
Justin was hallucinating again. He knew he was because there was no way Emily was in a Manhattan subway terminal. Even Sam said so. When he turned back 'she' was gone so he figured he was going crazy missing her again.

He had seen a ghostly outline of her cheerfully dancing around the kitchen so many times even though she had never been inside Sam's apartment. That might have been part of why he hardly ate anything these days.

Still, he couldn't stop thinking about her when they were on the plane even though he picked the most obnoxious heavy metal station he could find to tune into from the radio in his seat. Emily…what was she doing now? Was her movie still filming? Was she still annoyed with how many miles she had to run scripts every day? Had she…found someone else? The last thought was so painful he dug his fingernails into his palms fiercely enough to draw blood.