FLASHBACK - The truth untold (4)

'April 25, 2015

Hi diary... I know I have become less and less frequent now. I am trying to make you get used to this.....Don't worry I'll never forget about you.. you stayed with me during all my hard times.... thank you... thank you a lot....

I fought with Kate today. In fact I just came back from outside. I never wanted to do it but I had no other choice.....

Hi Kate, I know you are reading this right now....and that means.... well we both know what it means.... please don't blame yourself for anything.. this was solely my decision. I'm sorry for making you choose between Ashton and me... I know it was a stupid thing...but at least I'm happy it made your mind open up a bit and look at what exactly he is. Since you are on this page, you obviously know that Ashton was cheating on you with Jennifer... and also me.... I'm sorry Kate... I hope you forgive me. I'll always have that guilt with me. I really hope you forgive me. I also apologize for all the things you had to face because of Ashton. I should've stopped you. I never should've let him meet you. I'm very..very..very sorry Kate.... I don't want to cry now. I still have to protect you, so I have to be strong. Listen to me Kate. Now that I have taken this step already, so don't hesitate to use it as a stepping stone to achieve your actual motive. I know you don't want to use my death as a reason to fight Ashton but both of us know that Ashton is much more than what meets the eye. I can't protect you from him forever but I can at least extent the time for you to figure out how to deal with him properly. You already read what I did...so I'll tell you what I did it for. It's been more than two weeks since I slept with Ashton...Kate I achieved my motive... I'm pregnant...with Ashton's child....


Kate I know it is very hard for you to control yourself right now, but see this from another perspective please. If you get angry and do something that puts you in danger as well, then the reason I died would be in vain. I am taking this step to protect you... DO NOT WASTE IT KATE BROOKE! YOU HEAR ME!!??

Now..now don't cry. My heart pains seeing you like this... concentrate now..

I got myself pregnant because this was the only way by which I could get Ashton behind the bars for at least 3 years. I can only do this much. I know Ashton would have manipulated you into saying something in his favor but you can always go back on your statement by saying Ashton forced you into doing so. PLEASE USE THE LAW IN DEALING WITH HIM. I know you have other ways of making him suffer but please don't use them.. at least not now. I have written a suicide letter. It is in my room inside the photo frame beside my bed. Take that as a proof. The police would obviously match it with my handwriting. It won't be a problem since, it is my handwriting. Also, they will conduct tests on my body to check the claims that I have made in that letter. That again would come out as positive, same goes for the DNA tests. So you don't have to worry about it. The only thing you have to focus on is on telling the police how you found the letter. I am pretty sure you can come up with something for that, especially with that high IQ of yours......


Kate take care of yourself. Don't mind your mom. Try socializing with people more. You can't grieve over my death all the time.. you need to move on... I'll always be watching over you from the heaven (or hell maybe? XD) Anyways... I hope you forgive me... Stay safe. This was the least I could do..... Also I'll have to burden you with taking care of my mom alongside... Sorry and thank you for that as well :)


I wonder if I had told you that I loved you in the beginning...would things be different now?


Sayonara Kate. :) '

This last line was written in blood.... Susie's blood...this meant that Susie had cut her wrist... and till her end time..she was thinking of Kate and about protecting her....