FLASHBACK - He will never come back.

After what happened yesterday, Kate slept like a log. After waking up the next day she immediately checked her phone and saw that she had missed 2 calls from Ashton. Though they were just missed calls she was happy that atleast Ashton called her. She was now sure that Ashton didn't see or hear her last night. Satisfied, she called him back only to hear the auto mailer say that it was out of coverage area, but this time she didn't let it affect her. She put the phone on charge and went for a bath and made some breakfast for herself. After cleaning her room and the house a bit she checked her phone and tried calling Ashton again, but in vain. Every time she would call him, it would say the user is in a no network zone. And this happened not only once or twice but as many times as she called. By 5 in the evening she had called him almost 50 times, getting the same annoying voice from the other side. This time she was frustrated.

'Where in the world did he go!!? No texts, no calls, no news! What am I supposed to do!!?'

She changed into some outdoor clothes and went towards Ashton's house. When she reached there she found the door locked, annoyed she kicked the door hard, eventually hurting her own foot. She tried calling him again, but the same response. But this time, instead of being annoyed, she was scared. Ashton just vanished into thin air, no news, no texts. Nothing. What if he never came back? Kate just shook her head and shoved the possibility to the back of her mind. Ashton would never do anything stupid or just leave her hanging like that. Then she went to the other house - the one she used to think was Ashton's actual house, the one in the opposite direction of her house. This one was open. 'Oh, finally. Maybe he's here'. Thinking this she rang the bell and waited for a minute. A seductive looking girl came out of the house wearing nothing but a bathrobe, her hair disheveled. Any adult could make out what she was doing just by looking at her state. Kate also understood and her cheeks flushed red. The woman on the door was obviously annoyed on being disturbed.

"What is it?" She said harshly

"Umm.. Actually I was looking for Ashton"



"You must be Kate then?"

"Umm yeah"

"You're not even hot. What stupid choices Ashton has sometimes."

Kate didn't say anything.

"May I know who you are?"

"oh me?? I am his... Sister."

"Okay.... May I know where Ashton is? Is he here?"

"No he's not. I don't know where he is, get lost now."

"But.." before she could even complete her sentence, the woman had closed the door in her face.

Kate thought for a minute and decided not to knock again.