Why Would I Leave?

"Did you hear?! Lily made the Olympic team! She barely squeaked her way on, passing by less than a tenth of a second in one of her events, but she made it!! We're all going to Argentina next year!" Sam squealed into the phone so loudly that Justin had to hold it away from his ear to prevent early onset deafness.

"Yeah, my mom already told me. She said Lily only gets two free family tickets but the second my mom heard she made the team she bought tickets for everyone else."

"Including you? You could have bought everyone tickets no problem," she said dubiously.

Justin sighed. "Yes, but how would I explain that to my mom?"

"Easy," Sam said simply. "Something like 'hey mom, guess what? I actually made a ridiculous amount of money by being on my computer all the time. I can take care of you for the rest of your life. Go figure!'"

He blew out a frustrated breath. "Sam, this is off topic."