad I did"

Theodore then crouched down until he was eye level with Bella. Seeing Bella's face he couldn't help think that she was a doll.

Bella had violet eyes, brown hair that framed her porcelain face with her cute button nose and freckles.

Her eyes held nothing but admiration and excitement as they stared back into Theodore's grey eyes.

"Hello, Bella I like your Hood it looks just like Little Red Riding hood and your dress is super duper pretty," Said Theodore

Bella smiled joyfully before covering her mouth and reaching into her basket to retrieve her copy of Red Riding Hood and Cinderella with a red pen.

She then passed to Theodore before pulling out a whiteboard that said "Can Dad Sign Plz"

Theodore looked at her confused before recognising the marked silver circle on her throat and said unconsciously "Are you an Amplifier?"

An Amplifier user has perfect control over their voice most users enter the entertainment industry.

Bella nods to his answer as Mr Thompson elaborates "You have a good eye. Her powers are in their developing. For the time being, she's sadly unable to talk though the doctors said she'll be able to talk in three months."

Unlike most superpowers based comics, movies and novels this world runs on the logic that power does not simply just appear but it slowly prepares the body before making an appearance at 16.

For an amplifier, they lose the ability to talk for two or three years before they regain their voice.

Marks or any abnormal changes to the appearance is normally how powers are identified but another form is with an ancient rock called Archaic Slab. In the past, it was believed that the stone gave powers but the truth was that it revealed what powers you had.

The Archaic Slab stands at 12ft high and 4ft wide with ancient characters that light up to reveal what power you hold. The Archaic Slab can be found in every major city and every country.

"Have you already done a check with the Archaic Slab?" Asked Theodore

"Yes we did it right after the appearance of the mark" Said Mr Thompson

Theodore nodded and began to sign his name down in the books before doing a quick sketch of Bella in her outfit next to his name.

"So has Bella learnt any sign language?" Asked Theodore

Bella replied with signing excitedly 'Yes, Mommy and Grandpa both learn with me. Mrs Stone said that I'm a super genius'

Mr Thompson was about to translate before seeing Theodore reply.

Theodore was startled at how fluent she was before replying with signing 'That's amazing you really are a super genius. How old are you?'

(Note: For those who don't remember learning sign language was a task to get Master Level Language Compression. In chapter "Task after Task" It took him a week or so before earning Master Level Language Compression)

Bella replied with a smug smile and three fingers before continuing to sign 'Mommy said that I'm the smartest three-year-old in the world'

'Well she's right' Signed Theodore before Bella jumped into his chest and hugged him.

Theodore was at first shocked before wrapping his arms around her giving a warm hug.

Mr Thompson, Mary and everyone else was left stunned by the series of events.

First Mr Thompson and Mary were shocked at Theodore's sign language. Particularly Mary who had now been his agent for the last two weeks yet had never known her star/client could do sign language.

Mr Thompson knew how much Bella had been anticipating this moment but still to see how comfortable and open Bella was to a stranger was still shocking.

For everyone else, they were still confused but a story started to generate itself as they saw the whiteboard that said "Dad"

Then they saw that the little girl was getting her books signed. Someone in the crowd recognised the books and said "I know who he is. He wrote 'Rose's Fairy Tales' he's known by his fans as All-Mighty Dad. You've probably heard his song Smile"

"Oh, that guy?"

"But how did he get an invite?"

"Is his family rich?"

"Is he performing?"

"Clearly Mr Thompson invited him because his granddaughter wanted to meet him"

"Yeah there's no way Mr Thompson would get some random to perform"

Since Theodore had superior sense's he could hear every single unpleasant comment that was laced in disdain and jealousy.

He was slightly shaken but he then thought about their face once he performs and laughed in his head.

Theodore planned for an entertain and magical night so he knew full well the reaction he would get.

Bella stepped back and looked down at the floor nervously before cheerfully glancing at her singed books.

"You know you're the first fan I've ever met in person," Said Theodore while fixing her hood and dress.

Bella looked up excitedly before signing 'I'm your number 1 fan?'

Theodore nodded and smiled.

