Movie Ratings

"79% on Spoiled Potatoes?!" Emily screeched as she looked at her phone, unable to believe what she was seeing. 

Justin peered over at her phone before grinning at her. "That's great, Em! What did I tell you?"

Spoiled Potatoes was one of the biggest movie critique sites. Her movie had gotten a 79% score from professional critics and a 91% audience score. That was incredibly high, especially for a relative newbie like her. She felt a bit faint. 

"I can't believe it," Emily mumbled. "How did this happen?"

"You wrote something great, that's what happened! We should go celebrate. I'm sure I can get someone to babysit," Justin told her before sending out a mass text to everyone he knew in the area asking for help. 

Alexa was the only one available and she agreed on the condition that they take her out to breakfast another day. That was easy enough to manage.