✒ Chapter 42 : I'm scared

The next day...

"Kheiny, do you have something to do this coming Sunday?" Rei asked. The two of them were heading home while eating white chocolates. The bus arrived exactly when they reached the waiting shed. Rei grabbed Khein's wrist and pulled him to get on the bus. There was only one seat available, hence Rei immediately pulled Khein to sit on it. The rebel guy scoffed and looked up at Rei. The tall guy said that they would talk later. After a few minutes, the bus was only half loaded and Rei managed to sit beside Khein.

"Let's have a road trip on Sunday" Rei said gleefully and waited for Khein's response.

"Not coming."

"Why?" Rei pouted and leaned closer to Khein.

"I'll be playing games on Saturday night, I'll be sleeping the next day until the sun sets again." Khein said bitterly. Rei bit his bottom lip and rested his head against his seat. He entertained himself to the sightings outside and never said a word to Khein again. He knew that one word was enough and he could never win against his boss. Khein didn't give a damn and decided to open another chip after they finished their chocolate.

"Want some?" Khein asked while munching a gummy bear. Rei looked at Khein while pouting and nodded softly. Khein opened another pack of gummy bear when Rei suddenly pulled his collar and kissed him. Rei slipped his tongue and tried to snatch the candy from Khein's mouth, and he succeeded. Khein panted heavily after he broke the intense kiss. He glared at Rei and pinched the taller guy's waist.

"Sweet" Rei said while grinning and pouted again.

"Let's have a road trip, please" Rei pleaded with his puppy eyes, Khein still refused.

"Should I make love to you here right now so you'll say yes?" Rei sneered. Khein was left surprised with his mouth agape.

"Are you serious?" Khein asked in disbelief as he tried not to shout. Rei glared at the rebel boy maliciously as he started rubbing Khein's kneecap.

"Stop it" Khein warned Rei when the taller guy's hand began to travel higher. He stopped Rei's hand with his own and glared at him.

"You want me to leave this bus right now?" Khein warned Rei and in an instant, Rei turned back into his usual puppy behavior. Khein wanted to stay at home for the upcoming weekend because it has been a long time since he had play games. He presumed that Rei would come to his house anyway.

"Ahh I really want to go to that place with you. Maybe I'll go there alone for now and I'll bring you there next time." Rei said while looking outside the window.

"Where is it anyway?" Khein asked while frowning.

"It's a Toy Convention and I plan to buy all the toys that you might like. But it's very far so I want to ride using a car or a motorcycle with you." Rei replied. Khein's eyes twinkled brighter than the stars when he heard the magic words.

"Let's use my mom's car" Khein said with a straight face. Rei chuckled at how fast his little puppy changes his mind when it comes to toys.

"I have my brother's car at home. We can borrow it and I'll make sure we'll enjoy this Sunday." Rei said while giggling. The bus arrived at Rei's stop but the taller guy didn't move a bit.

"Hey, it's your stop. Get out now" Khein said while tugging Rei's arm.

"I don't want to go home, it's lonely there. I'll sleep at your sofa tonight" Rei said while smiling. Khein sighed and let the naughty puppy be.

"Hey, Kheiny. Did you know that Ethan already had a girlfriend?" Rei changed the topic so that the rebel guy would not change his mind again. Khein frowned and shook his head.

"What about that spoiled dimwit?" Khein meant Center. Though, they were not in good terms, he still felt bad for Center.

"It was obviously hopeless from the very beginning since Ethan was straight. That spoiled rotten idiot was not that bad so I think he'll find a girl too. He's a varsity anyway." Rei said, he too felt bad for Center but what could they do?

"We're here" Rei said and the two guys got off the bus. They just had the usual talk about Khein's hobbies and likes. It was Rei who asked questions most of the time so it was him who knew Khein more than Khein knew about him.

"Hi Honey! Hi Rei!" Khein's mom greeted the guys and opened the door widely. She gave her son a warm embrace and smiled at Rei.

"What do you want for dinner? Rei, are you sleeping over here tonight?" Khein's mom asked the taller guy.

"He'll sleep on the sofa" Khein answered in his casual voice, and Rei nodded as well.

"What?! Guests don't sleep on the couch! Let him sleep on your bed!" Khein's mom insisted.

"What? No!" Khein made a quick response.

"Then, you sleep on the sofa" Khein's mom said with a finishing blow. The three of them had dinner together and Rei kept giving compliments to Khein's mother's cooking. Khein remembered that Rei's mother was not around to cook for him so he felt a little pity.

'Letting him sleep on the sofa was a cruel idea' Khein thought and ate his dinner.

"Kheiny, it smells like you" Rei said and sniffed Khein's bigger hood that he was wearing. He was only wearing a boxer and a hood after a quick shower.

"I'll sleep on the couch" Khein said and made his way towards the door.

"You hate sleeping beside me that much?" Rei asked while frowning. He stared at Khein as if the rebel guy was some kind of meat and he was the beast.

'Seriously, this guy is so unpredictable and hard to read. His mood swings and changing behaviors.' Khein sighed and walked towards the doorknob. He locked it and faced Rei again. The psycho already unzipped his jacket, letting his fine torso exposed. Khein gulped as his eyes began to wander around restlessly.

"Come over here, Kheiny." Rei ordered and leaned backwards. Khein slowly walked towards the hungry beast sitting on his bed, luring it's prey to be eaten raw.

"Did I ever crossed your dreams even once?" Rei asked and held both Khein's wrists. Khein stood in between Rei's legs and sighed.

"Stop asking such obvious questions" Khein answered and cupped Rei's face. He planted a soft kiss on Rei's forehead and pushed the taller guy on the bed. He was now on top of Rei while  keeping his face buried on the psycho's bare chest. Khein snuggled on Rei's neck and whispered the words with trembling lips: "Please don't let the psycho out tonight, Rei"

Rei opened his eyes widely and realized what he was about to do. He planned to force Khein tonight even if the rebel guy has a class tomorrow. He planned to make love to Khein until he bleeds, that was what all in his mind for the whole time. Khein noticed it when they arrived at their house earlier and it scared him. He knew that Rei was about to do something bad and cruel to him. He knew it just by looking at Rei's eyes. Khein was trembling in his arms and he knew that his puppy was scared.

"Kheiny, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry if I scared you." Rei said while rubbing the back of Khein. Khein noticed it earlier inside the bus too when Rei teased him about making love to him. The usual Rei would never say such things like that.

"Baby, I'm sorry. Please don't be scared. I love you" Rei tried his best to comfort Khein in his arms. He kept saying sorry and I love at the same time.

'What have I gotten myself into?' Khein asked himself as he remembered how beastly and hungry Rei looked like when the psycho unzipped his jacket.

"You're scaring me" Khein said honestly. They remained hugging for a few minutes, waiting for each other to speak, make a move or touch first.