FLASHBACK - The turn of events

Next morning, Kate woke up with a sore back. She looked at the time and it was 12 in the afternoon. Then she remembered the night before and her face turned red. She looked towards the other side of the bed but Ashton was not there. Then she saw a note on her table.

'Hey baby, I waited for you to wake up but you didn't. Seems like you got very tired. Your mom would have come anytime so I changed your clothes and changed the bedding as well and left. I have prepared some food for you as well, it's in the refrigerator, do heat it up before eating and drink some warm ginger tea. It'll warm you up. Also, last night was amazing. Love you'

Reading the last line, Kate cursed Ashton, but she couldn't stop but feel loved. She did enjoy her last night as well. She had lost her virginity and she was only 17.

'If Susie hears of it she'll literally eat my ears. But if I don't and she gets to know from Ash, then she'll kill me. I would rather tell her.'

Thinking this Kate went to her bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her entire chest was covered with hickeys and bite marks. She quickly took a bath and put on a turtle neck top to hide the hickeys. She then put on a jogger as she was really sore so she didn't want to wear a jeans. She then went downstairs and opened her fridge and saw some cheese pasta along with a glass of fresh orange juice. She smiled and took it out. Then she heated the pasta in a microwave and started eating it, thinking about last night and blushing when she remembered her own reactions. Suddenly she heard her door open and then footsteps approaching. She saw her mom but she didn't greet her and just continued eating. After finishing her meal she went back to her room and read a novel. By the time she finished it was already evening. She went outside and called Ashton but he hung up. Thinking that he might be busy she didn't call him back. She then went to a park and listened to some music. While coming back from the park she called Ashton again, but he hung up again. She was about to call Susie when she suddenly heard her voice.


She turned around and saw no one. Then she moved towards the turn of the road and there she was. But she was not alone. She was with Ashton. All alone, in the middle of the road. As much she wanted to go and hug both of them, it seemed like a bad time. Both of them looked tensed, especially Susie. She decided not to meet them and stood towards the corner of the road eavesdropping on their conversation.

"What did you say!??? You slept with Kate!!!???"

"Can you not shout about it!!??"

Kate's heart skipped a beat. 'Why did Ashton tell Susie that we slept together? Okay even though they are close friends, did he not even think about how I'll feel or whether I wanted to tell her?'

"Ashton, are you serious?"

This time Susie's voice was a but raspy. Kate could immediately make out that Susie was about to cry. 'Wait, why is Susie crying?'

"Yes, Su. I slept with her. I love her."

"But Ash!! Why her!? I loved you so much, couldn't you see my sincerity even after 2 years!!!?? I loved you for 2 years and it's been only 2 months since you guys met!"

"I know Su, that you love me. I could see your sincerity when you proposed me 2 years back, but.."

When Kate heard this her heart was shattered. 'What? Susie proposed Ashton, 2 years back? But she never told me. Why is she say all of it now? And why is she asking why does he love me and not her? No, no there is some misunderstanding. Susie won't do anything like this to me. She's my best friend. Yes, yes there's a misunderstanding'. Thinking this, Kate came out of the corner and stood in front of Ashton and Susie, slightly trembling. Her eyes were starting to get red, as if she'd cry any moment now. Ashton and Susie saw Kate. Ashton continued staring her and then came towards her while Susie had a disgusted look on her face. Seeing this Kate couldn't control herself and started crying loudly.

"Kate, don't cry. Baby, don't cry. I'm here. It was all a joke, we knew you were coming this side that's why we came here before you."

"Ashton can you stop lying to her? It's not a joke Kate. Why Kate? Didn't you say that you weren't interested in Ashton when you saw him first? And now you even spread your legs for him???"

Kate was usually a tough girl, but hearing all this from Susie tore her heart apart. She couldn't control her tears.

"Susie! Shut your mouth! Why are you blaming her!?? Blame me if you want to!!! She's your best friend! How could you say all this to her!!??" Ashton shouted

"If she was my best friend she wouldn't take the person whom I love and have sex with him!!! I tolerated the fact that you guys started dating thinking that you would be just fooling around and would break up soon!! But what the f*ck!!!??"


"Yeah yeah I'll now f*ck off. Kate I'm done with this façade game. I love you Kate. I do. And I seriously do consider you as my best friend. Our friendship will also continue like it was, I promise, just breakup with Ashton. That's all I want Kate. I am your best friend right? Can't you do such a small favor for me? "