FLASHBACK - Shameless Sou

Kate was staring at Cyril when he suddenly said-

"Kate, will you be my girlfriend?"

Kate's mind immediately went blank. For a moment she thought she misheard him. Was she in heat? Why would she imagine him proposing her to be his girlfriend, out of the blue? She immediately decided that she had misheard him.

"Sorry what? I think I misheard you. Can you please repeat?"

"I said, Kate will you please be my girlfriend?"

All of Kate's senses shut down at the same time. It was as if a virus was infecting her computer and she could do nothing but admire it.


"Uh, yeah...?"

"WHAT!!?? YES? YES YOU'LL BE MY GIRLFRIEND?? OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!! I'M SO HAPPY! I LOVE YOU KATE!!" Cyril immediately started reacting like a 12 year old girl, whose crush just confessed to her.

"Wait what!!!??"


"When did I say that I'm willing to be your girlfriend?"

"But didn't you just say 'yeah?'

"Oh god! That 'yeah' was just a figure of speech! And wait! Why in the hell world would I be some random person's girlfriend!!? I don't even know you!?"

"I'm Sou Cyril, Japanese-"

"Yes, yes Japanese-American. But that does not mean I know you!"

"It's okay for me. I'll let you know me as we get together. And if you don't like anything about me, I'll immediately change according to you. I don't mind, you not knowing me! See! Problem solved! Now you can be my girlfriend right?"

Kate's mouth twitched (for the 100th time probably). 'Wasn't this guy too shameless?'

"Excuse me, Mr Sou but it does not work that way. At least not at the place from where I come. Moreover I'm not interested in you, so please excuse me."

Kate decided to give him a clear cut answer. She wanted to concentrate on her projects right now and moreover...love wasn't her thing.



This Sou Cyril was getting on her nerves now. She might have to teach him a lesson or two. Just because he looked a little bit better.....okay... better than others... did not mean she'll fall for him.

"In what aspect am I lacking?"

"Excuse me?"

"I mean is there something you don't like about me? I'll change for you."

"Mr. Sou, I have exquisite taste in men (who was she lying to?). You would barely qualify as a wall flower for me."


"Excuse me?"

"I'll be your wall flower! So where's home?"

And....Kate's mouth twitching disease was back. 'How could this guy be so persistent!!'

"Cyril" This time Kate called him informally.

Hearing his first name from her mouth, his decision making power was already moving to his third leg. His ears were a bit flushed as well. He was trying really hard, not to expose his perverted mind.....at least not now....the future would be definitely different. He thought and smirked proudly.

"Cyril. I'll be honest with you." Kate tried chasing him, looking down on him and even rejecting him straight, but this guy didn't budge even a bit. So she decided to play the emotional card. Though she hated being like that, but against a guy like Cyril, she could win only like this.

"I had one boyfriend in the past. I loved him a lot.... and let's just say ..things didn't go as they were supposed to.... So I stopped believing in love anymore. I know the reason is very stupid, but it is my personal opinion. I'm sorry but I cannot accept you." Kate was hoping she could stop Cyril now. What she just did was another one of her 'masterpiece' in acting. She looked at Cyril who was now standing there without saying a word. He seemed a bit zoned out.

Kate smirked inwardly. 'Just as I thought. Good riddance!'

But who was Sou Cyril?

The most shameless guy in terms of love for Kate. When he heard Kate's explanation, he realized he was using the wrong strategy all along. He should have given his lady love some time to familiarize with him. But what's done was done.



"Can you at least give me a chance to woo you?"

Kate almost got a heart attack in her head. This guy would probably kill her. Before she could say anything, Cyril spoke again.

"I don't know, what happened in your past. And I don't want to know. I love you for who you are and what you are right now. I know all of this is very sudden but trust me you'll never regret your decision if you give me a chance. If your heart is broken to be loved again, then I'll join the pieces together and wrap my love around them so tightly that they'll never be able to fall apart."

Kate was stunned, and even a bit touched. She looked at the guy in front of her. The determination in his eyes made him look more charming. Even though she was getting irritated because of his silly talks earlier, she couldn't deny the fact that she was a bit amused at his stubbornness.

She looked at him calmly. This time, she did not avoid his gaze, nor did her mouth twitch (her disease was magically cured). After staring at his face for a few more seconds, she said -


Then she put on her earphones and started jogging towards her house. At the turn, she saw him standing at the exact same spot, still and dazed.

On the other side...

Cyril had said everything that came inside his heart. After a moment he just found her staring at his face, so he did not avoid her eye contact like every other time. He gave her time to 'examine' his face. Then she faintly said 'Okay' and ran in the opposite direction. It took him a moment to register what exactly had happened. When he looked in the direction she ran, he saw her staring at him at the turn. He also stared her until a wall blocked his vision.

Finally it registered inside his shameless head that his queen had officially given him a chance to woo her!!! When he thought of it his eyes immediately brightened!!

But then a sudden realization hit him and this time, his mouth twitched.

He did not know how to woo a woman!!