Walk and Chat

"Attention all Students please head to the assembly area before leaving!" *in low voice* "F-finally! Riya they are calling all the students so please stop, i don't want to come home late on my first day. Okay if that's what you want but i have a condition! Ummm... W-what is it? Let me accompany you home so i know where you live and next time you can accompany me to my home okay!!! Huhhh... what!? Do you want me to repeat it for you? No sorry but you can accompany me halfway though that would be enough for me Riya!! Ohhh really but you know this might not happen again for a while are you sure? Y-yes, ummm... Riya they're almost starting so let go!

*4 minutes later*

( 'Hello' - will be use to represent the outside party dialogue/conversation)

'Hey hey wanna go to a cafe?'

'Sure oh are you referring to THAT cafe?'

'You bet!'

'~~~~~' '~~~~' '~\\\~~~'

So we go to the same direction that's a relief right Lee!?

Y-yeah your right! *whispered* Doesn't sound like it Leee! Eep!!? *push lightly* Please stop doing that or please don't accompany it with a heavy breath aimed for my ear. Oh my pushing me like that next time won't work anymore so be prepared! *walking faster and faster* Stop right here Riya this is the part where we split off! Huh, how did you know!? Your ID it has our address if you don't know. Oh my so we have this in our ID's oh how silly of me not knowing it, will since were going to split right here maybe you could sho-. Sorry my ID is not with me right now, and i am in a hurry so bye! Sigh you know i can see it in your back right now, oh will she's gone, anyway maybe i should make some other friends so she won't be the only one.... yeah right if i can handle that i would already done it!