✒ Chapter 36 : Don't give up on me


"White chocolate! I love this one hehe" Rei said with a gummy smile as the two of them were sitting on the skating park. Khein didn't kiss Rei at the locker area.



"What?" Khein asked with wide eyes.

"If you'll give me a kiss, I'll let you go." Rei said. Khein sighed as if he had no other choice but to follow what the puppy ordered.

"Fine." Khein said as he exhaled. Rei smirked like a villain as he waited for Khein to kiss him.

"And you'll never get another kiss for the the rest of your life. Deal." Khein declared as he was about to kiss the poor puppy in front of him. Rei immediately covered Khein's mouth using his palm and smiled awkwardly.

"I... I'll take the ice cream." Rei said and withdrawed himself. Khein smirked secretly as he followed the puppy walking before him. Rei never changed. He was still obedient as ever whenever it comes to Khein.


AT the skating park...

"Kheiny, I'm happy that that punk never gets tired of following Ethan around." Rei said while munching a spoonful of ice cream. They were sitting on the bench beside a tree.

"Ethan has been lonely ever since his father died. He's been spacing out lately and he always make mistakes during our practice. During class hours, he sometimes never listened to the teacher. I was worried-"

Rei's noisy mouth stopped talking when the rebel boy bit his bottom lip. Rei stared at Khein blankly as the rebel guy looked away. Khein bit his lips. Rey gulped and froze, the tempting taste of white chocolate lost its effect.

"Did you just bite me?" Rei asked in shocked

"Noisy" Khein said. He hated that Rei keeps blurting out everything about Ethan during their conversations. Rei placed the cup beside him and leaned towards Khein.

"So when I keep on talking, your gonna shut my mouth with your own?" Rei asked with a grin.

"Dream on, dumbass." Khein said as he looked away. Rei smirked as he saw Khein's blushing face and pulled the rebel boy for a hug.

"You're so cute!!" Rei said as he hugged Khein like a teddy bear. Khein flinched and tried to push Rei away.

"Hey! It's big brother!" the little girl from earlier pointed Khein. Rei glared at the little girl in a childish way for disturbing them.

"Oh hi!" Khein greeted the girl with a wave as he pushed Rei away from him.

"Is that your bride?" the girl asked and pointed Rei. Rei cocked his brow and frowned.

"Bride?" Rei asked in disbelief.

"Little girl, this one beside me is my bride. Now shuu and find your own groom!" Rei said childishly as he wrapped his arms around Khein.

'Cute' Khein thought as he watched Rei arguing with the girl.

'Wait... Did I just say cute?!' Khein mentally slapped his face and faked a cough.

"You're too close." Khein said as he bowed his head. Rei immediately withdrawed himself as he realized that Khein felt awkward. Other people were looking at them and Rei thought Khein was embarrased.

"I'm sorry." Rei said and bit his bottom lip. The psycho guy exhaled and started to think of another topic.

"I wonder if we could hold hands in public together in the future. I wonder if you could laugh louder with me someday. I wonder if you really want to be with me forever." Rei said with a faint smile. He was not looking at Khein nor to anyone. He was just staring straight ahead of him as if he was staring into an abyss.

"I wonder how long will I continue loving you unconditionally. How long will I be able to control my sanity. Thinking of you getting close to anyone makes my blood boil. Thinking about you leaving me makes me wanna tie you and put you inside a room where there's only me you can see. I wonder-" Rei stopped talking when he saw Khein holding his trembling hand. His knuckles turned white as he clenched his fist.

"I'm right here." Khein said. He looked worried and scared at the same time.

'There it is again, Rei's alternative personality. " The rebel guy thought.

"I'm sorry if I made you think that way. You know, I never liked someone before. I don't have any experience about serious relationships. I'm awkward when I'm jealous. I get angry over stupid things. And I'm not used to showing my love through actions. But I... I-" Khein started stuttering as he felt his face turning red.

"You what? Say it, Kheiny" Rei asked. That was the first time that he became impatient of Khein.

Khein covered his face using his palms which made Rei chuckle.

"...I really like you. So, please don't give up on me." Khein said while closing his eyes. He waited for a response from Rei but there was none. Khein's heart pounded so fast that he almost panicked. He peaked through between his right index and middle finger to see Rei's face.

Rei was crying.

Khein gasped as he immediately pulled and burried Rei's face on his neck.

"Hey, What's wrong?" Khein asked with worried voice. He comforted the crying puppy like how his mother used to comfort him when he was a kid.

"Did I say something wrong? Why are you crying?" Khein asked as Rei's tears began to overflow on his shoulder.

"I think I can't give up on you now. I'll never let you go, Kheiny." Rei said as he hugged Khein tightly. He was way to happy it made him cry.

"You just gave me another reason why I should chase you forever." Rei whispered in Khein's neck which gave the rebel guy a shiver to his body. Khein gasped as he felt Rei sucked the skin on his neck.

"Hey, what the fuck?" Khein asked in disbelief as he softly pulled Rei's head away from his neck. The psycho guy growled possesively which made Khein froze.

"Just pretend that you're comforting me and let me finish what I want to do." Rei whispered huskily underneath his breath. It was as if he was warning the rebel guy to act normal.

Panting, Khein remained calm as he patted Rei's head as if he was comforting him. Khein wanted to grab Rei's hair as he felt the guy sucked the skin on his neck deeper.

'Why am I letting him do this to me?!' Khein shouted in his head as he felt hotter. Rei stopped and looked at the two marks he made on Khein's neck. Khein hissed and glared at Rei. The psycho guy smirked at how visible Khein belongs to him.

"Wanna hang out in my place tonight?" Rei asked with an innocent face. Khein knew that accepting the offer would be dangerous.

"I'm good. I have a comfortable bed at home." Khein said and scoffed. Rei pouted as Khein rejected him.

"I know you don't want to be with me anyway. I won't force you." Rei said as he bit his bottom lip. Acting cute was the easiest way to seduce his bipolar babe.

"You're not cute at all." Khein hissed as he looked away.

"Whatever" Rei said as he sighed. Khein panicked as he saw Rei was getting mad again.

"Fine. Fine." Khein said while rolling his eyes. Rei smirked secretly as he continued pretending lonely.

"Stop forcing yourself, you're making me guilty." Rei said while keeping his straight face.

"I said I'm going, okay? Stop being childish. Dumbass. Stupid. Idiot. Whatever. Damn it." Khein murmured as Rei grinned secretly.

'How could you be so cute?' Rei thought as he stared at Khein's frowning face.