FLASHBACK - 3..2..1...K.O.!

Kate was taken to the hospital where her wounds were checked. Since she had lost a lot of blood, she had to be transfused with it. But there was one problem - the blood bank did not have her blood type. The last pouch of blood was transfused to another person in the morning. Since, Kate was a big witness for Susie's death, even the police was notified of this and they immediately spread word about it as well. They also notified her team at her apartment since she didn't want her mom to know about it. Anyways she wouldn't care whatever happened to her. Nancy was freaked out and immediately rushed to the hospital. Kate's team came after a while. When Nancy realized Kate needed a blood transfusion she immediately stepped out of the hospital ward and made a call. Miraculously, Kate was transferred back to H & S hospital, the city's best hospital. Kate assumed it was because of the police. The police thought it was because of some relative of Kate who worked in H & S. Obviously no one could approach H & S on themselves since it was a very high end hospital. In the end, no one suspected anything.

After getting transferred to H & S hospital, she was immediately given a blood transfusion and she was shifted back to her VIP ward. And for some reason, she didn't have to pay for anything.

In the hospital she met with Emily, the nurse, again. Emily scolded her for being irresponsible and told her to take care of herself. She even gave some instructions to Nancy, who gladly accepted them. Anyways, Nancy was going to get a scolding from 'someone' for not taking care of Kate properly.

At one end, Kate was admitted to the hospital whereas on the other hand the police department was trying to find whether the incidents mentioned in the letter were true or not. They contacted the hospital authorities, where Susie's body was kept and explained them the twist in the case. The hospital authorities immediately conducted some set of tests on Susie's body. Even they were shocked to hear the truth.

The police officer simultaneously sent the suicide letter to get it checked by a graphologist. They had to confirm whether Susie wrote the letter or not. That night they went to Ashton's house as well and immediately brought him to the police station.

Ashton was obviously very frustrated to go to the police station again. He thought that Susie's case was already closed. He continued asking the reason but the police remained tight lipped. They didn't want to share that Kate had come up to them. There was a possibility that if Ashton was actually a culprit, he'll try to harm her if he gets to know that she knows the truth.

A team of police was sent to Susie's house and another one to talk to Kate's team and her maid, Nancy. Another official went to Kate to get some more clues. He still wasn't satisfied.

Time for Kate to show her acting skills again.