Ayashka had taken the right path ,she made the correct prediction .If they had taken the other path they would have fallen into trap of time because as the saying goes it is said that "vamp trap makes you fly in time".
The path was once written but then when Karuki gained power he burned it and all the memories of it.
There is something that the vampire king hides that not even his subjects are to be known. After walking for an hour they saw something they could never believe,the path ended into a river and you could guess the river of blood this is what gives life to vampire. But as everyone knows the cruel vampires could never control their thirst for blood . There land had it all but they would be satisfied only when they kill and feel the fear in those victims eye.
Ayato had no idea how to cross it yet they could not keep thinking for long , if by change a vampire came then they would have very few chance to get out of there .He asked Ayashka "dear how are we suppose to cross this ".She speaks "we could not swim through it there would be dangerous creatures in it ,so the only way out is to build a bridge "
Ayato disagrees , if she does this all her blood would be waisted and with that sent of her blood vampires would come.
She understands his reason for disagreement but that was not what she meant .She laughs
and then tells "oh! you silly boy who made you the ice troop commander , you fool use your powers don't waste time " .
Ayato suddenly stretches his strong arms to make a bridge ,a bridge of ice .Ayashka without wasting time crosses the river followed by Ayato .
They could not believe on what was in front. The entire land was red different shades of red but soon they understood that this was just an illusion . As soon as they stepped a few steps further they realized that this land of blood was not red it was beautifully made ,that is because karuki wanted his land to be ahead of others .So one who had a chance to come to this dangerous land would roam in this land of beauty until he is hunted .