Be Grateful, Xa'Gun...

Startled by the sound of the pair of throats, Xa'Gun quickly separated himself from Demze.

Being roughly handled, almost to the feeling of being discarded, she crossed her arms, now clearly in a bad mood...

Demze was being stared down by Hellie and Jukzuk.

[It was just getting to the good part...] Demze thought within her mind, though now she felt half relieved it didn't go through, half flustrated. Females of any species would always feel contradictions when it came to their emotions.

Hellie placed her hands on her hips as she calmly spat, "And just what the hell were you doing dearest sister???"

Fixing her attire, and then crossing her arms again, she replied, "I was having a bit of intimacy with my mate."

"That's right! We need to talk about that love bite you call a bite, and what the hell is with the ear cuffs!" Hellie started in on Demze, while Jukzuk went to the kitchen area for a drink... Maybe something with less alcohol...

Xa'Gun shook his head and rose to follow Jukzuk, leaving the sisters to their arguments.


"Midka..." Chieftain Blacktongue beckoned her to the base of his throne.

The voluminous eldest daughter, princess of the Blacktongue clan, knelt at the feet of the large Blacktongue throne.

"Do you know why I have called you here, Midka?" The Chieftain picked his words and spoke slowly, in the dim light provided by the torches.

"I'm not sure, but I have a feeling it would be due to the antics of my sisters," Midka replied while tracing the inlay of the stonework of the Blacktongue Throne.

The Blacktongue Chieftain cleared his throat, and waived his right hand to the room, and pointed to the entrance.

All within the room, with the exception of Midka, nodded, understanding that it was necessary to leave the two alone.

With the shuffling of feet and clanking of bits, bobbles, trinkets, and weapons, the guards, shamans, and advisors left the Throne room, closing the wide doors behind them.

With a dull clatter, the room was secured, and the Chieftain spoke again, "Yes, Midka... Your sisters have caused quite the stir among the clan... Both of the clan's princesses have become attached to one lone male orc slave. I can only feel that it is the might of the spirits that bring him such good favor among the opposite gender." The Chieftain chuckled.

"It may be as you say. I do not find this orc slave to be... worth their time. We have many strong Blacktongue warriors, craftsmen, and merchants... Why would Hellie, let alone, Demze be interested in him." Midka furrowed her brows and spoke her thoughts openly, as she always had in private conversation with the Blacktongue Chieftain.

The Chieftain grunted in understanding, but rose a question, "You don't find him interesting? At all?

"I hesitate to say interesting... Maybe strange is a good choice of words."

"And the spirits didn't add to your interest?" The Chieftain leaned up from his slouching position upon his throne.

"Strange... Very strange is best I can say."

"So, I see." The Chieftain prompted his head on his fist in thought. Silence stretched for a few moments before he spoke his next calculated words.

"Midka, coming back to the reason for you being called-"

"My sisters' antics."

"Right... I do not believe that it is good for Demze to get a powerful ally... At least one that is so easily controlled."

"You believe this orc slave will become great?"

"I'm disappointed, Midka."

Midka cringed under the disapproving tone of their adopted father come Chieftain of the Blacktongues.

"You were present when the spirits spoke... Even naming him themselves, and you dare to question if he is destined for greatness?!?" Chieftain Blacktongue's voice echoed and boomed within the empty throne room.

"I apologize for speaking out of line." Midka

The Chieftain sighed, "Midka, Midka, Midka... This next request is going to be harder than I thought... Before I make such a request, might I know how you feel about your sisters' current affairs?"

"I believe that Demze's short-sighted plans have caused her to feign affection for this orc slave, and after getting what she wants will be looking to discard him for her next toy or plan. I highly doubt that she will be amused by him long enough to form a stable union. As for Hellie... I think they are a good match. From what I've heard, he did not show rejection to her already having laid with another. Not rare among our kind, but the better quality male orc the better quality female they are looking for... Makes me think that this orc slave is of a lower class..."

"Is that so...? Let me break something down for you, so that you may understand."

"As you will, Chieftain." Midka lowered her head again.