"You really are a man full of surprises. Let's get you ready for your show" Said Mr Thompson before giving a hearty laugh

"Ah let me introduce my number 2" Said While pointing at Mary and continuing "This is Mary, my agent, secretary and assistant"

"Hello Mr Thompson Its honour to meet you," Said, Mary warmly

"Agent!? Well you fooled me I thought this was Miss Hunt Haha Come follow along let's get you ready for your performance" Said, Mr Thompson

Theodore and Mary both tighten up at his comment as a light blush presents itself in their faces.

They follow Mr Thompson through the red carpet main entrance causing the cameras to go wild as many voices sounded after the other.

"Mr Hunt look this way"

"This way Mr Hunt"

"Who are you wearing"

Theodore and Mary didn't stop as they continue to make some small talk with Mr Thompson while entering the stadium.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Theodore, Mary, Bella, Mr Thompson and the two bodyguards were backstage talking to the producers about lighting and music.

It wasn't a long talk as Theodore simply wanted a spotlight with a hard wall behind him and for his clone to control the music and sound effects.

They then sat down in a private room to watch the show.

"Welcome everyone to the first live broadcast of Comforting The Struggle. I'm your host Daniel Andrews if you look behind me and below me, you will see the number to call, the website and the QR code to donate. If you donate today you will be helping hundreds, no millions of people who are struggling to live. Every cent and dollar goes a long way" Said Daniel sincerely before the footage cut to a man telling how the charity helped him.

. . . . . .

An hour passed with many A list singers taking the stage with some surprise comebacks from old artists like David Bowie and Boy George, Prince etc.

Unlike his world where a lot of the Kings and Queens of the golden age had passed away, this world golden age of stars is still very much alive and it's due the superior medical care that this world has.

Theodore and his group made up of Mr Thompson, Bella and Mary were fully invested into every artist that made an appearance.

Despite Mr Thompson being 60 years old he was in tip-top shape as he danced with Bella and sang passionately.

Mary and Theodore were no different as they sang, danced and laughed.

It was very much just a small group of people made up of various ages coming together to have fun.

During a song from a Maroon 5, the door opened gently. Theodore and his group of mixed ages we're unaware of the door opening as they sang and danced the night away.

The door quietly opened to reveal a gorgeous woman wearing a long slim black dress that captured her mature and curvy figure with a Vague & Finer branded bag.

Apart from her figure being a model like with wide hips, well-rounded ass, slim waist and long legs she had impressive G sized breast that looked to be trying to escape the dress.

She had a thin porcelain white oval face, light brown freckles on either cheek, cold purple eyes, plump red lips, black mohawk hair that was brushed back. All these assets together created a dominating and cold aura of professional businesswomen.

Bella was the first to see her as she threw her hands up and ran into the women who responded with a warm smile and picked her up before kissing her on the head.

The women spoke softly and asked, "Did you miss mommy?"

Bella gave a hard nod and signed 'I always miss mommy. Look mommy its Dad. Look he signed my books and said that I'm the first fan he has ever met'

"That's amazing you make sure to keep those books safe," Said The woman

'Mommy help keep it safe' Signed Bella excitedly before running to get her books and putting it in her Moms bag.

The women smiled and said "Don't worry I'll protect it"

Mr Thompson called her over "Come greet my guests Grace. As you already know this is Theodore Hunt and this is his agent Mary. This is my daughter Grace she is 34 this year and is the owner of Vague & Finer"

Grace's warm smiling face changed to a cold distant smile as she spoke said "Nice to meet you. Thank you for signing Bell's books she's a really big fan. I hope Dad and Bell didn't trouble you too much"

Theodore and Mary both felt the sudden difference in her temperate yet her voice was still sincere and warm.

"You'll have to forgive Grace, she has trouble displaying emotions in her face. When she was younger my wife and I kept note every single smile she showed. Bella is the only one and thing to continuously put a smile on her face" Said Mr Thompson

"Please Ignore my resting face and just focus on the words I say. Despite how I look I'm very excited to meet you Mr Hunt I'm actually a fan as well you know me and my daughter as RicherThanYou" Said Grace with her cold resting face yet excited voice.

"You guys are RicherThanYou?! Well then allow me to thank you for the generous donation" Said, Theodore before picking up a piece of paper to sketch Grace and Bella in anime/manga style.

"It's not much but I hope you like it," Said Theodore after 2 minutes of drawing and passing it Grace.

Grace looked at with a dead expression as a happy voice was heard "Thank you I love it"

'Wow so cool look, Mommy I'm super cute' Signed Bella while pointing at herself in the drawing.