Days passed just like that and it was Saturday already. Recently, Susie was acting a bit strange. When Kate asked her what happened, she said she was on her periods and was having bad cramps and didn't want to talk to anyone. Kate left her alone as she wanted but she couldn't stop but feel that something was wrong.

The entire day, she was super excited and hyper, trying out her dresses and playing with her hair. Then eating and singing and dancing, she was on cloud nine.

The next day she woke up at 5 am and hopped out of her bed and went to take a bath directly. After coming out, she picked up her peach colored lace dress that she had decided to wear. It had white lacy flowers at the short sleeves and the chest and had a simple boat neck back. She had long brown hair that reached upto her waist. She paired her dress up with white chunky shoes. The peach dress complimented her pearl like skin. The white shoes made her look comfortable yet confident. It was a simple outfit but on her it looked like a high end luxurious brand outfit. With the way she walked and the vibe she gave, she could easily give the models a tight competition. Satisfied with her look, she changed back and wrapped the dress in a plastic bag and kept it inside her school bag and changed into a plain white t-shirt and denims, and left her house.

"Hey " ~ (Ashton)


"Let's go"

Ashton holds Kate's hand and was about to walk when.....


Kate let go of Ashton's hand. Ashton looked at his empty hand and then at Kate, waiting for an explanation.

"One minute.. wait, wait please!"

Kate rushed inside the school with her bag and went to the washroom. She washed her face and changed into the peach dress. Then she opened her hair and applied some lip balm. Satisfied, she walked outside, and kept her bag inside her locker. As she walked out of the school gate she stared getting red as Ashton was literally glaring at her.

Ashton, was playing a game on his phone, when Kate was getting changed. Suddenly he heard someone walking towards him He looked up and ~

'Fuck'. Ashton, dropped his phone.

His jaw dropped and his eyes were literally popping out of his sockets. In front of him was a Kate wearing a peach lace dress with her hair open.

Well this reaction was obvious since very few people had seen Kate all dolled up. Kate was a tomgirl, and never liked to dress up, but when she did, people couldn't stop looking at her. She had the perfect body that every girl would die for. As she had been playing volleyball since a young age, she had slender, tall legs which were lightly toned. Her skin looked like a shining pearl under the glistening sun and her jaw line gave her a mature yet bubbly vibe.

"Uhh.... Ashton?"

Ashton was still staring at her, as if he would gobble her down at that very moment.


"Uhh .. yeah yeah???"

"You're drooling"

Kate started laughing and Ashton, he had never found her laugh so pretty. In front of him was literally an angel descended from heaven. He just couldn't take his eyes of her.

Kate came closer to him and then bent down, terrifying Ashton to death. Ashton literally jumped backwards. Kate stoops lower and picked up his phone and handed it to him.

"What? Why did you jump like that?"

Ashton was ashamed over his thinking. 'Gosh what was I thinking? I am such a pervert '

"No.. nothing nothing"

Kate came closer, so close that he could feel her breath.

''Why? Did you think I'm was going to blow you?" Kate suddenly smirked

Done. Shattered. The angel like image shattered just like that.

"Omg Kate! You are wearing a dress, can't you behave a bit like a lady? Like you look so... so.. but your tongue is still so dirty!"

"I look so what?"







"Bit- ... "

"You look beautiful, fucking beautiful. Kate Brooke you stole my heart today, so you have to take responsibility now" Ashton interrupted

Kate giggled and blushed. In the entire world it was only Ashton, who would have seen her blush and giggle like that. Only him.

"Aren't we getting late? It's 9:30 already."

"Shit, I didn't check the time, let's go!"


Kate then held Ashton's hand and walked next to him. Ashton was having butterflies in his stomach.

'Why am I blushing!!?' Ashton thought.

They then found a bus stop and after waiting for a while, hopped onto a bus. Every now and then Ashton would stare at Kate and be in a daze until either Kate would give him a jerk or the bus. Every time the bus would do it, he would curse the bus driver under his breathe. Every time Kate would do it, he would feel ashamed and shy. The bus was moving towards the destination. It was a fine morning, birds chirping, shallow sunlight and a cool breeze. As the bus entered the forest area, one could hear the water flowing. It could be as beautiful as heaven.

(And this story is about to get more beautiful)