Prairy town, somewhere within surronding forest
Lay one middle aged man in his suite for work and he still have shoes and case, but just the blood color in his body is out of place from single color of work within body of man
But, in span of minutes the man is have spams just he eat gut of tiger and his body rapidly healed
' Blindness is surronding me, i don't know what the color for i have yet know if my eyes is funtion properly just normal eyes
Pains, unberable pains hug me gently like it's lover but my hearth cannot take it love for my body cannot support it love
Confustion, for know i have not know anything beside pains felling and blind eyes is have yet come to surface and know if lack of information is true blindness
undetermined is ones of factor after confustion come to me and hope this dead road is lightened for first time..
* [| Beep.. host already arrived to destination place, please procced with early plans and come back safely..
Host have two things which bring from the previous place..
First, clock, this panel will tell you how much time you have within that place..
Second, is the gift you received previously and that is placed within small inventory bag hanged in your new tattoo..
Please come within spans of given time..
This is just recorded message, you can do many improve thing for many troble will come to you..
And last message.. your class is warrior |]
After come that message straight to my brain, for unknow reason my body glowing excessisly like lamp in middle of night for a while
What come out is my body with new outfit, leather cloth and pants, heavysword hanging on my back and stone status floated in front of me, with healthty body on bot
" this some sort of cut movie? " My voice rung in my ears and of course no one will answer me, but i just want to say what inside my mind for reason, that is for make my head come straight again
" What i'm supposed to do? " I glance at stone things floated in front of me while think about this strange current status about me..
First, i'm wake up in the middle of forest and some dumb luck my body is gone and become light which absorbed to other people
Second, for my survival, the strange things who i have yet know the name is throw me at very strange place with many strange things about stone and forest
Third, i don't know what Will happen to me again..
" Let just look at first clue then.. "
What i want from the floating stone is information, anything about tell me
+ Status :
Name : ( empety )
Race : half human-half machine
Location : Altea Continent
Str : 7 Ap
Mana : 8 Ap
Body : 7 Ap
Qi : 0 Ap
Skills :
-Qi Cultivation stage 0, footsoldier
-Greatsword mastery lvl 1
-Mana Cultivation Primary
-Physical scripture ( extreme yang physicue, ???,???,...,...)
" name? Halfing? Althea Continent?..what all of them?.. " after look at first clue more unknow things wrapped around my head, make more headache and lastly the culprit is not there when i call them
" Is there no one things common around here? Broken glass? Concentrate building? Soda?.. aishhh.. "
Look around for something normal around me and just get countless trees and brown ground color
" Gahhhh.. is this truly dead end? " Think if time is not wait for no man, i just bring my foot walk to undestination place
Walks around hours to surronding place*
Walked around circle to first place in hours, now finnaly come around civilazation, the place is not big, just size around one village with wood fence as the protection for small animal and not for beast, from far away place the building look like where the wicth is reside and do their magic rechearch
Not want to wait more on solitude my feet walked with skip and soon come to front gate of fence but..
" ...wh- what the.. how can this depression come from?! Is that.. what?" What come greet me is not welcome word from villager nor smile from young people nor suspicious eyes from elders but just one piece of depression in one side of the village to outer place of fence and just from side where i'm come from is intact, just like how the maker want to moke just for fun
Not give up for the work i have done, walk in forest in hours, you know how that is very irrirating? Not counted small bug and countless things which make you think like that is sort of punishment
And think if still something around, the search of anyone or anything who can talk in this small village and hope if there is still have few survivor ia begun while carrying heavy mood
The place is not very big so my pace is fast and the thing i get from this broken place is this..
What i grasped in my hand broken black arrow with strange inscription all over the body and the strange things is the broken arrow let out white pure aura all in over arrow body
"..what i get is just this broken thing.. " fell just how this shet keep appering without make me break i fell discourage for upcoming things
"*Sigh just what me do this? I'm just things who can keep throw around like nothing? Shet"
Unknow to man for he is become target of some unbeileable things lurking in shadow of light
After not find anything about something worth clue beside the huge deepression crater my motivation is gone and deciced to rest in one of slighty broken house and tommorow for further investigation cause the time is night
Morning time*
This morning time is a bit cloudy, not the weather but the mood
" Maybe i should gone from this place fast considering my health mind " my eyes sweeps left and right hope for find something
" Huh? "
My surprise come to surface when find small animal search food in surronding place, to be preciese the animal is snake
The snake slittered here and there searching for something to eta when it head is like jolted and look at certain direction for seconds before it slittered fast to there
" Snake, that common right? "
But for strange reason my felling is telling to make the snake go away from there
" What absurd, really..." My eyes still following the snake but my being still have unese felling and it keep growing after the snake is further ahead
" Akhhhggg " felling frustased for unkwon felling my feet run forward while get my greatsword and slash the snake who aware of my presence who get near it and try to slittered away but the greatsword is heavy for reason and the gravity is pull it faster to the gournd
The snake is chopped half and the blood dye the ground red
" ... "
Think if back off now is late and done, after sheated my sword back and look at snake for one last seconds i'm walked to the broken house in the front, literary broken, all broken from top to bottom so the shape is not like house again but just rubble of wood and stone
Not know what in front of me and confused for anything i just stared blanky at front
And maybe my ears is have clogged of my felling is reacted again i heard small breathing, really small breathing just like candle in the middle of gently wind, at anytime will died down
" ..maybe this you want to tell me? " My question directed at front where the rublle is down and morning wind blowing and of course no one answer me
" Okay good "
Expecting no one answer, of course that it's and touch red tatto in my upper left arm who have line just like how chiken dive upward, i concentrate for take out health portion inside the tatto and not long after my right hand is have felling of shape bottle grasped inside
" I don't know what will happen but at least i can do something " look at transparent bottle filled with red liquid a bit i'm begun moved the rubble from top to bottom
* Crash srrrucckk trreeeekk(sound of wood and stone clashed slighty when the item is slide down)
*Fiveteen minutes laters
Maybe now i know what my felling telling me for
Infront of me is small child culred in ball in corner of broken room stained with red blood all over the body and maybe the child is too much lose the blood the breathing is low, so low like turtle breathing
" Oh no you don't " felling urgent after look at the child i took the red portion from my pocket and feed the child all content to child and the potion is on way worked cause the wound is begin closed at naked eye pace
Not want in this center of place filled with rubble and broken things i bring the child to outside the house, ex house and laid the child with broken cloth in surronding place as matras and plumped beside it
" ...maybe i should call this fortune for this encounter " my gaze ignore how the child have small horns on it head and tail sticking in it bottom and focus at the face and ears
" The face is androgious so i cannot tell much the sex, and the ears is long so the child is advanced human race? Or not human itself? " With grasped my ears if my ears too just like the child but no, my ears still just like how human have
In the midde of broken village is human male and small child is meet and maybe this become fortune or disaster encounter, who know maybe that as what we call as encounter