"You have grown in a life of privilege. I've spared no expense in your shamanistic training. Forged you into what you are... A strong Orcess among your generation without equal in the shaman arts, that knew no hunger, no heat or cold, and would know no sickness... Do you know why you have this privilege?"

"This is for the clan. I am for the clan."

"That is correct. You are not just a part, but a tool of the clan. Forged by the clan, for the clan. Just as a blacksmith makes his hammer to make more tools, you are that tool of craft."

"Yes, I know Chieftain," Midka said without emotion.

"Then I will get to my request, as I've beat around the bush long enough... I need you to seduce, court, and bind Xa'Gun to you as his mate."

Midka lifted her face, and for the first time showed genuine shock in the presence of the Chieftain. The Chief smiled gently while laughing within his mind.

"For the clan, dear Midka. Demze would misuse Xa'Gun, like a child playing with a battle axe, and Hellie would squander his qualities... I can only leave this to you. If he can be claimed by you, then it would be the same as him being claimed for the clan and not the selfishness of a pair of wayward sisters." The Chieftain rubbed the stubble on his chin.

"I, Uh, ah..."

The Chieftain furrowed his brows, as he did not expect this much resistance after placing emphasis on the clan.

"Are you not of the clan? Is your own mate more important than the clan, Midka?"

"NO... No, I mean... I... I don't know how to complete your command." Midka looked down again to the floor.

Shifting in his seat upon his throne, the Chieftain mouthed her words, "Don't know how??? Don't know??? Don't know how to seduce a male???"

"No~ No, my Chieftain," Midka spoke uneasily.

The Blacktongue rubbed his face in thought, as he spoke again, "I don't see the problem here... Midka, have you never gazed upon your own visage?"

"It is not necessary for the rituals performed by our clan."

"Asking further questions would only give me a headache." The Chieftain groaned. Here he had forged a powerful shaman that forgot she was a female... His plan on binding this cherry orc to his camp might be more difficult than first planned.

"Midka, without sounding like the Orcs of the far west... You are extremely attractive. If you believe your sisters are of good quality, then know you are of a higher one. It would not be difficult to ensure a male orc, as long as he has function male parts, he would beg for your favor."

"They would? Why?"

"Listen up, Midka. I will teach you the secrets of the male mind, from a male perspective... It may be wise to ask your Master's wife for more information on a female's perspective... Remember to know your enemy."

"Yes, Chieftain."

"Male orcs enjoy the body line of an orcess."

"Body line?"

"The figure of the orcess. Bust, waist, hips, and buttocks. These are what visually attract a male orc. A famous saying of this clan among the older orcs is that a pair of breasts has more pulling power than a pair of oxen."

"M-my breast?"


"But these are filled with fat and aid with the development of the young..."

"Yes, they are. It is hardwired in males of all species to look for qualities in females that will provide the best for their potential children. This comes in the form of attraction or the want to mate... Males can only go by what they see when seeking a mate. A fine bust may indicate the ability to feed children and produce enough for more than just one. A slender waist shows general health. Wide hips help with childbirth. Do you understand?"

"What about buttocks?"

"Oh, there are several ideas I've heard the elders toss around while in their cups... From the cheeks mirroring the bust but on the bottom to the idea of the fat content to indicate how many children a female can produce before being unable..."

"What do you think?"

"I believe it shows the female's lifestyle. Thin, and you don't eat enough. Fat, and you eat too much. Muscular, and you train too much. Balance is best, and that's what you have... But that's my personal thoughts."

"I understand."

"Now, you know your mission dear Midka. Hellie will reluctantly yield to you, I'm sure, even if it takes time, but Demze may be an issue... It will be necessary for you to undermine her efforts and steal the march for Xa'Gun."

Midka hit her chest above her heart, and nodded, "By your command, I do for the clan."

The Chieftain nodded, as he watched Midka leave.

[Be grateful, Xa'Gun... I present to you my finest flower... Untouched. I resent you, Xa'Gun. Adopted or not, that was my flower to pick. You really better be the tool of war I need you to be, or I don't mind feeding you to the Rexes.] Chieftain Blacktongue thought as he slouched in his throne, as his generals and aids walked back in for the final meeting before calling it a night.