
It's a pity

'Kassie, I hope to spend this life and lives yet to come, together with you.' I was hopelessly in love.

She blushed and lowered her line of sight. I took her by the hand and we went to watch the season premiere of my favourite show.

Kassie was a person of lesser words. She was eloquent. This is probably why she spoke less. Another reason would be her family background.

We all need home, a safe place for ourselves. If we are supposed to stay on toes and walk on needles all the time even at home, I believe we all will loose our mind at some point in life. So, was her case.

There was so much inside her. She was a person of talents and tricks, highly intellectual I would say. Who wouldn't be? She was way more mature than the girls her age. When other girls would go around partying, she would be busy researching or making project layouts.

Kassie is a meticulous person. She has a beautiful mind. I still love her for that.

If only life would have been black and white! Shades of grey always pops in. We all have come across people who are very good in general and are genuine personality. But, when it comes to us, they are not really our best go to person.

We were in a college fest when we first met. It was through a lyrics competition in which we had a face off. She was fierce! She still is, I'll give her that.

We gradually started hanging out often and went to events and concerts together. It was a beautiful time with a beautiful partner.

I did not know her family issues back then. I was just having the time of my life with an amazing girl. Well, in initial stages everything seems perfectly fine. Day by day, minute by minute, we came closer or so I would like to believe.

There was this sense of responsibility in me towards her that I wanted to protect her and keep her safe from the world. According to me, she still is very naive when it comes to certain things.

I prepared to propose to her tonight after the show. The show went amazing, I was too engrossed to notice that she was busy with her phone the entire time.

After the premiere ended she asked me to drop her off somewhere. I was feeling a bit off as now I'll have to postpone my plan.

While we were still on the road, she made a phone call and her conversation went something like, 'Don't worry my friend owns a car and he'll drop me off.' My mind was off wondering what possibly I could do to propose to her.

I'm already a familiar person to her family. They have faith in me and also let Kassie to hang out with me. They are conservative people otherwise. Also, I'm the only one Kassie hangs out with even after her curfew time which is why I'm her ticket to the outside world. She often sleepover at her friends in my name and I'm her go to person whenever it comes to going to concerts or places where her family might not allow.

Today was another such day for her where she used me to come out of her place and hang out with her boyfriend. Yes, that's right HER boyfriend.

What happened was, after disconnecting the call, she told me she has something important to tell and will only tell me once we reach the location she gave me.

Upon arrival, she went running in the arms of another guy who was waiting for her there. 'Come, meets my boyfriend Mat!' were the words which were direct hit for me.

I became awkward and laughed hysterically.

After a week or so went by, I came across talks of her cunning behaviour. Soon after, she came to sort things out.

Apparently, I was a rich guy in the eyes of her parents. I was allowed to have my own car which is why they trusted their daughter with me. She knew her parents motive but couldn't help because ofcourse she needed me well.

First time ever I felt bad for having luxury of a car or from being from a well off family.

This wasn't the end though! People still call me at odd timings just because I own a car and I can be anywhere because I'm not in the watch of my parents.

One time I was watching a FIFA World cup match which airs after midnight in my country when I received a call. 'Hey, I just checked my email and guess what, I got the job.' a friend of mine said.

'Congratulations! Let me check mine, Oh no! I didn't make it. But, let's meet sometime, the treat is on you.' I said.

'Yeah, sure! Come over, we will party through the night.' he said.

'Dude, you know I have a cast on my right foot, right?' I replied.

'So, what? Don't you have a car? I mean you can come anywhere right!' was the reply I got.

Having a car is really not a big deal trust me. Every household has at least one car. But just because I'm readily available and my parents don't mind doesn't mean I have to be at the back and call of everybody out there.

I wonder why cabs aren't more in demands than I am!

I am still hung up on the car conversation rather than Kassie. I wonder what's wrong with me!